Thursday, January 15, 2015

Media Supportive Of Escalating Further Genocide Against NYC's African-American Community

New York City is a city easily victimized, by the thugs who put many of its politicians, including the top 10,000 of its police department in place. Since both the mayor, and the police are under intense scrutiny, post-executions of African-Americans' who somehow threaten their mediocre, white bread existence, they're positioning themselves to "audit" one another, which involves media cooperation/propaganda, for breaking news tips. This is to further demoralize and escalate in-fighting within the African-American's Christian and Muslim communities.

As a result, I find this article to be predictably corrupt, and question a NYC that participated in witch-hunting impoverished terrorism victims, who are only Muslim, as their "crime." What next, NYC becomes infamous, like the Parisian law enforcement, during President Sarkozy's term, caught on camera, while viciously beating up their pregnant, African, Muslim poor immigrants?

This glamorized perception that brutal mass molestation, human trafficking, raping, choking/gunning down unarmed civilians, in cold blood, on behalf of the Irish, Russian, Albanian, and Italian Mafias would be somehow legal is unmistakably the stereotypical stench of New York City's underworld. It's time to call in N.A.A.C.P.-approved, federal judges to properly audit both the NYC mayor and 10,000 of his top law enforcement. Both sides are culpable.

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