Monday, April 28, 2014

Similac Advance Organic, Best Infant Formula To Donate To Churches, Worship Centers

Make sure we ask for only this one to be donated, in bulk, economy-sized, powdered form in metal cans (sealed well from roaches, ants, rats and mice, so it requires a can opener, along with an air-tight, recyclable, hard plastic lid). Also get the bulk infant simethicone liquid drops (for intestinal gas, 2 economy-sized bottles per economy-sized can of formula), and economy-sized bottles of liquid infant lactase drops to help help them digest the lactose (2 economy-sized bottles per economy-sized can of formula).

Among the poor immigrant babies, it could be harder for them to digest the lactose from the infant formulas. Some Asian-American babies can't tolerate lactose, so it can hopefully work better with the liquid lactase and simethicone  drops. Lactase is the enzyme needed to break down lactose. Simethicone breaks up the gas bubbles in their intestinal tract.

Make sure you get large amounts of laminated, large font, bilingual brochures to go with it, about dosing infant formula (powdered tbl amounts per cups of water), lactase and simethicone, by age in weeks, and infant weight, to the poor immigrant communities, because they could be malnourished or have a failure to thrive medical condition otherwise. The soy-based formulas may possibly impair or adversely affect the boys' reproductive development too. As much as possible, choose the easy-to-digest, organic, UHT cow milk-based formulas, not soy.

The reason we need it in bulk, economy-sized is because we can't switch back and forth between brands. It'll upset the babies' digestive tracts.  If that's not affordable, go with a store-brand that's equivalent and easy to obtain.  Check at Sam's Clubs and Costcos for their best organic store brands.  Hopefully we can find one that's also always available at Walmart too.  That way the infants can just stay with the same formula brand.

If you pick an organic, UHT, goat milk-based formula, it has to have the equivalent nutrients found in Similac Advance Organic. Goat milk has to be mixed differently, as it has different nutrients and levels than cow milk. Also, the USDA already checked and there's no hexane in the infant formulas now.

The worry about hexane is for the farming and factory workers' health, long-term though. Hopefully all the workers have a comprehensive health benefits package, are full-time, not seasonal or part-time employees (to control health safety risks) and especially get protective clothing and respiratory gear for the hexane.  It can be absorbed through the skin, digested, or inhaled. They need culturally sensitive, bilingual training on that, in both Spanish and English.

At least 120 paid classroom hours worth of bilingual training for hexane safety is important for protecting the poor factory and farming workers, who are all illiterate. The corporate trainers need to have a real Ph.D in Chemistry, one recognized and approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics, along with being bilingual also.  

By the way, the simethicone and lactase can be purchased generic-brand, in bulk, probably. The churches, temples, synagogues and all worship centers will need this sales tax-free, along with a 50% bulk discount and free Sam's Club, Costco memberships to keep the poor infants on the exact same formulas. Get the local politician to negotiate the bulk discount for everyone poor with Sam's Club and Costco. Many small, rural, economically depressed factory and farming towns don't even have a single politician assigned to them by the state senators. Those are also the internment camps, ghettos, barrios and "inner cities" that we continue to run in our country.

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