Tuesday, March 31, 2015

To D.E.A. S.O.D., N.C.I.S., F.B.I., & Homeland Security:

Remember to safely bring in a dozen, criminally stalking license-plated vehicles with "DYK" "LEZ" and "LES" in, to the ISIL counter-terrorism experts at N.C.I.S.

What To Do In The Event Of A Plane Hijacking By ISIL:


According to the internet, if your plane is being hijacked, be extremely calm, cooperative and try to avoid political subjects during interrogation. Try to avoid escalating the risk of any weaponry or bombs going off, as the hijackers, however calm they could appear on the surface, are probably extremely agitated terrorists with desperate mindsets.

If radical Islamic terrorists are around you, demanding identification, give them your passport. If asked about your trip purpose, or occupation, be brief, keeping your hands visible to them, and try to make yourself as unimportant as possible. If you're military, then explain how you're just on a trip for sight-seeing, for instance, and try not to let them think it's for any other reasons.

If you're pointed at and instructed to go with them, comply, and try to get them as far from everyone else as possible. Many terrorists enjoy separating the men from the women and children. Then, they torture them with various techniques, e.g. sexually molesting body searches for valuables, including infants. Their preference is to do this in open view of both groups, to terrorize everyone further.

***If you're in need of assistance, try to get it from the crewmembers, instead of the hijackers. It may cause them more agitation and then they'll need to "show you whose in charge here." ***

If they ask about your political beliefs, e.g. how do you feel about Obama? Answer with a reply about how you were so pleased about his Kenyan, Muslim roots. Then, act distractable, and as illiterate as possible. Use small words.

Other questions the hijackers may ask you:

"Try to explain why you joined the U.S. military?"

Reply: I wanted to see more of the world.

If they want more information, let them know how much you admire their "organized state." Be vague, yet positive. Organized states of minds, and the true credibility of any pure Muslims' dedication to prayer, strict observations of the training, involved for being a "freedom fighter" is very impressive to you. You enjoy true discipline, and that runs in your own family tree actually.

They may try to figure out what your percentage of threat level to them is, by comparing your religious beliefs to what they perceive as an "infidel/kafir/heretic/non-believer." The lower you can score on their threat level assessment for any interrogation, the safer and calmer the situation will be for everyone. Religious questions may occur. Be prepared to confide in them regarding the people you know who are truly "infidels."

Bring up celebrities that you feel are traitors to the "pure state of Islam," in case this gets you a bathroom break. Turn them over as the Prophet Mohammed's enemies. Maybe you "know how they could feel." Use their vocabulary as much as possible. Perhaps it's best to act sympathetic to their loss of fighters.

Empathetic body language and matching vocabulary level are worth it. Try to come as close to their radical beliefs in jihad, apocalypse, or end-of-days as possible. They enjoy pretending that what they're doing is to protect the innocent women and children, even though they truly enslave and repeatedly molest them.

Be accepting and positive about their sharia reasoning, radical ideology, or propaganda, in front of them. The longer you can distract them by building rapport, the calmer the hijackers will feel. This will also help the other passengers who are children, or pregnant, the longer you can distract them with agreeable, supportive conversation.

To N.C.I.S., F.B.I., & D.E.A. S.O.D.:

Nathan Paul Hemingway and his 18 year-old son are again criminally stalking and abusing me, after repeatedly physically, sexually and psychologically abusing me.

To All Dam Neck, Virginian Churchgoers:

Bless their rapist souls today, Dam Neck, Virginians, these irreplaceable, cop-killing, corrupt, law enforcement thug friends of theirs need U.S. Navy SEALS' assistance, for defending their civil rights to rape women, maim, attempt to get classified data, beat people who stand in their psychopathic ways and attempt to assassinate the South Vietnamese Army Colonel's daughter.

To Feminist, Minority N.C.I.S., C.I.A., N.S.A., & U.S. Navy SEALS:

Nathan Paul Hemingway and his violent, 18 year-old son are again criminally stalking, harassing and threatening to put me away for being crazy, yet they need me to cook, clean, and be their rape slave, because they're addicted to their need for repeatedly physically assaulting me.

Campus Rapists, Newsweek Link:


Rapists and pedophiles can be very charismatic and declare legal defenses such as, "another sleepwalking episode" or it truly wasn't them somehow, based on their Aryan, lookalike, militia thug associates. Coincidentally, they may have many meth-addicted acting, brutally violent associates with the same name and styles of hair, dress, and occupations.

This can be chalked up again and again to a legal defense that those gangs, cartels, pimps, poly-addicts are all connected by "mere coincidences." If that's met with healthy disbelief, they enjoy deciding that those suspicious terrorists were good ole boys, or innocent, due to their Aryan, "Christian," blonde, blue-eyed "good genes."

Germanwings Co-Pilot Mass Murderer Had Many Red Flags, "A Dark Side"


When will Germany address this pervasive culture of rape, which, along with terrorism, seems to cause genocide repeatedly against their women and children? The "machismo" in Germany's oppressive culture ironically rapes and kills many minorities, impoverished, GLBT, Jewish, many of the women and children.

To N.A.A.C.P., A.C.L.U., Ms., Lillith Feminist Magazine Executives:


Serial rapists and child molesters will tend to rant and rave about their militias' religious righteousness, against Jewish people, scream about all sorts of oppression in a violent manner. They don't make sense, and their reality is brutally violent.

They seek some type of throne and those that threaten their royal egos have to be annihilated in a roid raging, cutthroat quest for "victory." The unusual part is their desire to brainwash everyone to be only under their control. I can't see how any drug mules can justify that their chosen occupations are holy, or for any religions.

They make deals with so many drug cartels: then, they feel justified in blaming everyone for their woes, or lost suppliers for their anabolic steroids/HgH/crack/meth/opiates/rape slaves.  They have some type of hatred, and vendetta towards battered, disabled, minority, and Jewish women and children that they have  actually justified somehow in their violent minds.

They lie, "groom victims" for molestation, mind rape, racketeer, and manipulate to become powerful authorities so much in this state though. I noticed a pattern of poly-addictions, and an attitude of tryanny. Can this truly mean that crack cartels will get to run rampant and own half of Colorado's churches though?

When they switch into their violence, they then cry desperately and blame their victims for "causing" their violence. Then, they start to dictate to Jewish people around them about hateful anti-semitic ideologies, such as how "Jews killed Christ," or how "the f---ing Jews control the media!"

Later on, they decide that they are all somehow "bipolar," as a legal defense for repeatedly battering, raping their wives, ex-wives, fiancee, etc. But how could so many people be truly "bipolar?" There's a pattern where they also enjoy beating, manipulating, raping both men and women. They prey upon as many teenagers and children as they possibly can, to satisfy their addictions to rape, and sexual molestation, including of both genders.

To Feminist, Minority D.E.A. S.O.D.:

A Copper Canyon Apartments, female neighbor of mine in Highlands Ranch was trying to leave some controlling, Christian "church/cult" but I don't which one was criminally stalking and harassing her.

Updated: To CSP, Homeland Security, D.E.A. S.O.D., & N.C.I.S.:

003-PYM COLORADO LICENSE PLATES are with a dozen "666" license plates, some with reversed sixes, or "9" numerical digits today, criminally stalking me for the last two hours. There was a vehicle with a painted logo for Marked Men For Christ (dot org) near them also. I don't know if they are with Deborah Sulema James'Costa Rican drug cartels or Ontario, Canadian ones.


There's a "PERAZZI/PEPARAZZI" custom license plate vehicle with them also.

To All CSP:

To All CSP:
Please check my blog postings from today. Thank you.

Updated: To A.C.L.U., N.A.A.C.P., Ms., & Lillith Feminist Magazine Executives:

Please check all my blog postings from today and yesterday. Thank you.

***There's a dead red-breasted robin bird in my apartment parking lot near my car also. I don't know who left it there.***

To All Feminist, Minority, Disabled, Persian Gulf War Veterans:

Please intercept all of Nathan Paul Hemingway's communications to me for N.C.I.S. Will I actually be arrested for refusing to be repeatedly abused, enslaved, stalked by these terrorists who sexually, physically and psychologically abused me?

To All Hispanic-American Law Enforcement:

Spanish Translation:

Martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

Actualizado: A N.C.I.S., US Navy SEALS, SAS Británico, australiano SASR, S.O.D. DEA:

Por favor, distribuir ropa nueva, drogas, vehículos y armamento para todos el Vice la ley en los Estados Unidos Los ex convictos es probable que sean terroristas ISIL radicalizados y proporcionarles nuevas, alterado las donaciones para identificar y rastrearlos para las decapitaciones grabadas, secuestro de sus hijos por torturas y ejecuciones.

Las nanopartículas tendrán que ser investigados por ellos, antes de aceptar cualquier Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, donaciones de la NRA en Estados Unidos alienta, desfavorecidos policía estaciones. No confíen en la conexión "Caridad/ejecutivo de IBM" en 16 años de edad, cine teatro mío en Plaza de Loehmann (Falls Church, VA).

Hay una conexión con ISIL y uno por ciento, cuadrillas de la motocicleta de brujo forajido (crack, cocaína). Creo que están conectados al espionaje electrónico contra el gobierno de Estados Unidos con espías SAIC. Por favor vuelva a revisar todos McKnight, caballero terrorista software, modificaciones de firmware, físicas de cableado que puede comprometer la seguridad nacional, cualquier paquetes y cartas desde o fuera del país, desde 1990 hasta el presente.

Supervisores de CST y SAIC conectados con el Centro Federal de Denver desde el año 2000 para presentar requerirá la investigación. Conexiones de Tanya Tinnin Wilkinson en sus extendidas, suegros, las familias de los novios con conectores y cables de fibra óptica serán necesario volver a investigación por parte de U.S. Navy SEALS, en N.C.I.S., que son expertos en contraterrorismo ISIL.

Laurin y de Gary Hemingway ISIL I.T. y Mafia italiana conexiones de New Britain, CT todo tendrá que ser segura, se dispuso a la U.S. Navy SEALS en N.C.I.S.

Updated: To Feminist, Minority, C.S.P., F.B.I., Homeland Security, D.E.A. S.O.D., & N.C.I.S.:

Nathan Paul Hemingway and his 18 year-old son are again criminally stalking and harassing me, after physically, sexually and psychologically abusing me repeatedly.

Traditional Chinese Translation: To All Chinese-American, Homeland Security:

Traditional Chinese Translation:

星期二 2015 年 3 月 31 日

更新: 到 N.C.I.S.,美國海豹突擊隊,英國 SAS,澳大利亞 SASR 掃毒組 S.O.D.:

請發佈全新的衣服、 藥品、 車輛和武器給在美國的所有副行政執法前罪犯可能是激進的伊斯恐怖分子和為他們提供新的、 篡改捐款,以識別和跟蹤他們的錄影斬首綁架自己的孩子,酷刑和處決。

納米顆粒將需要由他們進行調查之前,接受任何甲骨文、 微軟、 IBM、 資金不足、 社會底層的美國全國步槍協會捐款員警站。請不要信任在我 16 歲,電影劇院工作 (福爾斯徹奇,VA) Loehmann 廣場"IBM 慈善機構/執行"連接。

那裡有連接到伊斯和術士取締摩托車幫派 (裂紋、 可卡因) 的 1%。我相信它們連接到反對美國政府與上汽間諜的電子間諜活動。請重新檢查所有的麥克奈特,騎士恐怖軟體、 固件修改後,物理佈線,可能危及國家安全,任何包裹和信件從和 (或) 以外的國家,從 1990 年提出。

科學和技術委員會和上汽集團主管連接到丹佛聯邦中心從 2000 年提出將要求重新進行調查。坦尼婭 Tinnin Wilkinson 連接在擴展,公婆,未婚夫家人同光纖電纜和連接器將需要由美國海軍海豹突擊隊,在 N.C.I.S.,是伊斯反恐專家重新調查。

勞林和 Gary 海明威的伊斯 I.T.和義大利黑手黨連接,從新不列顛,CT 將需要安全地提請美國海軍海豹突擊隊在 N.C.I.S.中,

Vietnamese Translation: To All South Vietnamese, Globally:

Vietnamese Translation:

Thứ ba 31 Tháng ba, năm 2015

Cập Nhật: Để N.C.I.S., US Navy SEALS, Anh SAS, Úc SASR, DEA S.O.D.:

Xin vui lòng phân phối mới trang phục, ma túy, xe cộ và vũ khí để tất cả thực thi pháp luật phó tại Hoa Kỳ Những tù nhân cũ có thể có khả năng là Jimmy ISIL khủng bố và cung cấp cho họ với mới, giả mạo sự đóng góp để xác định và theo dõi cho videotaped chặt, bắt cóc con cái của họ để tra tấn và xử tử.

