At my COMSUBPAC N6, I had to work with an encryption technician (Petty Officer Third Class/E-4, African-American, male, Tech Control) in my main section. He repeatedly came to work abusive, hung over, and once, dressed in a Navy uniform, belonging to his drinking friend. He went to Captain's Mast, to be disciplined by the command. He worked part-time as a security guard at the Navy Exchange. He also criminally stalked and harassed me repeatedly. I had to be his Top Secret encryption partner and I still fear that he could be approved to hold a concealed weapons permit.
The Hawaiian, male, private security guards at the Hawaiian condo I was living in (owned by a friend of the U.S. General's daughter from Hawaii) also criminally stalked, and harassed me. They also repeatedly broke and entered into our car and place. I'm anxious that the private security guards also could get concealed weapons permits and continue criminally stalking me.
Be careful, D.E.A. S.O.D., as they were armed and dangerous. They may also be connected to having me raped at the Denver V.A. Medical Center.
Regarding a Caucasian, male, QM/Quartermaster, that I worked with: He was repeatedly in trouble with the command, and then verbally abused me. My N65 Ensign at the time had to see him, and I reported him again to N6, my main section's Lieutenant. He got angry about being in trouble with the command for "errors," or so he claimed. Those supposed "errors" threatened the waterspace integrity of the nuclear submarines/"boats," making them vulnerable to collisions, with nuclear arms.
Later on, close to September 11, 2001, there was a fatal tragedy involving a U.S. Navy submarine collision at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. I found out from the news coverage regarding it. It happened during the time when I was working at the Denver Federal Center. My own Caucasian, male boss (the married one having the affair with another supervisor, named Jill) admitted in the office to criminally stalking me also.
Please pass this onto F.B.I., N.C.I.S., D.E.A. S.O.D., and C.I.A.
Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy, RM3,
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