Friday, December 12, 2014

Appalachian Drug Cartels Are Underestimated

The amount of illiteracy, especially regarding pedophilia, drug and alcohol addiction in Appalachia has been greatly exaggerated. Criminals will rationalize setting bear traps and silenced rattlesnake pits around to protect their terrorist and drug cartel farms, compounds.

Even if law enforcement found their locations in Appalachia, they risk fatal bites, from rattlesnakes with their rattlers cut off on purpose, and having missing legs from stepping into the bear traps. They have hidden cameras disguised as trees or fence posts, to send corrupt, uniformed police officers to assassinate D.E.A. agents sent out to investigate them. Sometimes they kidnap the local law enforcement and assume their identities.

Every Appalachian law enforcement official should be retinally scanned three times a year. This will prevent beheaded, Appalachian law enforcement officers. Drug cartels will always groom their own government, military, law enforcement people with fake degrees, overseas terrorist training, cover up their violent, juvenile and adult criminal records.

These people have the training to act like proper Christians, librarians, doctors, rabbis, or school teachers, but only to achieve their terrorist goals. Just consider how many Caucasian, male, neoconservative, U.S. Navy Chaplains are sexually abusive, racist, sexist, pedophiles, and criminal stalkers.

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