Hạt nano sẽ cần phải được điều tra của họ, trước khi chấp nhận bất kỳ Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, NRA quyên góp tại Hoa Kỳ underfunded, kém may mắn cảnh sát trạm. Xin vui lòng không tin tưởng kết nối "IBM tổ chức từ thiện/điều hành" lúc 16 tuổi, phim nhà hát công việc của tôi trong (Falls Church, VA) Loehmann Plaza.

Đó là một kết nối đến ISIL, và một phần trăm, Warlock ngoài vòng pháp luật xe gắn máy băng nhóm (crack, cocaine) có. Tôi tin rằng họ đang kết nối với các tình báo điện tử chống lại chính phủ Hoa Kỳ với điệp viên SAIC. Xin vui lòng kiểm tra lại tất cả McKnight, Hiệp sĩ phần mềm khủng bố, sửa đổi phần vững, vật lý cáp mà có thể thỏa hiệp an ninh quốc gia, bất kỳ gói và thư từ và/hoặc để bên ngoài quốc gia, từ năm 1990 đến nay.

CST và SAIC giám sát kết nối với Trung tâm liên bang Denver từ năm 2000 đến nay sẽ yêu cầu tái điều tra. Tanya Tinnin Wilkinson kết nối của mình mở rộng, trong luật, fiances' Cặp đôi sợi quang cáp và kết nối sẽ cần tái điều tra bởi US Navy SEALS, tại N.C.I.S., những người là các chuyên gia ISIL chống khủng bố.

Laurin và Gary Hemingway ISIL CNTT và Mafia ý kết nối từ New Britain, CT, tất cả sẽ cần phải được một cách an toàn đưa vào, để US Navy SEALS lúc N.C.I.S.

HebrewTTranslation: To Jewish-American, Homeland Security:

Hebrew Translation:

יום שלישי, מרץ 31, 2015

עדכון: כדי SASR האוסטרלי של קומנדו ימי, SAS הבריטי, N.C.I.S., ארה ב, הל ב S.O.D.:

אנא הפיצו תלבושות חדש, סמים, כלי רכב, כלי הנשק כל סגן אכיפת החוק בארה ב האסירים לשעבר עשוי להיות סביר radicalized ISIL מחבלים, שסיפק להם חדש, התעסק תרומות כדי לזהות ולעקוב אחרי אותם עבור עריפות ראשים מצולמים, חטיפת ילדיהם על עינויים, הוצאה להורג.

חלקיקים יצטרכו להיחקר על ידי אותם, לפני קבלת כל אורקל, מיקרוסופט, IBM, איגוד הרובאים הלאומי תרומות-הברית לשימור, מקופחים משטרה תחנות. בבקשה אל תבטח את החיבור "צדקה IBM/מנכ ל" בעבודה שלי 16 בן, סרט קולנוע פלאזה (כנסיית המפלים, VA) לומנס.

יש חיבור ISIL, אחוז אחד, הידען כנופיות של אופנוע מחוץ לחוק (קראק, קוקאין) שם. אני מאמין שהם מחוברים ריגול אלקטרוני נגד ממשלת ארה עם המרגלים לבין SAIC. נא בדוק שוב מקנייט כל תוכנה טרור אביר, שינויים קושחה, פיזית הכבלים שעלולים לסכן ביטחון לאומי, כל מכתבים וחבילות מ ו/או אל מחוץ למדינה, משנת 1990 להציג.

CST, SAIC מפקחים מחובר למרכז דנוור הפדרלי משנת 2000 להציג ידרוש החקירה מחדש. החיבורים של טניה Tinnin Wilkinson שלה מורחבים, הורי אשתי, של ארוסים משפחות עם סיבים אופטיים כבלים ומחברים יזדקקו החקירה מחדש על ידי U.S. חיל הנחתים, ב N.C.I.S., מומחים בטרור ISIL.

לאורין Gary שהמינגווי ISIL טכנולוגיית מידע, המאפיה האיטלקית וחיבורי מ בריטניה החדשה, CT שכולנו נצטרך להביא בבטחה, חיל הנחתים האמריקאי-N.C.I.S.

Arabic Translation: To Muslim-American, Homeland Security:

Arabic Translation:

الثلاثاء 31 مارس 2015

تحديث: ل N.C.I.S.، الولايات المتحدة قوات البحرية، SAS البريطانية، الأسترالية هناك، الدراس ات المعمق ه S.O.D.:

الرجاء توزيع الأزياء العلامة التجارية الجديدة، والمخدرات، والمركبات والأسلحة لكل نائب إنفاذ القانون في الولايات المتحدة قد يكون المرجح أن التطرف إيسيل الإرهابيين المدانين السابقين وتزويدهم بالجديد، يتم العبث الهبات تحديد وتعقب لهم لقطع الرؤوس المسجلة على شريط فيديو، اختطاف الأطفال للتعذيب وعمليات الإعدام.

سوف تحتاج إلى جسيمات نانوية يتم التحقيق بها، قبل قبول أي أوراكل، ومايكروسوفت، أي بي أم، الشرطة الهبات سلطة المصادر الطبيعية في الولايات المتحدة تعاني من نقص التمويل، والمحرومة المحطات. لا تثق الرجاء الاتصال "IBM الخيرية/التنفيذي" في 16 سنة، فيلم مسرح وظيفتي في بلازا (فولز تشيرش، خامسا) لومان.

هناك اتصال إيسيل، وواحد في المئة، الساحر عصابات الدراجات النارية الخارجة عن القانون (الكراك والكوكايين) هناك. وأعتقد أنها متصلة بالتجسس الإلكترونية ضد حكومة الولايات المتحدة مع جواسيس المتطورة. يرجى إعادة فحص جميع ماكنايت، فارس الإرهابية البرمجيات، وتعديلات البرامج الثابتة، المادية من الكابلات التي يمكن أن تعرض للخطر الأمن القومي، أي من الحزم ورسائل من و/أو إلى خارج البلد، في الفترة من عام 1990 تقديم.

وسوف تتطلب المشرفين لجنة العلم والتكنولوجيا المتطورة متصل إلى مركز دنفر الاتحادية من عام 2000 تقديم إعادة التحقيق. الاتصالات تانيا تينين Wilkinson في بلدها الموسعة، الاصهار، الخطيبين الأسر مع كابلات الألياف البصرية وموصلات سوف تحتاج إلى إعادة التحقيق من قبل "الولايات المتحدة البحرية الأختام" في N.C.I.S.، الذين هم خبراء مكافحة الإرهاب إيسيل.

اتصالات تكنولوجيا المعلومات إيسيل والمافيا الإيطالية لورين و Gary همنغواي من بريطانيا الجديدة، CT جميع ستحتاج إلى يوضع بأمان في، "الأختام البحرية الأمريكية" في N.C.I.S.

Updated: To N.C.I.S., U.S. Navy SEALS, British SAS, Australian SASR, D.E.A. S.O.D.:

Please distribute brand new outfits, drugs, vehicles and weaponry to all the Vice law enforcement in the U.S. The ex-convicts may likely be radicalized ISIL terrorists and providing them with new, tampered donations to identify and track them for videotaped beheadings, kidnapping their children for torture and executions.

Nanoparticles will need to be investigated by them, prior to accepting any Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, NRA donations at the underfunded, underprivileged U.S. police stations. Please do not trust the "IBM charity/executive" connection at my 16 year-old, movie theater job in (Falls Church, VA) Loehmann's Plaza.

There's a connection to ISIL, and one percent, Warlock outlaw motorcycle gangs (crack, cocaine) there. I believe they're connected to electronic espionage against the U.S. government with SAIC spies. Please re-check all McKnight, Knight terrorist software, firmware modifications, physical cabling that can compromise national security, any packages and letters from and/or to outside of the country, from 1990 to present.

CST and SAIC supervisors connected to the Denver Federal Center from 2000 to present will require re-investigation. Tanya Tinnin Wilkinson's connections in her extended, in-laws', fiances' families with fiber optic cabling and connectors will need re-investigation by U.S. Navy SEALS, at N.C.I.S., who are ISIL counter-terrorism experts.

Laurin and Gary Hemingway's ISIL I.T. and Italian Mafia connections from New Britain, CT will all need to be safely brought in, to the U.S. Navy SEALS at N.C.I.S.

To Homeland Security: Arrest and Search Warrant Needed For Nathan Paul Hemingway, Anthony Paul Hemingway

Nathan Paul Hemingway and his 18 year-old violent son, Anthony Paul Hemingway are both criminal stalking and harassing me after attempted assassination, physically, sexually and psychologically abusing me.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Arab Nations Allied Military-U.S. Cooperation Should Ideally Prevent Friendly Fire


I support a limited participation with the allied, Arab military force. It will prevent friendly fire, which I always consider beneficial. Beyond that, no one is allowed to fraternize with them.

The U.S. military has security protocols (research "Faust" in previous blog posting). Cooperation can not be fraternization, treasonous actions such as selling classified data to the allied, Arab Force, or any other disclosures not fully approved by your chain of command, to protect national security.

Releasing of information to them will possibly require new training, with intense, war-similation, speed drills, at least for a full year, in enlisted, I.T. and associated rates/occupations.

In other words, this means the enlisted will need to study three extra hours per day, every day of the week, and sweat continually for twelve months in I.T. It helps to get into the best cardio shape also.

An hour-long, daily, fast run, uphill as a division may actually alleviate the stress of the new security training, with safer (prenatal versions of lamaze, yoga, pilates) alternatives for the physically challenged, malnourished poor orphans, postnatal (up to 1 year post-birth/any surgeries for the men), and pregnant mothers. This will build team morale, and self-esteem.

Indiana SB 101 : What Is It? Wikipedia Link On Its GLBT Discrimination Controversy:


I saw the news coverage on the Indiana SB 101 Religious Freedom Act but haven't read the actual bill. The Indiana Lt. Governor was interviewed and raised some concerns that people would possibly perceive the state to be non-inclusive to young professionals, a more preferable demographic to boost their homeowners' population for public schools' funding, and to attract an age group with less pre-existing health conditions.

The PTA can not raise enough for all the ESL, challenged students. Typically, they only received a quarter of what they truly require for their public schools. It's not enough to help impoverished students who can not afford the vaccinations and prescription eyeglasses to become literate.

Where will the additional funding come from, to design a safer public school building, designed for lock-down procedures to prevent high fatality rates in the event of mass shootings, or those drug cartel, drive-by shootings?

I'm actually also concerned about the Indiana, nuclear power plants there getting enough federal funding to safely update all their equipment, provide bilingual (Spanish, English) safety protocols training and hire more Hispanic-American, bilingual supervisors to protect those who may not be completely fluent. I hope this SB 101 controversy won't cause the Obama Administration to lower their federal funding for those projects in Indiana.

Truthfully, they're going to require increased law enforcement there to run mandatory, identity verification, background checks on all the employees, monitor their activities in secure areas with updated surveillance equipment, and perform those comprehensive drug tests, with three independent laboratories.

It's going to cost a lot for the newest biometric, identification systems, with secured, highly-redundant, Oracle databases, data centers  there, which is a critical necessity, with the increase in terrorism globally. What happens in the world also tends to negatively impact the most impoverished within Indiana.

