What a terrible Wal-Mart where corporate executives expect petite women to wear Hello Kitty fleece pants or adult, full-body, infantile jammies. Let's replace those with solid, hot pink, U.S Armed Forces, fleece pajama pants, with Susan G. Komen ribbons on the side of the drawstrings.
No more of this narcoculture for pimps and pedophiles in the adult, female, sleepwear/pajama section. Don't have it declare "Property Of..." either. Let's just go with a simple, 4-inch, embroidered, U.S. Armed Forces emblem, on the front, upper left side area.
Instead of those pedophilia-oriented, cartoon prints, let's have Amy Butler, Laura Ashley or April Cornell-inspired pastel prints. Even the poor (and petite) have dignity. Let's try to hire all our impoverished, minority, battered, grandmothers who are quilters, and enlisted, military family members to become the Wal-Mart, SuperTarget assistant managers, full-time.
Also, what's going on with the GapKids district retail managers in Lakewood, Colorado when underwear thongs are in kiddie sizing? I'm hoping infant rape specialists, who are feminists can safely fly in during this New Year's to convict our Jeffco corporate executives at GapKids, Wal-Mart and Target.
Let's not allow them to order more size small, Hello Kitty pajamas in the adult sections, or those pedophilia-oriented, infant pacifiers. This "Good Ol' Boys" network, with violent rapists and pedophiles running our businesses in Jefferson County, Colorado has gotten too powerful.
They're running our country into the ground, economically, these poly-addicted, hate criminals. Also, everyone must hire feminist, minority retail managers who will legitimately drug test all their retail staff, at least every month. Let's hire more selectively, with feminist executives for the New Year's.
The Jeffco roads are again not being plowed, sanded, or salted this year, costing local businesses a loss of half their annual revenue. We must open Wal-Mart self-checkouts at nights, from 5 p.m. to 10 a.m. to keep lines below five customers per cashier.
This will increase employee retention, especially among our undervalued, bilingual staff who should all be given ten percent hourly raises, a sign-on bonus of ten percent their annualized salaries, and full-time positions.
They'll also require full, tuition, books, fees, managerial training and M.B.A. scholarships. The parking lots at retail anchor stores, such as SuperTargets and Wal-Marts must be plowed, sanded and even salted to prevent liability to our businesses.
***Please safely fly in the A.C.L.U., N.A.A.C.P., Ms. and Lillith feminist magazine executives to bring class-action lawsuits against the top one hundred corporations within Jefferson County, and the entire Denver Tech Center, in Englewood, Colorado.***
***Also, Lakewood, Colorado must have quadriple the number of snow plows, sanding, and salting on the roads from September 1st to May 30th, every year. Deer and elk hunting permits must be increased ten-fold in Jefferson County. Just give the additional hunting permits and new Ford F-250 trucks, free to 5,000 poor, female, minority, ex-military, feminist, law enforcement officials who have the skill set to manage the wildlife risks in the safest manner possible. That category should be awarded 5,000 new snow plows to run a small, plowing business for our Jeffco anchor retail stores, and community colleges.***
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