When I see how the UK has their own queen, I feel warm in my heart, knowing that our own version in the U.S. is more accessible, a children's legal advocate and a healthcare-experienced politician with a backbone for women's equality. The former First Lady is also a former First Mum, with regal bearings.
For many disadvantaged, impoverished, and disenfranchised, enlisted, U.S. military spouses, including GLBT, this is an inspiration. Hillary Clinton, the first, feminist Secretary of State, a former New York Senator, has truly imparted lasting change, and blazed the way for many of Denver's feminist attorneys.
Although Denver has a higher, national ratio of female to male attorneys, it also has a challenging, uphill battle regarding racial, socioeconomic, GLBT, and feminist employment equality issues. The challenge is in its financial allocations to feminist, U.S. military, veterans' healthcare, law enforcement recruitment, retention, and oversight.
Despite Benghazi's tragedies, former New York Senator and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has been the driving force behind her husband's accomplishments in balancing the U.S. economy's budget. She left a legacy already as an engaged, economically budget-focused, former First Lady, which the GOP immediately overspent on Enron, Halliburton and other corrupt, international security scandals.
The fact is, Benghazi and 9/11 were fueled by the Bush Administrations' continual supplies for weaponry and funding to Al-Qaeda in Libya, the Middle East, and their lack of CIA oversight there. The GOP has effectively lost touch with the Middle Eastern, girls' literacy struggles which grows as a result of Al-Qaeda, and ISIL's oppressive culture of sexual molestation, for human trafficking profits.
To support the Republican platform of escalating severe domestic violence, date rape, pedophilia, marital rapists, which are all not "family values," will lead to a higher rate of Middle Eastern girls being killed in a brutal genocide by AQAP, and ISIL terrorists. This, in turn, leads to more 9/11 tragedies as radical terrorists are able to threaten our own troops and veterans, even in our homeland.
They are nourished by the radical, international, patriarchal culture of ultra-orthodox, polygamous cults, which includes Al-Qaeda and ISIL's violent oppression of women, children, disabled, and elderly, including the growing threat of narcocults, militias, distributing fatal drugs such as Krokodil, a heroin substitute that will cause the U.S. to be crippled, economically, physically and socially.
Furthermore, the violent agendas of these terrorist organizations include forced enslavement of women, in sexually abusive, polygamist marriages, and sexually molesting, child marriages, both of which are against both the U.S. Constitution and international laws.
To support those in opposition of Hillary Clinton is to support further genocide against innocent, Middle Eastern girls, women, children, another 9/11, and global financial crisis/Great Depression. The GOP that campaigns against women and children supports sexually abusive, human trafficking by these dangerous, Krokodil-distributing, narcocults and Russian (including Boston Marathon bombing, Chechen-trained) radical, Islamic terrorists.
Knowing that brave, U.S. Navy SEALs and U.S. troops died in Benghazi, let's support a ground war of quadripled the amount of current, U.S. military presence in the Middle East, and Africa. This is more effective than what both parties, GOP, and Democrats are advocating.
Let's fund raise to hire General Petraeus to consult with the Pentagon, on a regular, weekly, twenty hours/week basis, or our U.S. troops will be led into a losing war against a much more brutal (ISIL) regime than Al-Qaeda. He has the expertise and victorious experience in the entire Middle East for our military. We'll then be able to truly win this newer, higher tech war against both AQAP, and ISIL.
The 9/11 tragedy will be miniscule, compared to the very real, brutally violent, global, nuclear war threats by ISIL terrorists, who already have U.S. Special Forces training, funding, weaponry, intelligence and loyal jihadists. How many more United Nation's troops including U.S. Special Forces should be executed, including on camera, by these ISIL terrorists?
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