Due to my old age now, I still remember that Meryl Streep movie, "Silkwood." The last thing any impoverished, pregnant mother would need would be a nuclear meltdown, or accident occurring in that environment. The underpaid laborers are similar to the Appalachian coal miners. Their lives do indeed matter, despite their underprivileged, socioeconomic statuses.

I hope the federal government can also share information without charge to local law enforcement there regarding nuclear power plants' security. They have a subscription fee for those databases at the D.E.A. S.O.D.

Indiana does not receive enough federal funding, because of their inclusion of impoverished, migrant, farm workers, including molested, pregnant, preteens, teenagers who are illiterate, challenged, disabled, homeless and battered. Therefore, Indiana is unable to provide the compassionate, year-round, bilingual, I.B. boarding schools for their migrant, farm workers.

To Feminist A.C.L.U., N.C.I.S., D.E.A. S.O.D., F.B.I., Ms., Lillith Magazine Executives, & C.I.A.:

Nathan Paul Hemingway and his 18 year-old son are again criminally stalking and harassing me, after they both physically, sexually and psychologically abused me.

Polarized Republicans & Democrats Clashing In Predominantly GOP Congress


I would rank a poorly-trained, malnourished, underfunded, understaffed, U.S. military, an unreliable power grid, lack of national, updated, reliable, crude oil refineries, natural disasters, drought and U.S. satellites, I.T. security as my top concerns. Congress can hopefully straighten out the bipartisanship, which seems to cause economically devastating, federal government shutdowns.

Another federal government shutdown needs to be avoided, not just due to consumer confidence. FEMA, and all of the federal agencies perform critical roles in our country. This leads to untrained first responders, and furloughs in U.S. law enforcement.

The militias and gangs don't seem as much a threat to us as the international drug cartels and terrorists. Many small, rural towns in Colorado can not afford their police uniforms, bullet-proof vests, vehicles, salaries, let alone ammunition and shotguns.

Many have no fire department, or any 24/7, 365 days per year, urgent care, medical center within an hour, one-way. That's why President Obama's approval ratings fell drastically in this poll. The domestic terrorists, or Aryan militias flourish, and get recruits as a result of the lack of rural law enforcement funding. The rural elderly perish in blizzards, with power outtages. In the hottest months, the poor die from heat stroke, during rolling blackouts, in major U.S. cities.

It makes sense to bury powerlines and re-vamp the older ones at major (geological)  tectonic plates' fault lines. The oil, natural gas, nuclear power plants have to be more automated, expanded ten-fold, and updated for major national disasters. Without adequate law enforcement, expanding the nuclear power plants seems highly dangerous, and extremely unwise.

I have to switch to being an Independent/unaffiliated with Democratic and Republican political parties now, as a result of those reasons, preventing another G.F.C., and all the atheist, liberals who preyed upon me also. I hope all those private charities don't go bankrupt, as they're helping feed and shelter the pregnant, molested preteens.

Updated: To N.C.I.S., F.B.I., D.E.A. S.O.D., C.S.P., & C.I.A.:

I have been trying to both strengthen and bring mobility back into my right hip, knee and ankle following multiple, physical sprains to it. My orthopedic surgeon noticed a measurable difference in the size of my right calf vs left one a few years ago. I had a right wrist sprain from being punched at repeatedly and couldn't bend my right fingers well. My right shoulder was yanked out of its joint. I sustained a cervical spinal sprain, or whiplash, slipped spinal cord discs and severe concussion also.

I didn't think my right knee, ankle and hip could go up two flights of stairs, but I feel there's more improvements in how it moves and bends now. There's less stiffness in going down the stairs. I still have speech difficulties in moving my tongue, and sensitivity to light, following my concussion. Instead of the broken glass pain between my left ribs, now it just feels stiff and sore, fortunately. At one point, I thought my right hip came out of its joint, getting out of my car, in Highlands Ranch, and I had a tremendous amount of pain in it, but it hasn't slipped out again. My neck always hurts a great deal.

***Nathan Paul Hemingway and his 18 year-old son have again criminally stalked and harassed me.***

To D.E.A. S.O.D., F.B.I., N.C.I.S., C.S.P., N.S.A. & C.I.A.:

Nathan Paul Hemingway and his 18 year-old son who have both physically, sexually and psychologically abused me are again criminally stalking and harassing me.

To N.C.I.S., D.E.A. S.O.D., F.B.I., C.S.P., & Homeland Security:

Nathan Paul Hemingway and his 18 year-old son who have both been sexually, physically and psychologically abusing me. They have again criminally stalked and harassed me.

To N.C.I.S., D.E.A. S.O.D., F.B.I., & C.S.P.:

Nathan Paul Hemingway has again criminally stalked and harassed me.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Updated: To Asian-American, Feminist U.S. Law Enforcement, & N.C.I.S.:

Nathan Paul Hemingway will need to be atrested for criminally stalking me again. He and his 18 year-old son have both been physically, psychologically and sexually abusive towards me.

Spanish Translation: To All Hispanic-American Feminists In U.S. Law Enforcement:

Spanish Translation:

Domingo, 29 de marzo de 2015

Florida estado desviado de pedófilos en cumplimiento de la ley

Oficial de policía de Florida sexualmente abusa del niño y haber tratado de ofrecer los dos años de edad a otros violadores de banda. Policía Orlando y todos los lugares en que previamente trabajó tendrá que ser investigado por una cultura de pedofilia, violación, violencia doméstica y poly-adicciones. Por favor no confía en los empleados de Disney World o Disneyland tampoco.

Traditional Chinese Translation: To All Chinese-American Feminists In U.S. Law Enforcement:

Traditional Chinese Translation:

星期日 2015 年 3 月 29 日


佛羅里達州警官性騷擾蹣跚學步,並可能試圖向其他崗強姦犯提供兩歲。奧蘭多警方和他被雇用了在以前的所有地方將需要被追究的戀童癖、 輪奸、 家庭暴力和聚癮的文化。請不要不信任任何狄斯奈樂園的員工。

Vietnamese Translation: To All Vietnamese-American Feminists In U.S. Law Enforcement:

Vietnamese Translation:

Chủ Nhật 29 Tháng ba, năm 2015

Florida tình trạng Deviant Pedophiles trong thực thi pháp luật

Florida cảnh sát tình dục molests trẻ, và có thể đã cố gắng để cung cấp cho tuổi hai để hiếp dâm băng đảng khác. Orlando cảnh sát và tất cả những nơi ông làm việc ở trước đó sẽ cần phải được điều tra cho một nền văn hóa của pedophilia, băng đảng hiếp dâm, bạo lực và poly-nghiện. Xin vui lòng không tin bất kỳ nhân viên Disneyworld hoặc Disneyland hoặc.

Hebrew Translation: To All Jewish-American Feminists In U.S. Law Enforcement:

Hebrew Translation:

יום ראשון, מרץ 29, 2015

פלורידה מדינה סוטה של פדופילים באכיפת החוק

קצין משטרה פלורידה מינית molests הפעוט, אולי ניסה להציע את בת שני האנסים כנופיות אחרות. אורלנדו המשטרה ואת כל המקומות שהוא הועסק ב בעבר יצטרכו להיחקר על תרבות של פדופיליה, אונס קבוצתי, אלימות במשפחה, התמכרויות-פולי. בבקשה אל תסמכו על כל העובדים דיסניוורלד או דיסנילנד גם.

Florida A Deviant State Of Pedophiles In Law Enforcement


Florida police officer sexually molests toddler, and may have tried to offer the two year-old to other gang rapists. Orlando Police and all the places he was employed at previously will need to be investigated for a culture of pedophilia, gang rape, domestic violence and poly-addictions. Please do not trust any Disneyworld or Disneyland employees either.

Confederate Flag Celebrated In Florida


Hutaree and Aryan hate militias are included, as Floridian politicians? These KKK and neo-Nazis of Florida are funding our country's David Dukes, hate criminals, and Spring Break, frat rapists.

Windsor High School, Colorado's Hate Criminals


Confederate flag is celebrated at Windsor High School, in Colorado. This is the general, Aryan,  culture of the meth, crack and heroin cartels here.

To African-American, Feminist, Females at F.B.I.:

Please fly in 20,000 D.C. Metro, African-American feminist law enforcement to review the Colorado Springs Police Department for mishandling corruption, domestic violence, rape, and sexual molestation.

Co-Pilot May Have Been Bipolar With Antidepressant Drug-Induced Psychosis, Manic Episodes


Germanwings should have four pilots at all times. This way they have a lower chance of allowing any more terrorists to be left alone. Three of the four pilots should be experienced females, who are well-known as excellent mothers, ideally.

NYC : Al-Qaeda's Paradise


I think it's best to refocus NYC on removing all gang graffiti, body modifications and tattoos. This explosion wouldn't have occurred, if many of the gangs, cartels and hate criminals were executed via a U.S. military tribunal death penalty. Over 99.99% of them are repeatedly sexually molesting children and will simply become radicalized jihadists in prison there.

Papua New Guinea Needs Humanitarian Assistance From U.S. Navy SEALS


Due to the cannibal tribes in Papua New Guinea, any humanitarian aid should be with a 75% armed, security personnel. I don't know if they pose a greater threat than Somali pirates, but I feel both should be eradicated. The Peace Corps are not going to survive the cannibal tribes on their own.

Tanzanian Hate Criminals, Radicals The Norm


Tanzania has become a country of abhorrent genocidal practices. The lack of United Nations peacekeeping troops who can develop afair election for law enforcement has to occur first. The Colorado court systems are indeed corrupt, yet I feel positive that at least there are court buildings. Tanzania doesn't seem to even have safe drinking water, or public schools for girls' literacy. Genital mutilation and throwing battery acid at females' faces is the norm there. It's both genders that have participated in these unspeakable practices.

The One In Four Statistic & Kleiner Perkins


The patriarchal culture of violence and poly-addictions are worth investigating at all Silicon Valley corporations, especially at Kleiner Perkins, despite the ruling. It's safest if that sector isn't hiring the types of personalities that can't be trusted with infants, and scared, homeless, pregnant teenagers from the poorest neighboods/barrios. It makes sense to prevent corporate espionage. Beyond that, there have been valid articles stating that one in four executives in corporations are actually psychopaths.

Updated: To Veteran, Minority, Feminist, Females at N.C.I.S., D.E.A. S.O.D., F.B.I., & N.S.A.:

These terrorists are connected to all the other ISIL criminal stalkers.

Colorado license plates (4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. approximately today):

(Connected to the OKK, KK, WKK, PKK, ZKK plated vehicles that previously stalked me)

black car, I-25 Northbound, near downtown Denver exit

Near downtown Denver exit on I-25 Northbound
(Look at my Northern Virginia junior high school, Science classmates' names, and my Denver VA Medical doctors names)



-A dozen Harley Davidson motorcycle riders with black leather jackets, Caucasian, older, gray-haired on I-25 Northbound, near Thornton exit

(On I-70 Westbound, headed past the Denver West/Colorado Mills exit towards Evergreen)



Arab Summit Propaganda Reads Well, Yet No Al-Qaeda Terrorists From Qatar Can Be Brought To Justice


Until the Arab summit forms a unified, United Nations-approved military force that actually upholds the Geneva Conventions, they will be viewed as leaders promoting the continuing rape, molestation, arranged child marriages, and genocide of female children in their nations.

The troubling concern is that Russia, which recently invaded Ukraine, is now aggressively funding ISIL in Turkey. They will say what the American public wants to hear, yet reward their own pillaging, looting, privileged, male, Russian assassins with Ukrainian child slaves to traffick, molest and  torture for entertainment. The truth is it's illegal to be a literate, empowered female in all of their countries.

