That ISIL terrorist suspect, whose a fifth generation Laotian from the Black Hawk casino will need to be brought to N.C.I.S. and Homeland Security immediately. He has various, terrorist, jihadist friends who have possibly fake license-plated vehicles. I saw two so far, a silver SUV at the Loaf and Jug gas station/convenience market at 8:30 p.m. approximately yesterday evening, with the last three letters of Ashley's license plates. It parked near me after I entered.
The other one was a C-470 sedan, next to me, Eastbound, a month ago, at noon approximately, ten miles from the Wadsworth Blvd exit, with the same last three letters of Ashley's license plates, but not her vehicle. I believe they're the terrorists who committed arson, rape and murder.
The Westminster, Colorado, Laotian Buddhist temple was previously burned down/destroyed by arsonists. Due to the correlation of arson and rape, that Laotian, male, fifth generation rapist of Mexican- and African-American pregnant women is the potential suspect for the temple's arson and homicide, along with racketeering, violations of the RICO Act, child abuse, child endangerment, and human trafficking.
He has many thug associates who are aiding and abetting him, in trying to assassinate Ashley, all her loved ones, and her entire family. That Laotian male poses a grave danger to every Mexican-American Consulate in D.C. Please warn Elenora's (Mexican Consulate in D.C.) father about him. He has committed the most brutal hate crimes against me, a former U.S. Navy Admiral's Radioman, from COMSUBPAC N6. Please pass this message onto British SAS, and all British naval, nuclear, submarines' Communicators/Radiomen.
Traditional Chinese Translation:
這ISIL恐怖犯罪嫌疑人,其第五代老撾從黑鷹賭場將需要立即提請NCIS和國土安全。 他有各種各樣的,恐怖,聖戰的朋友誰擁有可能是假牌照鍍車輛。 只見兩人至今,銀SUV在麵包和壺加油站/便利市場在下午8:30左右,昨天晚上與Ashley的車牌的最後三個字母。 它停在我身邊我進入之後。
另一種是C-470轎車,在我旁邊,橋東,一個月前,在大約中午從沃茲沃斯大道出口處,與阿什利的車牌同樣最後三個字母10英里,但不是她的車。 我相信他們是誰犯放火,強姦和殺人的恐怖分子。
威斯敏斯特,科羅拉多州,老撾寺以前燒毀/被縱火破壞。 因縱火和強姦的相關性,即老撾,男,Mexican-和非洲裔孕婦第五代強姦犯是寺廟的縱火和殺人的犯罪嫌疑人的潛力,伴隨著敲詐勒索,侵犯RICO法,虐待兒童,兒童危害,和販賣人口。
他有許多暴徒同夥誰是協助及教唆他,試圖暗殺阿什利,她所有的親人,她的整個家庭。 這老撾男性構成了嚴重威脅到每一個墨西哥裔美國人在領事館DC請注意Elenora的(墨西哥領事館DC)的父親對他。 他犯了最殘酷的仇恨犯罪反對我,一個前美國海軍上將的報務員,從COMSUBPAC N6。 請將此消息傳遞到英國的SAS,以及所有英國海軍,核,潛艇傳播者/ Radiomen。
瓦特海明威 在 上午03時39
技術博客 。
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