I support a mill-levy increase that would include a review on age diversity there, because some of the older firefighters were previously discriminated against, to streamline the fire district. If one half of that tax increase goes towards caring for the elderly firefighters, than it should be approved. Financial compensation should at least be: 75% annually, of their salaries, before being illegally laid off, for twenty years, with 15% increased per year, every year, of their annual salaries for inflation.
I highly encourage all military veterans, Evergreen residents to rally support and find pro bono, successful trial, not mediation-oriented, legal representation for our firefighters to bring an ageism, disablism, class-action lawsuit against the Evergreen Fire District, to properly allocate any mill-levy increases for our elderly, disabled, or deceased, disabled firefighters. Firefighters, not just medical professionals, EMTs and police officers, are at extremely elevated risks for HIV, and hepatitis C.
Also, they're at high risk for PTSD, co-morbid/co-existing with major depression, anxiety, panic disorder, cancer and sometimes, homicide by both drug cartels, and arsonists. This funding (accounting) shortfall needs to be investigated by the A.C.L.U. They'll need safe, PTSD-inclusive housing, transportation, intensive counseling of their choice, and health-care that's PPO, not controlled by those corrupt supervisors and co-workers who preyed upon them.
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