The Arab summit is merely a strategic, PR gathering for these all-male, world leaders to unite against the same "oppressive, feminist, Western culture" that they pretend to celebrate and protect. Their Arab summit agenda centers upon recruiting, harboring, releasing and funding Al-Qaeda, radicalized terrorists. The nation of Qatar has been hiding behind the Chechen ISIL network also. Qataris who fund Al-Qaeda terrorism must be extradited for U.S. military tribunals, with death penalties.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

To Asian-American, Feminist, Female N.C.I.S.:

There was a ZKK Colorado license-plated vehicle criminally stalking me at Ft Morgan, from I-70 Eastbound to I-25 Northbound exit today also (KKK terrorist signaling).

To All South Vietnamese Army Rangers:

I dedicate the song, "Roar," by Katy Perry to my favorite heroes, the South Vietnamese Army Rangers.

Vietnamese Translation: Northglenn, Colorado Corruption

Vietnamese Translation:

Thứ bảy 28 Tháng ba, năm 2015

Nữ quyền, dân tộc thiểu số, cựu chiến binh tại FBI, DEA S.O.D., N.C.I.S., & N.S.A.:


Xin vui lòng có trong Northglenn toàn bộ cảnh sát được nhận xét cho mishandling chivied tấn công tình dục/lạm dụng/pedophilia/trẻ em khiêu dâm/con hiếp dâm nô lệ buôn bán trường hợp; Amber Stone sẽ cần phải được tái điều tra bởi 1.000 nữ quyền, dân tộc thiểu số, cựu chiến binh người đại lý FBI và chuyên về trẻ em nối tiếp molestation.

Vietnamese Translation: Longmont, Colorado Corruption

Vietnamese Translation:

Thứ bảy 28 Tháng ba, năm 2015

Cập Nhật: Để DEA, FBI, A.C.L.U., bà, giám đốc điều hành tạp chí Lillith nữ quyền, & NAACP:


Tôi hy vọng các doanh nghiệp nhỏ Longmont, trang trại và các trại chăn nuôi có thể nhận được miễn phí, từ bi thuế và trợ giúp pháp lý. Nhiều người sẽ cần giúp đỡ nhận được học bổng để độ kinh doanh, ở tất cả các trường đại học nhà nước. Thanh thiếu niên của họ đang hy vọng để chấp nhận với học bổng toàn phần và thực sự xứng đáng một cơ hội thứ hai/xem xét lại. Nó là rất khó khăn cho các ESL, và cựu học sinh ESL để có được người được ơn việc làm, hoặc được cung cấp học bổng Westpoint.

Tôi hy vọng 10.000 quyền dân sự, hành động lớp, nữ quyền, dân tộc thiểu số, cựu chiến binh luật sư có thể là một phần của giải pháp cho việc làm và học bổng phân biệt đối xử những người nhập cư thế hệ đầu tiên đối mặt với trên một cơ sở hàng ngày. Một số sinh viên tốt nghiệp trường cao đẳng sẽ cần một phụ bốn năm để trả hết các khoản vay sinh viên của họ, vì vậy tôi hy vọng các khoản vay học phí có thể được trả chậm mà không có sự quan tâm cho một bốn năm, mà không vĩnh viễn stigmatizing chúng.

Một số đã có phân biệt đối xử cho vay tự động, vì vậy sẽ cần khoản vay của họ tự động trả chậm cho một năm mà không có bất cứ quan tâm trả. Thị trường việc làm là cực kỳ khó khăn ngay bây giờ ở Denver tàu điện ngầm và tàu điện ngầm Boulder. Nhiều nạn nhân hiếp dâm trẻ, nữ sẽ cần hỗ trợ tài chính để di chuyển ra khỏi nhà nước và phá vỡ của cho thuê căn hộ. Họ (và con cái của họ) nên được di dời càng sớm càng tốt.

Do mức độ bạo lực ở Longmont, xin vui lòng mang lại phê duyệt A.C.L.U. nhi khoa và bác sĩ gia đình để xem xét tất cả nhà cung cấp chăm sóc sức khỏe, bao gồm tất cả các tư vấn viên, Dịch vụ xã hội, chương trình WIC, có ở Longmont và một bán kính 100 dặm bên ngoài Trung tâm Longmont.

Vietnamese Translation: Regarding Dynel Lane

Vietnamese Translation:

Thứ bảy 28 Tháng ba, năm 2015

Cập Nhật: Để giết người nối tiếp cho trẻ sơ sinh các chuyên gia tại FBI, & DEA S.O.D.:


Mỗi bệnh nhân Dynel Lane hỗ trợ như một trợ lý y tá sẽ cần phải được tái kiểm tra và phỏng vấn cho sự cẩu thả, lạm dụng và đánh cắp nhận dạng trong một vị trí tin cậy bởi bịnh tinh thần bạo lực này. Ngoài ra, con trai đã chết của cô sẽ phải được tái exhumed, nếu có thể, cho hai độc lập autopsies.

Tất cả các nhà cung cấp chăm sóc y tế liên quan đến anh ta và Dynel Lane sẽ cần phải được tái điều tra bởi S.O.D. DEA Tây Ban Nha-Mỹ, song ngữ, nữ quyền, và các chuyên gia giết người nối tiếp cho trẻ sơ sinh của FBI. Longmont sẽ đòi hỏi một đội ngũ 2.000 nữ quyền, dân tộc thiểu số, cựu chiến binh là FBI đại lý, 500 nữ quyền, mminority, cựu chiến binh người đại lý DEA S.O.D., để tìm hiểu làm thế nào nhiều nạn nhân khác Dynel Lane bị lạm dụng và có khả năng giết ai. Sở cảnh sát Longmont sẽ cần phải được xem xét ngoài ra, cho mishandling bất kỳ phản ứng kêu gọi bạo.

Vietnamese Translation: To All South Vietnamese-Americans:

Vietnamese Translation:

Thứ bảy 28 Tháng ba, năm 2015

Cập Nhật: Để Châu á-Mỹ, nữ quyền, cựu chiến binh tại N.C.I.S., FBI, DEA S.O.D., bà & Lillith nữ giám đốc điều hành tạp chí:

Từ 11: 00 đến 12 giờ trưa ngày hôm nay, tôi hình sự cuống bởi mười xe với tấm giấy phép "666", một số với đảo ngược số sixes, hoặc "9 của" trong đó. Họ với xe với tấm giấy phép Colorado:

123-...(đen, Chevy Tahoe SUV, tối màu-windows)

Một đen, Chevy Tahoe SUV với bóng tối màu windows hình sự rình rập tôi lúc giữa trưa khoảng cũng


(Bạc sedan)




555-...(tối màu be pick-up xe tải với một logo của công ty có từ "xây dựng" trên nó)

969-...(Điều này trên I-25 Northbound gần Thornton lối ra, một số khác trong thị trường Thái Bình Dương bãi đậu xe với chiếc xe ZZZ)

Một màu xanh pick-up xe tải với số của tôi ba đầu tiên của tôi số an sinh xã hội, đứng đầu lên đoạn đường nối lối ra Thornton từ I-25 Northbound

@ 12:52:00 ngày hôm nay trên giao lộ 76 Westbound bên cạnh lối ra 1A:


Chiếc xe cuối cùng với một số khác với tấm giấy phép tùy chỉnh "SIMTECH".

Đây là một liên kết có thể để bọn khủng bố ISIL Nam á trong Colorado.


Đây là một liên kết thứ hai có thể để bọn khủng bố ISIL Bỉ trong Colorado:


Đây là một liên kết có thể thứ ba để bọn khủng bố ISIL người Mỹ trong vòng Colorado:


Đây là một liên kết thứ tư có thể để bọn khủng bố ISIL trong chính phủ liên bang Hoa Kỳ và ký kết hợp đồng/thầu phụ cộng đồng những người có thể preying khi nữ, vô gia cư, đập, tàn tật, thiểu số cựu chiến binh trong khi ở các vị trí của sự tin tưởng:


Dưới đây là một thứ năm có thể ISIL tuyển dụng phòng trang web/chat:


Updated: To Asian-American, Feminist, Veterans at N.C.I.S., F.B.I., D.E.A. S.O.D., Ms., & Lillith Feminist Magazine Executives:

From 11 a.m. to 12 noon today, I was criminally stalked by ten vehicles with "666" license plates, some with reversed number sixes, or "9's" in them. They were with vehicles with Colorado license plates:

123-...(black, Chevy Tahoe SUV, dark tinted-windows)

Another black, Chevy Tahoe SUV with dark-tinted windows was criminally stalking me at noon approximately also


Another "PMM" with 25...-PMM
(Silver sedan)




555-...(dark beige pick-up truck with a company logo that had the word "build" on it)

969-...(This one on I-25 Northbound near Thornton exit, another one in Pacific Ocean Market parking lot with the ZZZ vehicle)

A blue pick-up truck with my first three numbers of my social security number that headed onto the Thornton exit ramp from I-25 Northbound

@12:52 p.m. today on Junction 76 Westbound next to exit 1A:


The last vehicle was with another one with "SIMTECH" custom license plates.

Here's a possible link to South Asian ISIL Terrorists within Colorado.


Here's a second possible link to Belgian ISIL Terrorists within Colorado:


Here's a third possible link to American ISIL Terrorists within Colorado:


Here's a fourth possible link to ISIL Terrorists within the U.S. federal government and contracting/subcontracting community who may be preying upon female, homeless, battered, disabled, minority veterans while in positions of trust:


Here's a fifth possible ISIL recruiting site/chat room:


To Feminist, Minority, Veterans at the F.B.I., D.E.A. S.O.D., N.C.I.S., & N.S.A.:


Please have the entire Northglenn Police Department reviewed for mishandling chid sexual assault/abuse/pedophilia/child porn/child rape slave trafficking cases; Amber Stone will need to be re-investigated by 1,000 feminist, minority, veterans who are F.B.I. agents and specialize in serial child molestation.

Updated: To Serial Infant Homicide Specialists At F.B.I., & D.E.A. S.O.D.:


Every patient that Dynel Lane assisted as a nurse aide will need to be re-examined and interviewed for negligence, abuse and identity theft in a position of trust by this violent psychopath. Also, her deceased son will need to be re-exhumed, if possible, for two independent autopsies.

All healthcare providers associated with him and Dynel Lane will need to be re-investigated by the Hispanic-American, bilingual, feminist D.E.A. S.O.D., and F.B.I.'s serial infant homicide specialists. Longmont will require a team of 2,000 feminist, minority, veterans who are F.B.I. agents, 500 feminist, mminority, veterans who are D.E.A. S.O.D. agents, to find out how many other victims Dynel Lane abused and potentially murdered. The Longmont Police Department will need to be reviewed also, for mishandling any response calls for domestic violence.

Updated: To D.E.A., F.B.I., A.C.L.U., Ms., Lillith Feminist Magazine Executives, & N.A.A.C.P.:


I hope the Longmont small businesses, farms and ranches can get free, compassionate tax and legal assistance. Many will need help getting scholarships to business degrees, at all the state universities. Their teenagers are hoping for acceptance with full scholarships and truly deserve a second chance/reconsideration. It's very difficult for the ESL, and former ESL students to acquire gainful employment, or be offered Westpoint scholarships.

I hope 10,000 civil rights, class-action, feminist,  minority, veteran attorneys can be part of the solution to the employment and scholarship discrimination these first-generation immigrants face on a daily basis. Some college graduates will need an extra four years to pay off their student loans, so I hope their tuition loans can be deferred without interest for another four years, without permanently stigmatizing them.

Some have had auto loan discrimination, so will need their auto loans deferred for a year without any interest charged. The job market is extremely challenging right now in Denver Metro and Boulder Metro. Many young, female rape victims will need financial assistance to relocate out of state and break their apartment leases. They (and their children) should be relocated as soon as possible.

Due to the violence level in Longmont, please bring in A.C.L.U.-approved pediatricians and family physicians to review all healthcare providers, including all counselors, Social Services, WIC, EBT in Longmont and a 100 mile radius outside of the center of Longmont.

