This is a NAACP, ACLU, feminist law enforcement fundraiser recipe that will require seven quantity of deep-dish, extra-large skillets. It's fresh shad roe, fresh fiddlehead ferns, and fresh morel mushroom warm salad over a grilled, sourdough, olive baguette bread. Sautee the warm salad and shad roe over medium heat, on the stovetop.
Shad roe, fresh, large pairs, 12 cups
*Gently toss them with 2 tsp organic, French sea salt, finely-ground, and 4 TBL organic, finely-ground, black pepper. Then, lightly flour them in organic, chestnut flour. Sautee the roe for five minutes per side in a skillet at medium heat. It should be kept tender inside, not overcooked. Use 3 cups of organic truffle oil to cook the shad roe.
Warm Salad Ingredients:
4 cups organic, fresh, Meyer lemon juice
4 cups organic truffle oil, unsalted
4 cups organic, unsalted, Irish butter, pasteurized, chopped into 1/4-inch pieces, then melted with the lemon juice and truffle oil
12 cups organic, fresh morel mushrooms, cleaned, added in the last 3 minutes of cooking
32 cups organic, fresh, fiddlehead ferns, cleaned, added to the skillet in the last 3 minutes of cooking
4 cups organic, fresh parsley, flat-leafed, finely-minced
4 cups organic, fresh thyme, French variety, cleaned, finely-minced
4 cups organic, fresh, red shallots, cleaned, finely-minced
1 cup organic garlic powder
2 cups organic black pepper, coarsely-ground
Sea salt, to taste
Choose a freshly-baked, sourdough and olive baguette. Then, cut it in half, lengthwise, with an electric knife. Next, brush it all over with organic rosemary-infused, extra-virgin olive oil. Finally, grill the bread, to lightly toast it on both sides.
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