Thursday, January 1, 2015

Free Tamiflu & Flu Shot Clinics Needed In Colorado

Let's get everyone the preservative-free flu vaccine (injection form) that's available at SuperTarget pharmacies, especially for our pregnant, breastfeeding, elderly, and children. It covers more strains of flu and this season has an epidemic of Type A, which can be more fatal.

The standard flu shot still has a 61% effectiveness rate despite the epidemic, which has killed fifteen children already, and is now peaking in half of the U.S. It may have to be paired with a booster shot, for children of all ages, who've never been vaccinated against it. Let's award our blood, plasma, bone marrow, organ, sperm, and egg donors (and up to ten of their families, domestic partners/GLBT spouses/roommates) with free, preservatives-free flu shots, including the booster shots.

We should give them free Tamiflu prescriptions and medications for themselves and ten people in those categories also. This will prepare us for those annual, mass vehicle accidents from having poly-addicted, inebriated drivers, blizzards, mismanaged roads, and overpopulated wildlife. Let's include the pneumonia and meningitis vaccines for our A.A., N.A., G.A., and S.A., addicted population, including all juvenile delinquents, current and/or former.  

Unfortunately, it's not just deer, elk, mountain lions, but also foxes, rabbits, squirrels, stray, homeless dogs, and cats that run across the roads. Also, let's multiply our WIC, and EBT population by ten, to project Tamiflu, preservatives-free, flu shots, with booster injections. This will protect first responders who still have unvaccinated family members, roommates and private, GLBT spouses. Even if married, or heterosexual, let's count them twice, with an additional GLBT spouse.

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