To A.C.L.U., Ms., Lillith Feminist Magazine Executives, N.A.A.C.P.: Adamis-1 Epinephrine Injections Rejected By FDA, Based On Its Dosing


All the Headstart and public schools will require donations of FDA-approved, American Academy of Pediatrics-approved, epinephrine injections for all of their allergic students, with paid, week-long, training programs for all faculty and staff on how and when to administer those shots. Each room should ideally have a bright red box, locked, with the FDA-approved epinephrine injections, in case of severe allergic reactions to nuts, seafood, pollen, etc. There needs to be a federal fundraiser in every state to protect the youngest children at public schools. There should also be EMT scholarships awarded to 1/2 of each public school's faculty and staff.

Diary Entry: Neil Armstrong Quote: " ...one giant leap for mankind"


This is the most appropriate quote for the battered, disabled, neighbor's miracle babies, born in the challenging manner known to mankind. Despite all the abuse, hate crimes  they all suffered, including in utero, they were born and are still alive, miraculously. That's definitely more challenging than getting to walk on the moon. Hopefully all those hate criminals are gathered up for U.S. military tribunals. Instead of preying upon helpless children, minority, pregnant disabled, and elderly, they need to brought in to the 350 pound, armed men, from the D.C. Metro's African-American ghettos who are U.S. Special Forces.

Updated: To D.E.A. S.O.D., F.B.I., N.C.I.S., & Homeland Security:


The "PMM" janitorial contracts with GSA (all state federal centers associated with PMM) will need review by Homeland Security, to ensure every employee can be verified, background checked, retinally scanned, and comprehensively drug tested for all prescription, illicit drugs, and alcohol.


PMM also terrorist signals to drug distribution, and bombing activities at the U.S. Navy's PMM/morale divisions/MWR centers. The volunteers and employees may be ISIL.  Please be cautious about the "brownies" left out for mass poisoning military service members.

Updated: To Homeland Security, Denver & D.C.:

Criminally Stalking, Colorado ISIL Terrorist License Plates:

(The newer version of those Belgian PYM ISIL)

(ISIL data centers, network operations centers, communications centers, and/or, my sister's Vietnamese name)

I-25 Northbound
6 a.m approximately today
Near downtown Denver exit, 10 miles from the Colfax exit

White plates with a blue stripe above and at the bottom, two pick-up trucks:

One had my son's entire name initials at the end of its license plate. Both trucks were headed into Denver on W. Colfax Avenue, at the Kipling intersection, at 7 a.m. approximately.

They were criminally stalking me with a couple dozen "66" and "VV" license plated vehicles. One was "006," and another had "444" license plates, on I-25 Northbound this morning.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Urdu Translation: To All Pakistani Victims Of Corrupt Police In Pakistan:

Urdu Translation:

جمعہ، 27 مارچ، 2015

شام مہذب ہونا چاہیے


این پی آر کی ویب سائٹ پر حملہ/ہیک کی طرف سے آزاد شامی فوج کے بعد میں حقیقی اسد کے گاللی de رئیس رہنماؤں سے ہونے کسی پُر امن سفارتی مباحث نہیں دیکھ سکتا ۔

وہ کم کچھ بھی نہیں، جو بے گھر،، پانچ سال سے کم عُمر کے لوگوں، کچھ بھی نہیں، ہنسی کرتے ہوئے گویا وہ کو ان ننھے گردنیں توڑ بھوک سے مر رہے ہیں تھوڑا نابینا سڑک ارچانس بار بار سنیپ کرنے کے لیے سب سے کلورین گیس، بردار مجبور و بے بس بچوں، دیمونای کے لیے بند ہو جائیں گے ۔

یہ ان کی وحشیانہ طریقہ ہے، اور ان کا ملک کٹھورتا اقوام متحدہ کی طرف سے نہ صرف امریکی انصاف کیا جائے گا تمام اعلی اسد حکومت کے رہنماؤں کو سزائے موت، ایک امریکی فوجی عدالت میں ضرورت پڑے گی ۔ براہ مہربانی بخیر و خوبی کی شناخت اور ان جانوروں کی وحشیانہ امریکی اسپیشل فورسز کے لئے فوری طور پر موڑو.

میں وہ سب انہیں ان کی زبانیں اور ان کے معصوم خاندانوں کے سامنے بسم کرنے کے ایباللس سے باہر کاٹنے کی طرف کرتے ہوئے بآرباد کے تاروں میں لپیٹ کر رکھنا لاچار بچے، پر دھاتی سُتُونوں کے مٹلاٹانگ ہیں ہوں ۔ وہ ایسا سب غریب، ارٹہراٹاک اور بستر جانے والی قرآت کرنا، اعضاء کے ساتھ ساتھ وہ دنیا میں اغوا کر لیے کر سکتے ہیں جیسا کہ بہت سے بچوں پروری کا کام ہے ۔

Vietnamese Translation: To All Vietnamese Victims Of Police Corruption In Vietnam:

Vietnamese Translation:

Thứ sáu 27 Tháng ba, năm 2015

Syria phải trở thành văn minh


Sau khi trang web NPR đã tấn công/xâm nhập bởi một quân đội Syria miễn phí, tôi không thể nhìn thấy bất kỳ cuộc thảo luận ngoại giao hòa bình đang được chính hãng từ Assad Gille de Rais lãnh đạo.

Họ sẽ dừng lại ở không có gì, đến demonize bất lực trẻ sơ sinh, chết đuối tất cả chúng với khí clo, liên tục chụp ít mù đường phố nhím người vô gia cư, đói, năm tuổi, không lành phá vỡ cổ của họ nhỏ, vì nếu họ đã không có gì, trong khi cười.

Đây là con đường hoang dã của mình, và đất nước của họ sẽ được đánh giá cách gay gắt Liên Hiệp Quốc, không chỉ có Hoa Kỳ Tất cả cao cấp, nhà lãnh đạo chế độ Assad sẽ đòi hỏi một hình phạt tử hình, tại một tòa án quân sự Hoa Kỳ. Xin vui lòng một cách an toàn xác định và biến những con thú hoang dã trên để lực lượng đặc biệt Hoa Kỳ ngay lập tức.

Tôi chắc chắn họ lúc tất cả các em bất lực, trên móc kim loại, Giữ cho chúng gói trong dây thép gai, trong khi cắt ra của lưỡi và nhãn cầu tiêu thụ ở phía trước của họ vô tội. Họ làm điều này để tất cả người nghèo khó, viêm khớp và giường-bound già, cùng với cơ quan thu hoạch trẻ sơ sinh như nhiều như họ có thể bắt cóc trên thế giới.

Traditional Chinese Translation: To All Chinese Coal Miners:

Chinese (Traditional) Translation:

星期五 2015 年 3 月 27 日



NPR 網站被攻擊駭客通過敘利亞自由軍之後,再看不到任何和平的外交討論正在真正從阿薩德的吉爾德 · 萊斯領導人。



我敢肯定他們切斷所有的無助的孩子,在金屬鉤子上,保持他們包裹在鐵絲網,而砍掉他們的舌頭和眼球消耗在他們無辜的家人面前。他們這樣做是對貧困、 關節炎和臥床老人,隨著器官收穫盡可能多的嬰兒,他們可以在世界綁架。

Japanese Translation: To All Japanese Victims Of Fukushima, & Yakuza:

Japanese Translation:

金曜日 2015 年 3 月 27 日



NPR ウェブサイト無料のシリア軍による攻撃/ハッキング後、アサド率いるポートバレエ de Rais リーダーから本物されている平和的外交ディスカッションが表示されません。

彼らはすべての塩素ガスで溺死の無力な幼児、繰り返しスナップ小さなブラインド通りのウニの人はホームレスに飢えている、5 歳、致命的な場合は、何も、笑いながら、小さな首を壊す悪霊に何もで停止します。



Spanish Translation: To All Mexican-American Mothers, Grandmothers:

Spanish Translation:

Viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Siria debe ser civilizado


Después de la Página Web de NPR fue atacado/hackeado por el ejército sirio libre, no puedo ver ninguna las discusiones diplomáticas pacíficas siendo genuino de los líderes Gille de Rais de Assad.

Se detendrán ante nada, para demonizar a infantes indefensos, ahogando todos ellos con gas de cloro, para ajustar repetidamente poco ciegos chicos de la calle que están sin hogar, hambrientos, cinco años de edad, fatalmente rompiendo su pequeño cuello, como si nada, estaban entre risas.

Esta es su forma salvaje, y su país serán juzgado duramente por las Naciones Unidas, no sólo los Estados Unidos Muy alto rango, líderes del régimen de Assad requerirá la pena de muerte, en un tribunal militar de Estados Unidos. Por favor, salvo identificar y entregar esas fieras a las fuerzas especiales de Estados Unidos inmediatamente.

Estoy seguro de que todos los niños desamparados, en ganchos de metal, manteniéndolos envueltos en alambres de púas, mientras que cortar sus lenguas y ojos a consumir delante de sus familias inocentes están mutilando. Hacen esto a todos los ancianos empobrecidos, artríticos y cama-limite, junto con el órgano cosechando tantos niños como ellos pueden secuestrar en el mundo.

Ukrainian Translation: To All Ukrainians:

Ukrainian Translation:

П'ятницю, 27 березня 2015

Сирія повинні стати цивілізованого


Після того, як NPR сайт був напали/зламали сирійська армія вільний, я не бачу обговорення будь-яких мирного дипломатичних те, справжнього від Асада Ґілле de Райз лідерів.

Вони не зупиниться нічого, щоб демонізувати безпорадним немовлят, утоплення всіх з них з хлору газу, неодноразово прив'язувати мало сліпий вулиці їжаків хто не мають житла, голодували, п'ять-річних, смертельно порушення крихітні шиї, неначе вони нічого, сміючись.

Це Дикий спосіб і їхня країна буде визнаний різкою Організацією Об'єднаних Націй, не тільки США Все високопоставлені Асад режиму лідерів зажадає від смертної кари в США військово трибуналі. Будь ласка безпечно ідентифікувати і перевернути ці дикі звірі до США Спецназ негайно.

Я впевнений, що вони є калічить всі безпорадним дітей, на залізними гаками, зберігаючи їх загорнуті в колючі дріт під час вирізання їх язики і очних яблук споживати перед їх невинних сімей. Вони роблять це для всіх бідних, артритом і ліжко палітурка людей похилого віку, а також орган збирання врожаю стільки немовлят, як вони можуть викрасти у світі.

Hebrew Translation:

Hebrew Translation:

שישי, מרץ 27, 2015

סוריה יהפוך להיות מתורבתים


לאחר האתר NPR היה תקף/פרוצים על ידי הצבא הסורי חינם, אני לא רואה כל דיונים דיפלומטי שקט להיות מקורית ממנהיגי Gille דה ראיס של אסד.

הם לא יעצור, כדי להופכם לשטן למצוא תינוקות חסרי ישע, טובע כל אחד מהם עם גז כלור, להתפרץ שוב ושוב הקטן עיוור לפרחחים מהרחוב של מי נותרו חסרי בית, ברעב, בני חמש, אנושות שבירת צווארם זעירים, כאילו שהם היו. שום דבר, כשאנחנו צוחקים.

שזו דרכם פראית, המדינה שלהם ישפטו בחומרה על ידי האו ם, לא רק בארה ב כל בכיר, בכירי המשטר של אסד ידרוש עונש מוות, בבית משפט צבאי אמריקאי. בבקשה בבטחה לזהות ותמסור את חיות הפרא האלה על הכוחות המיוחדים של ארה ב באופן מיידי.

אני בטוח שהם אינם מום כל ישע הילדים, על ווים ממתכת, לשמור אותם עטופים חוטי תיל, בעת גזירה החוצה את הלשונות ואת העיניים לצרוך לפני משפחותיהן חפים מפשע. הם עושים את זה כל העניים, דלקת פרקים, מיטה מכורך לקשישים, יחד עם איבר קציר תינוקות רבים ככל שהם יכולים לחטוף בעולם.

Persian Translation:

Persian Translation:

جمعه 27 مارس تا سال 2015

سوریه باید متمدن تبدیل


پس از وب سایت NPR حمله/هک توسط ارتش آزاد سوریه بود، هر بحث دیپلماتیک صلح آمیز بودن واقعی از رهبران Gille رئيس د اسد را می بینم نمی باشد.

آنها هیچ چیزی برای اهریمن جلوه دادن درمانده نوزادان، همه آنها را با گاز کلر، غرق به بارها و بارها کمی کور خیابان جوجه تیغی، گرسنه پنج ساله fatally شکستن گردن کوچک خود را به عنوان اگر آنها هیچ چیز، در حالی که خنده بی خانمان هستند ضربه محکم و ناگهانی متوقف خواهد شد.

این راه وحشی خود و کشور خود را شدت توسط سازمان ملل متحد نه فقط ایالات متحده قضاوت خواهد شد همه تن رهبران رژیم اسد مجازات اعدام در دادگاه نظامی ایالات متحده نیاز دارد. لطفا با خیال راحت شناسایی و این جانوران وحشی به نیروهای ویژه ایالات متحده بلافاصله به نوبه خود بیش از.

من برخی از آنها همه فرزندانى در قلاب فلزی، نگه داشتن آنها را در سیم های خاردار در حالی که برش زبان و کره چشم به مصرف در مقابل خانواده بی گناه خود را پیچیده mutilating هستند. آنها این کار را به تمام مردم، ورم و اماس مفصل و متصل به بستر سالمندان، با ارگان برداشت نوزادان به عنوان بسیاری به عنوان آنها می تواند در جهان ربوده است.

Russian Translation:

Russian Translation:

Пятница, 27 марта 2015 года.

Сирия должна стать цивилизованным


После того, как на сайте NPR был атаковали/взломали Сирийской свободной армии, я не вижу каких-либо мирных дипломатических дискуссий, будучи подлинным от Асада Гилле де Раис лидеров.

Они остановится на ничего, чтобы демонизировать беспомощных младенцев, тонут все из них с газообразного хлора, повторно привязать маленькие слепые уличные мальчишки которые остались без крова, голодали, пять лет, смертельно разорвать их крошечные шеи, как будто они были ничего, а смех.

Это их диким способом, и их страны будут судить сурово по Организации Объединенных Наций, не только США Все высокопоставленные, лидеры режима Асада будет требовать смертной казни, в военный трибунал США. Пожалуйста безопасно идентифицировать и переверните эти дикие звери с США сил специального назначения немедленно.

Я уверен, что они калечить всех беспомощных детей, на металлические крючки, сохраняя их завернутый в колючей проволоки, во время резки их язычки и глазные яблоки употреблять перед их невинные семьи. Они делают это для всех бедных, артритом и прикован к постели стариков, наряду с органом уборки столько детей, как они могут похитить в мире.

Turkish Translation:

Turkish Translation:

Cuma, 27 Mart 2015

Suriye uygar olmak gerekir


Sonra Suriye Free ordusu tarafından saldırıya/kesmek NPR Web sitesi, Assad'ın Gille Baron Mavi Sakal liderlerin gerçek varlık huzurlu diplomatik tartışmaları göremiyorum.

Onlar tekrar tekrar kim açlıktan, beş yaşındaki çocukların, sanki hiçbir şey, gülme sırasında edildi ölümcül küçük boyunlarına kırma evsiz, küçük kör sokak sokak snap için çaresiz bebeklerin hepsini klor gazı, boğulma, şeytan için hiçbir şey duracaktır.

Bu onların vahşi bir şekilde ve ülkelerini sert Birleşmiş Milletler tarafından sadece ABD'de yargılanacak Tüm yüksek rütbeli, Esad rejimi liderleri, ABD askeri mahkemeye bir ölüm cezası gerektirir. Lütfen güvenli bir şekilde tanımlamak ve bu vahşi hayvanlar ABD özel kuvvetler için hemen çevirin.

Onlar tüm dikenli teller, dillerini ve gözler önünde masum aileleri tüketmeye kesmek ise sarılı kaldılar yardıma muhtaç çocukların, metal kanca üzerinde ağır hasarlı eminim. Bunu tüm yoksul, romatizmalı ve yatağa bağlı yaşlılar için dünyada kaçırıyorlar gibi çok sayıda bebeklerin birlikte organ hasat.

Arabic Translation: To All Middle-Eastern Women, & Impoverished:

Arabic Translation:

الجمعة 27 مارس 2015

يجب أن تصبح سوريا المتحضرة


بعد أن كان الموقع بي آر هاجم/اخترق من قبل "الجيش السوري الحر"، لا أستطيع أن أرى أي المناقشات الدبلوماسية السلمية يجري حقيقية من القادة غيلة دي رايس الأسد.

أنها سوف تتوقف عند أي شيء، لتشويه صورة الرضع عاجز، الغرق كل منهم مع غاز الكلور، مرارا وتكرارا انجذاب القليل أعمى الشارع قنفذ الذين لا مأوى لهم، يتضورون جوعاً، سنة خمس، قاتلة كسر أعناقهم صغيرة، كما لو كانت شيئا، بينما يضحك.

وهذا يتم طريقة وحشية، وسيحكم قسوة بلدهم بالولايات المتحدة، ليس فقط الولايات المتحدة جميع كبار، سيتطلب قادة نظام الأسد عقوبة الإعدام، في محكمة عسكرية أمريكية. الرجاء تحديد بأمان وتسليم هذه الحيوانات المتوحشة "القوات الخاصة الأميركية" فورا.

أنا على يقين من أنها هي تشويه جميع الأطفال الضعفاء، على خطاطيف معدنية، إبقائها ملفوفة بالأسلاك الشائكة، بينما قطع الألسنة ومقل العيون تستهلك أمام أسرهم الأبرياء. وهم يفعلون ذلك لجميع المسنين الفقراء، والتهاب المفاصل وسرير زمنياً، جنبا إلى جنب مع الجهاز حصاد العديد من الأطفال الرضع كما أنها يمكن أن خطف في العالم.

Syria Must Become Civilized


After the NPR website was attacked/hacked by the Syrian Free Army, I can't see any peaceful diplomatic discussions being genuine from Assad's Gille de Rais leaders.

They will stop at nothing, to demonize helpless infants, drowning all of them with chlorine gas, to repeatedly snap little blind street urchins' who are homeless, starving, five year-olds, fatally breaking their tiny necks, as if they were nothing, while laughing.

This is their savage way, and their country will be judged harshly by the United Nations, not just the U.S. All high-ranking, Assad regime leaders will require a death penalty, at a U.S. military tribunal. Please safely identify and turn these savage beasts over to the U.S. Special Forces immediately.

I am certain they are mutilating all of the helpless children, on metal hooks, keeping them wrapped in barbed wires, while cutting out their tongues and eyeballs to consume in front of their innocent families. They do this to all the impoverished, arthritic and bed-bound elderly, along with organ harvesting as many infants as they can kidnap in the world.

Bowe Bergdahl Tried To Escape His U.S. Military Abusers (In Positions Of Trust)


It sounds like he may have been severely abused, before captured. In the U.S. military, and in large, metropolitan areas, many gangsters and thugs exist. In that area, he was probably noticeable, and preyed upon by all sides. They may have undermined his judgement and repeatedly poisoned him with roofies, and scopolamine. This happens at medical schools by psychopaths who justify it as their right to get ahead. It's a highly competitive, extremely politically environment in the U.S. military also.

There's a selection process for officer candidacy training, among the enlisted. It's commonplace for the atheists liberals to exclude the ones they feel stand in their way. If he voiced any pro-life sentiments, or spoke fondly of his spirituality, faith(s), or even a natural, crisis of faith, that could have caused further abuse to him, through no fault of his own. Some people just don't understand the radically liberal, atheist culture of the U.S. military. Hopefully, he will find moderate, Christians and Buddhists in jury selection, that will consider how competitive it truly is in the U.S. military.

In regards to his unit's lack of protective gear, consider how they were in a severely hot climate, with fine, razor-sharp desert dust, or "moon dust" in their eyes and faces. With grandmothers and mothers of grown teenagers, they understand that it would be very dehydrating, EVEN WITHOUT the protective gear on, which can exacerbated by being repeatedly roofied, or scopolamined. That continual, untreated, heat stroke and severe physical stress may have affected his judgement also.

To Amnesty International, A.C.L.U., N.A.A.C.P., Ms., and Lillith Feminist Magazine Executives:

Please raise one million, U.S.D. in GLBT-friendly, legal defense funds for Bowe Bergdahl, so he may have a fair trial, humane treatment and GLBT-friendly, feminist, compassionate  healthcare.

Bowe Bergdahl's Legal Defense Fundraiser Is Necessary

The way for deciding how to treat him in any circumstances, in court, or in prison:

1. Imagine him next to an African, legless, blind, deaf orphan, whos one-quarter his size. Is he safe to be next to them?

2. Next imagine him as a caregiver, or armed guard, next to a Purple Heart, elderly, African, disabled veteran whose homeless, battered, legless, armless, deaf, and blind. Is he safe next to them also, even with a black-market rifle in his possession?

3. Is military prison truly allowed to starve, torture and beat him? The answer is no.

4. Should he have a death penalty or severe prison term? Only if he is being charged with desertion, due to some admissable evidence, that can still not be applied to a charge of treason, yet has a strong, logical connection to his causing the deaths of the six soldiers prior to being captured.

5. The least lenient personality profile to be on the jury for him would be someone who has been personally, severely victimized by any Caucasian, male, enlisted, U.S. military service member/members, or its former members, or U.S. law enforcement, in any way.

6. If he gets a court-martial, he may require an inclusive, international attorney/barrister, whose a civilian, with at least twenty years experience in successful, U.S. military defense law, although he may be offered a pro bono, Judge Advocate. There should definitely be a daily fundraiser for his legal defense fund, on his behalf, in his small hometown, Hailey, Idaho.

7. They (his family, hometown) should try to raise those funds at the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and Buddhist monastery he both belonged to, and was actively participating in, before his voluntary (non-court ordered), U.S. military service. He may require $1 million, U.S.D. in legal funds raised for him, by the end of the week, to save his life. He will not survive a lifetime sentence, because of his Taliban imprisonment. He may not survive the court-martial, due to his fragile state.

8. It's going to require the best private, international, security investigators, paid, professional witnesses, at least twenty of each: medical doctors, U.S. attorneys. Also, the jury selection process will be labor and time-intensive for just one Judge Advocate. He should be assigned 100 pro bono, highly-experienced, successful, Judge Advicates by the court, in anticipation for a lifetime sentence in prison.

9. Since he's from an impoverished background and I know that many U.S. Army enlisted, infantry soldiers have died, from being sexually abused, physically assaulted, hazed, or committed suicide as a result of being abused by their own, I fully support his right to the best legal representation, even if it costs American civil rights activists who are philanthropists that type of financial investment into his defense.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bergdahl's Misbehavior Charge (Article 99)


Under Article 99, Misbehavior:

Bergdahl may have been tricked or coerced to surrender himself to the enemy. The Taliban may have sent terrorists to threaten him, but possibly they could have simply pretended that someone was injured, on in need of medical care from his command. Sometimes terrorists bribe other U.S. service members with poly-addictions to recruit, traffick, kidnap or psychologically, physically and sexually abuse their own shipmates also.

Also, the Taliban could have potentially assassinated/bribed his Afghani "friends," and sent impersonating terrorists or radicalized locals to get his assistance in some manner. Knowing that he may have sympathized with local Afghan children, he could have been easily manipulated in that manner. He was merely 23 years of age when this happened, and seemed to be a more emotionally impulsive individual than most individuals. His recollections may also not be clear, as a result of his injuries and trauma.

People in the military, especially enlisted, have a different vocabulary level than the officers usually. It causes socioeconomic conflicts. I can see that he has had more coarse language at times, so it's possible he had socioeconomic conflicts with the administrative enlisted, who didn't use the type of language that he may have used. They may not be former infantry.

If threatened, or perceiving a threat from the newer chain of command, where he served administrative duties, his former enlisted, infantry status probably became a larger conflict. He probably became frustrated by the amount of bureaucracy, and high volumes of paperwork processing required in military administrative offices alone.

That also may have led to his desertion charge. The military can't realistically expect him to be completely positive about his infantry privilege being removed. He should never have been assigned to administrative duties in the first place, not due to misbehavior, but because of his infantry training. He would have done better if given an entire year to receive infantry-focused counseling, by other combat veterans, while working with neglected/abused horses, on a PTSD-friendly ranch.

To many male infantry soldiers, and law enforcement, that administrative reassignment is akin to revoking their right to carry any gun/rifle. Especially after being imprisoned, his reaction as a male, enlisted, infantry soldier is similar to how some law enforcement would react to their weapon being tampered with, or forcibly removed from them.

Bergdahl's Desertion Charge: Not An AWOL/UA Charge, Desertion Means More Severe Penalties


If charged with Article 85, Desertion, Intent To Shirk (#2)


Under UCMJ's U.S. Code 843, Article 43 Statute of Limitations, Bowe Bergdahl's time of imprisonment by the enemy has to be deducted from the statute of limitations in charging him as a deserter. Both sections C, and D support the U.S. military court's obligations, power/authority and ability to charge him as a deserter.

He could claim international law, Nuremberg Article IV as his legal defense, as a conscientious objector, since he truly decided to become a Buddhist monk before his military service. Also, the post 9/11 sentencing for desertion is probably closer to a discharge, and up to 24 months in prison.

It would be politically difficult though, for him to be successful in a U.S. court martial, using the Nuremberg Article IV as his legal defense. Most likely, he should be given a general discharge, or OTH administrative one, at the most. He could also begin a counter-lawsuit against the U.S. Army. It seems wisest for the U.S. Army to prevent further lawsuits, by being more sensitive to his Taliban imprisonment term.

Since he has been reassigned to administrative duties, by the U.S. Army, it seems illogical to punish him severely for needing medical leave time, for his counseling and psychiatric appointments. This is probably a factor in the charges of desertion being brought against him now, after he was assigned to administrative duties.

***Is he safe to be around other disabled veterans at the VA offices and medical centers though? He may be in a delayed, grieving process for the death of one of his colleagues. He does require psychological and psychiatric care for that also. Perhaps his lawyer can try to negotiate his charge down to one count of AWOL/UA with a general discharge.***

Differences Between AWOL/UA and Desertion:


Bowe Bergdahl's Orthodox Presbyterian Background


In order to understand Bowe Bergdahl, it's important to consider his two contradictory faiths. He was mainly educated in an Orthodox Presbyterian, ultra-religious, home-schooling environment.

As a truck driver's son, he has a blue collar, financially disadvantaged, high-risk, illiterate childhood, not an elite prep school background.

He then joined a Buddhist monastery, as a young adult. He may have had bipolar disorder. Joining a Buddhist monastery is not the same as visiting one, or wanting to be a Buddhist monk, like your favorite meditation author(s).

Those two religions are both contradictory, yet both are despised by Al-Qaeda, which also preys upon moderate Muslims, globally. Then, he joined the U.S. Coast Guard. During his bootcamp, he was discharged and later went into the U.S. Army.

Prior to being captured by the Taliban, possibly due to his Afghani associates, who may have also infiltrated his military base, he seemed disillusioned by the U.S. Army. Anyone who has served in the U.S. military has probably called home upset about something.

In bootcamp, every single person has probably called home crying, or upset about the challenges there. Most likely, in the U.S. Navy, they would also look terrible. Disillusionment can sometimes occur in the military. It's also a melting pot, like any major U.S. city.

Adding in those overseas chain of command changes, naturally means the stress level is magnified. Each new U.S. Army supervisor had a different managerial style and expectations for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, a possibly dyslexic, bipolar, PTSD, Army Private at the time.

Each one may have contradicted the previous way that he was trained, causing him to feel unnecessarily punished. From his awkwardly articulated, misspelled letters, a contrast to his father's writing, he appeared learning disabled. That would have exacerbated his ability to retrain successfully under his new supervisors.

Letters from boot camp are often written by traumatized, sleep-deprived individuals who have hair stucking up everywhere on their heads. The ordeal of being captured by the Taliban is far worse than any training to prepare these soldiers for duty in Afghanistan.

As he was trained, then re-trained by his new Army supervisors, was he outcasted for being a former ballet student? Yes, possibly, but how was his conduct towards the GLBT in his youth, including young adulthood?

As people think they're able to understand the potentially false, uverifiable, tampered e-mails, letters between Bowe Bergdahl and his father with references to a "obedience to  conscience," they may mistakenly envision the scenarios from "A Few Good Men."

That is not the actual case here. Those references are to the childhood faith that Bergdahl was raised to believe, by his Orthodox Presbyterian parents.


Those Orthodox Presbyterian references were probably another reason for Bergdahl's captors to torture him further, as punishment for their perception of "anti-Christian, sharia reasonings" to rationalize their terrorist campaigns.

Those Christian references and his Orthodox Presbyterian upbringing may lead to escalated discrimination against him, after five years of unlawful imprisonment and torture by terrorists.

The jury must interpret whether Bergdahl left his duty post on his own free will, not if he was captured, or tortured. The U.S. Army already decided that he was indeed captured and held against his will.

Since he left his Orthodox Presbyterian faith, he may feel a natural sense of disillusionment with all religions, and therefore, feel as if he were a disappointment to his Orthodox Presbyterian parents now.

It's possible that his Afghani "friends" were Al-Qaeda recruiters and/or spies also. If he knew and participated in terrorism, prior to his capture, was it under duress?

In that wartime environment, in enemy territory, yes, it is impossible to conclude that any communication he had with the locals, were without an element of inherent danger/coercion.

This is a situation similar to what law enforcement face when they go into prisons. They're surrounded by convicted criminals. If asked anything, by a large group that could possibly riot, would it not be safer for them to choose diplomacy, while outnumbered?

What if it meant they could have a drink of water, or get unshackled while in captivity, to use the toilet? Could they be liable for saying the things their captors want to hear, on camera, or through tampered letters that can't actually be submitted, as there are no ways to prove their actual validity, or the conditions under which each one was written?

The answer is no, Bowe Bergdahl can not be punished for unverifiable communications, prior to his capture. Those communications have no biometric verifications, nor do they likely have any MAC addresses.

If forced to testify, could he have sustained too many head injuries, to also understand his right to remain silent, on his own behalf? Yes, it's possible that he also now has permanent brain damage, complex PTSD and other medical complications from being imprisoned for five years by the Taliban.

The U.S. Army has given him some treatment, but admitted that he still has a long road to a full recovery. That road to a full recovery includes medical, psychological and spiritual healing.

Any dehumanizing or discrimination of his Orthodox Presbyterian upbringing will further harm his recovery from that prolonged imprisonment and torture by the Taliban, normalize, legitimize and validate terrorism against all U.S. military service members.

To Feminist Homeland Security:

I actually had an email conversation with an Indian-American, I.T. engineer who seemed like a domestic violence abuser of his own wife, to me a few years ago. He was out of state and reunited with his battered wife, and children in rural Wyoming, I think. He worked at a state prison system, in I.T. and revealed to me that he wanted a pilot's license. I don't think anyone who physically abuses women and children should have any pilot's license in rural Wyoming, at all.

Hailey, Idaho Wounded Warriors Fundraiser Idea:

In Hailey, Idaho, it's time to refocus the community on a Wounded Warriors fundraiser with an economical spaghetti dinner every day, to prevent radicals on both sides of the political spectrum, from preying upon the disabled veteran demographic.

To N.A.A.C.P., A.C.L.U., Ms., Lillith Feminist Magazine Executives: Small Business Accounting, Taxes, Business Bankruptcy Law Fundraiser Needed In Every State

My heart was pounding with fear after looking at the 1099R, HUD-1, Statement of Settlement forms for tax preparation this year, for taxable year 2014. I think if anyone has ever sold a property in Colorado, please take it to a professional tax accountant, whose a paralegal.

I myself can not imagine trying to understand capital gains, or real estate tax laws. I would actually rather re-take the firefighting test in bootcamp than try to file any taxes involving real estate forms. It's better to get tax filing help, if it involves any type of divorce, coupled with real estate transactions.

If you're a disabled, battered veteran, try to ask for free tax preparation assistance from professionals at the VA offices. Otherwise, find business accountant, Thomas Nguyen, in Westminster, who is both an accountant, and paralegal, because it's quite complex. TurboTax had errors in their software this year (for 2014 filings).

Even when I once tried the HSA health insurance from ehealthinsurance, I could not fully utilize its tax benefits. Hopefully, there can be Christian pastors, who are ehealthinsurance agents, who understand how to use it the way it's designed.

They need to gather up and try to fundraise for more professional, tax preparation assistance to our disabled veterans who own small businesses, and are declaring bankruptcy. Many small businesses fail, so it's critical to include compassionate, affordable, ethical small business bankruptcy attorneys on the list of fundraising needs at all VA centers. This will also prevent ISIL recruiting and human trafficking of veterans.

Sadly, HSA health insurance coverage is very strict against those disabled veterans who believe in God, and prefer veteran-friendly, non-atheists as their healthcare providers, and counselors. The VA medical system needs at least 75% Christian-approved healthcare providers. Can Reverend Jesse Jackson be included and welcomed there with all of his impoverished people, veterans, and supporters?

***There needs to be a five hundred shelters, an organic farm, dairy and ranch assigned per 1,000 homeless veterans in every state. The battered, disabled, female, minority veterans and their battered children are probably going to starve, and freeze to death in large numbers in every major city.***

Bergdahl Still On Administrative Duty, Now Charged With Desertion, Misbehavior


The deaths of those six soldiers mentioned are going to require re-investigation, regardless of how people feel about Bowe Bergdahl. Their grieving families have a right to know. Another concern is that the small town of Hailey, Idaho would be targeted for the unapproved Gitmo prisoner exchange. The two actions aren't logical. If people need to protest, why not gather together to sign online petitions with specific solutions, and tweet them to the U.S. Army intelligence? This is akin to domestic terrorists bombing abortion clinics, to express "pro-life" viewpoints.

Welsh Translation: To British SAS:

Welsh Translation:

Dydd Iau, Mawrth 26, 2015

I D.E.A. S.O.D., Lleng dramor Ffrainc, SAS Prydain, & lluoedd Pwylaidd grŵp unig ddeiliaid arbennig:

Yn seicopathig, ystumio Gilles de Rais, gwelir nawr bod y cyd-peilot Almaeneg, Andreas Lubitz, 28 mlynedd o oedran, a ddisgrifir fel gyfeillgar, tawel, eto yn hapus, fwriadol cloi allan y capten, a gwnaeth yr awyren a chwalfa ar bwrpas. Roedd ganddo cysylltiadau FAA bydd holl angen arnynt ddiogel eu dwyn i N.C.I.S. ISIL gwrthderfysgaeth arbenigwyr. Bydd angen i bob un o'i Dusseldorf a chymdeithasau eraill terfysgol hefyd nodi. Os gwelwch yn dda pawb yn casglu sy'n gysylltiedig ag ef, mewn unrhyw ffordd, gan gynnwys ei dyn llaeth, morynion, a'u cyflawni i interrogators N.C.I.S. ISIL ar unwaith.

Hebrew Translation: To All Jewish-American, U.S. Special Forces:

Hebrew Translation:

חמישי, מרץ 26, 2015

כדי S.O.D. ללוחמה בסמים, לגיון הזרים הצרפתי, SAS הבריטי, & כוחות מיוחדים SOG הפולנית:

פסיכופטים, ג'ייל דה טוויסט, מתברר עכשיו כי הטייס הגרמני, Andreas Lubitz, 28 שנים, מתואר ידידותי, שקט, עדיין מאושר, נעול במכוון את הקפטן, ועשה את המטוס להתרסק בכוונה. . היו לו שותפים FAA אשר כל צריך שתינתן בבטחה מומחים בטרור N.C.I.S. ISIL... כל של דיסלדורף שלו ושל ארגוני טרור אחרים יהיה צורך ניתן גם לזהות. בבקשה שוב המשויך לו, בכל דרך, לרבות את החלבן, משרתות, ולספק להם N.C.I.S. ISIL החוקרים באופן מיידי.

German Translation: To All German-American, U.S. Special Forces:

German Translation:

Donnerstag, 26. März 2015

Zur D.E.A S.O.D, Fremdenlegion, britischen SAS & polnische SOG Special Forces:

In einem psychopathischen Gilles de Rais twist, herausstellt, da der deutsche Co-Pilot, Andreas Lubitz, 28 Jahre alt, als freundlich, ruhig, noch glücklich, absichtlich gesperrt, der Kapitän und machte das Flugzeug absichtlich zum Absturz. Er hatte die FAA-Partner, die alle N.C.I.S. ISIL Anti-Terror-Experten sicher gebracht werden müssen. Alle seine Düsseldorf und andere terroristischen Vereinigungen müssen auch identifiziert werden. Bitte sammeln Sie alle ihn in irgendeiner Weise, einschließlich seiner Milchmann, Dienstmädchen, zugeordnet und liefern sie an N.C.I.S. ISIL Vernehmungsbeamten sofort.

Italian Translation: To All Italian-American, U.S. Special Forces:

Italian Translation:

Giovedì 26 marzo 2015

Alla S.O.D D.E.A, Legione straniera francese, britannico SAS & polacco SOG forze speciali:

In una psicopatica, Gilles de Rais torcere, si scopre ora che il co-pilota tedesco, Andreas Lubitz, 28 anni, descritto come amichevole, tranquilla, ancora felice, deliberatamente bloccato il capitano e ha fatto l'aereo apposta in crash. Egli aveva affiliati FAA che dovranno essere portato tranquillamente a esperti antiterrorismo N.C.I.S. ISIL. Tutti i suoi Dusseldorf e altre associazioni terroristiche dovrà anche essere identificato. Si prega di raccogliere tutti a lui collegate, in qualche modo, compreso suo lattaio, cameriere e consegnarli a interrogatori N.C.I.S. ISIL immediatamente.

French Translation: To French Foreign Legion:

French Translation:

Jeudi 26 mars 2015

De D.E.A. S.O.D., Légion étrangère Français, SAS britannique, & Forces spéciales polonaises SOG :

Dans un psychopathe, Gilles de Rais twist, il s'avère maintenant que le copilote allemand, Andreas Lubitz, 28 ans, décrit comme chaleureux, calme, encore heureux, délibérément fermé à clef dehors le commandant de bord et fait l'avion crash sur le but. Il avait des affiliées de la FAA qui devront tous être portées en toute sécurité aux experts de la lutte antiterroriste N.C.I.S. ISIL. Tous ses Dusseldorf et autres associations terroristes devront être également définis. Veuillez rassembler tout le monde lui sont associées, en quelque sorte, y compris son laitier, servantes et livrez-les immédiatement aux interrogateurs de N.C.I.S. ISIL.

Polish Translation: To Polish SOG Special Forces:

Polish Translation:

Czwartek, 26 marca 2015

Do D.E.A. S.O.D., francuskiej Legii Cudzoziemskiej, brytyjski SAS & SOG polskich sił specjalnych:

W psychopatycznym Gilles de Rais twist, okazuje się teraz, że niemieckiego pilota, Andreas Lubitz, 28 lat, opisane jako przyjazny, cicha, szczęśliwy, celowo zablokowane: kapitan i wykonane samolot celowo upaść. Miał FAA oddziałów, którzy wszystkie muszą być bezpiecznie doprowadzony do N.C.I.S. ISIL ekspertów antyterrorystycznych. Wszystkie jego Düsseldorf i innych stowarzyszeń terrorystycznych trzeba również identyfikację. Proszę zebrać każdy z nim, związanych w jakikolwiek sposób, w tym jego mleczarz, pokojówki i dostarczyć je do N.C.I.S. ISIL śledczy natychmiast.

To D.E.A. S.O.D., French Foreign Legion, British SAS, & Polish SOG Special Forces:


In a psychopathic, Gilles de Rais twist, it turns out now that the German co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, 28 years of age, described as friendly, quiet, yet happy, deliberately locked out the captain, and made the plane crash on purpose. He had FAA affiliates who will all need to be safely brought to N.C.I.S. ISIL counter-terrorism experts. All of his Dusseldorf and other terrorist associations will need to be also identified. Please gather everyone up associated with him, in any way, including his milkman, maids, and deliver them to N.C.I.S. ISIL interrogators immediately.






(Red car, older)



...QEA (stolen identity of/counterfeiting of license plates belonging to the group that preyed on my battered neighbor)

Spanish Translation: To All Mexican-American, U.S. Special Forces:

Spanish Translation:

Jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

A la CIA, NSA, FBI, DEA S.O.D. & N.C.I.S.: Terroristas ISIL de Colorado "OMAR el CHECHENO"

Un hombre con un "Omar la chechena" jengibre, rojizo/luz color marrón, barba (escasamente desarrollada, corta longitud) estaba en medio, de color gris, sedán subcompacto Acura, con un alerón trasero, buscando nuevos un caucásico. Tenía placas de Colorado "...-WIN" y formaba parte de los acosadores criminales ayer. Estaba en la rampa de entrada East County Line Road a-25 norte, ayer a las 18:00 aproximadamente. Es un reclutador ISIL y terrorista. Todos sus asociados terroristas tendrá que ser traído a Chechenia, expertos en contraterrorismo ISIL.

Greek Translation: To All Greek-American, F.B.I.:

Greek Translation:

Πέμπτη, 26 Μαρτίου του 2015

Να C.I.A., Τρεχούμενος, F.B.I., D.E.A. S.O.D. & N.C.I.S.: Οι τρομοκράτες του Κολοράντο ISIL "OMAR ΤΗΣ ΤΣΕΤΣΕΝΊΑΣ"

Μια καυκάσιος άνθρωπος με μια "Omar η Τσετσενία" τζίντζερ, καφετί κοκκινωπό/light-colored, γενειάδα (αραιά καλλιεργούνται, μικρού μήκους) ήταν σε ένα μέσο, γκρι χρώματος, Acura subcompact φορείο, με ένα πίσω αεροτομή, νέα αναζητούν. Είχε "...-WIN" πινακίδες από το Κολοράντο και ήταν μέρος της εν λόγω ποινικής stalkers χθες. Ήταν στην Ανατολή δρόμος γραμμών νομών ράμπας εισόδου σε ι-25 Northbound, χθες στις 18.00 περίπου. Είναι ISIL στρατολογών, και της τρομοκρατίας. Όλοι οι συνεργάτες του τρομοκράτες θα πρέπει να τεθεί ως υπεύθυνους Τσετσένους, ISIL αντιτρομοκρατικής εμπειρογνώμονες.

Italian Translation: To All Australian SASR Special Forces:

Italian Translation:

Giovedì 26 marzo 2015

Alla CIA, NSA, FBI, S.O.D D.E.A & N.C.I.S.: Colorado "OMAR il CECENO" ISIL terroristi

Un caucasico uomo con un "Omar il ceceno" zenzero, rossastro/luce brunastro, barba (scarsamente coltivata, breve lunghezza) era in un mezzo, color grigio, Acura berlina di un'utilitaria, con uno spoiler posteriore, di nuovo alla ricerca. Aveva "...-WIN" targhe da Colorado e faceva parte di quei criminali Stalker ieri. Egli era presso la rampa di ingresso est County Line Road a-25 in direzione nord, ieri alle 18 circa. Egli è un reclutatore ISIL e terrorista. Tutti i suoi soci di terroristi dovrà essere portato a cecena, esperti di antiterrorismo ISIL.

Hebrew Translation: To All Jewish-Americans:

Hebrew Translation:

חמישי, מרץ 26, 2015

כדי הסי איי איי, איטליה, בי. איי, היחידה ללוחמה בסמים S.O.D., & N.C.I.S.: מחבלים ISIL "עומר צ'צ'ניה" של קולורדו

אדם לבן אדם עם "Omar צ'צ'ניה" ג'ינג'ר, אדמדם/חום בהיר, הזקן (בוגר בדלילות, קצר באורך) היה מדיום, בצבע אפור, אקורה subcompact סדאן, עם ספוילר אחורי, מראה חדש. "...-WIN" לוחיות רישוי מקולורדו והוא היה חלק מטרידנים פלילית האלה אתמול. הוא היה רמפת הכניסה מזרח מחוז קו הכביש ל- 25 Northbound, אתמול בשעה 18:00 בערך. הוא הוא מגייס ISIL, ו טרור. כל חבריו המחבלים יהיה צורך ניתן להביא צ'צ'ניה, מומחים בטרור ISIL.

Russian Translation: To All Russian-American, U.S.Special Forces:

Russian Translation:

Четверг, 26 марта 2015 г.

В ЦРУ, Н.С.А, ФБР, курса усовершенствования специалистов S.O.D. & N.C.I.S.: Колорадо «Омар ЧЕЧЕНСКОЙ» ИСИЛЬ террористов

Кавказский мужчина с «Omar чеченских «имбирь, красно/коричневато светлым, борода (редко выросли, короткие длина) был в среде, серого цвета, седан Acura малолитражки, с задний спойлер, новый вид. Он «...-WIN» номерные знаки из Колорадо и вчера был частью этих преступных сталкеров. Он был на востоке графства линии дороги пандусе для Нортбаунд-25, вчера в 18: 00 примерно. Он является ИСИЛЬ вербовщик и террорист. Все из его сообщников террористов нужно будет доводиться до Чеченской, экспертов по борьбе с терроризмом ИСИЛЬ.

To C.I.A., N.S.A., F.B.I., D.E.A. S.O.D., & N.C.I.S.: Colorado's "OMAR THE CHECHEN" ISIL Terrorists

A Caucasian man with an "Omar the Chechen"  ginger, reddish/light brownish-colored, beard (sparsely grown, short length) was in a medium, gray-colored, Acura subcompact sedan, with a rear spoiler, new looking. He had "...-WIN" license plates from Colorado and was part of those criminal stalkers yesterday. He was at the East County Line Road entrance ramp to I-25 Northbound, yesterday at 6 p.m. approximately. He's an ISIL recruiter, and terrorist. All of his terrorists associates will need to be brought to Chechen, ISIL counter-terrorism experts.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Diary Entry: I Find Myself Getting More Politically Conservative With Age

Dear Diary,

I definitely hope we can afford to have every drug cartel, gangster and terrorist removed from Colorado. It's probably going to be never-ending ordeal of terrorism here, but if we had been able to triple the law enforcement budget, this wouldn't be an ISIL-run state combining with all the international drug cartels, militias and gangsters.

Now I think the Los Zetas are the least of our worries, considering our radicalized SuperMax prisoners, who actually get released, or somehow escaped back into this state. It's time for the GOP to take Colorado's law enforcement  over, along with 80% of the country's law enforcement. They will need to be in control of our prison systems. Many escaped or were released from the non-SuperMax prisons.

This will bring back the War on Drugs campaign that George Bush was able to successfully promote. I can't trust a nation without a law enforcement force that has at least a 50% veteran, female, minority ratio though. It's also time to assume again that everyone has been "somehow" placed into powerful positions of authority and trust, yet must belong to these terrorist organizations.

I don't understand how or why people are psychopathic, violent in this manner and can stomach the strange, satanic activities that aren't "Virginian." The terrible thing to consider here is that 95% of Denver Metro are completely fine with "Gilles de Rais" personalities.

This will cause Colorado to have more bioterrorism, chemical weaponry attacks, and a nuclear meltdown though, unless we can triple the law enforcement budget. I think we are at extremely high risk for wildfires and a global, HIV pandemic, that originates from our state. We're going to need more family-oriented CSP, to prevent these types from becoming mayors, sheriffs and actual judges.