Saturday, February 14, 2015

Google Again Successfully Harbors ISIL's Nuclear Bombs Underwater, From President Obama's Administration

There are underwater maps, of the major oceans' seafloor, which Google has refused to share with the U.S. military. A request for all underwater, seafloor maps requires mineral rights, natural gas/oil, mining rights, water rights, constitutional privacy, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, intellectual property, legal clarification from the U.S. federal government and military to global corporations, not the other way around.

The physical threats, of nuclear terrorism,  natural disasters (drilling to disrupt tectonic plates' fault lines to cause earthquakes) to U.S. submarines and ships are another factor. Hiding ISIL, and global, drug cartel submarines in underwater, nuclear bomb-rigged, biosphere, environments is a threat to everyone also.

Already, invasive plant, animal species (e.g. golden mussels, zebra musels, red tide) threaten our country's food security, and will further cripple our economy. Those are potentially terrorism methods, along with illegal, medical waste/biohazard, nuclear/chemical waste, dumpings into our waterways, and landfills.

One ancient method of protecting our waterways involved hidden traps, explosives, much like in Switzerland's bridges, road systems. The threat of terrorism lies in this topic, cybercrime, which involves corporate espionage from outside of the U.S., especially from China.

Since the President has been unsuccessful in garnering U.S. tech corporations' patriotic support, it's past time to investigate all U.S. corporations who pose the gravest, economic threat to national security, including financially funding ISIL terrorism activities, and harboring fugitives' activities in offshored, undersecured, "data" centers.

These terrorist corporations must be forced to comply with the Patriot Act, which also protects our food security, and impoverished. The price of a can of sardines, or tuna, has a global effect on the most impoverished children in underdeveloped nations, including Chinese slaves and orphans.

Informational link regarding the "unanimously supported" Patriot Act by Congress, post-9/11, from the U.S. Department of Justice:

The Colorado, KKK neocons who threatened the President's personal safety, have arranged Scalise to deliberately sabotage the Obama Administration's cybercrime symposium, and are again participating in ISIL recruiting here in Colorado, a state still politically controlled by German, Aryan drug cartels, skinheads of all races, genders, orientations, ages, and the KKK. This state is at extremely high risk for both domestic, and foreign assassination plots, against all of the First Families.

This is due to the legalization of medical marijuana in Colorado, a failed, social experiment, that has fueled the growth of untested, contaminated, bioengineered marijuana plants, THC products which creates: higher risks for drug-induced psychosis, deliberate, ketamine "contamination," human trafficking, organ harvesting, date rape, higher rates of ecstasy usage and illegal weapons running.

The industry has a large amount of toxic, birth defect-inducing, pesticide, insecticide and fertilizer pollution, which affects our waterways, and farmlands. This isn't truly "green space," but a reason for Colorado's elevated infant mortality, preterm birth, and infertility rates, in both males and females.

Taxing and regulating the medical marijuana industry should include screening employees for all substances, including pesticides, insecticides, safety, healthcare, and feminist oversight to address the hidden, molested, GLBT, minority, repeatedly impregnated, child slaves within this supposedly "liberal" industry, that's actually run by neo-Nazi, drug cartels.

The drought is another reason that this industry must be further investigated, and regulated. As impoverished families, especially Christian homeschooling ones, or minority, Catholics are fined for their basic laundering, once/week, brief showers, the medical marijuana industry hasn't switched to drought-tolerant, river-safe methods of growing, harvesting and distribution for their deliberately, scopolamine-contaminated, "THC" products.

The by-product hemp that's bleached (for valuable paper, textiles) by this industry pours dioxins into our streams and rivers. The hemp seed-based infant formula is supposedly "USDA Organic," but have the impoverished, illiterate, minorities been paid fair wages, given humane, feminist, working conditions, protective uniforms, gear, including respiratory equipment, gloves, checked every single month for substance abuse, behavioral addictions, domestic violence, workplace violence, and hexane poisoning?

***What if we all had to work there? Shouldn't those protective uniforms, equipment be provided to us, even if we all were undocumented, migrant workers/day laborers? If undocumented employees and customers wanted to discreetly, but safely, turn over their illegal guns, bombs, corrupt law enforcement, would they get fair, legal and medical advocates? At the least, we could fundraise for 500,000 GLBT, feminist, minority, mobile, rural, Planned Parenthood clinics, with bilingual brochures on rape slavery, organ harvesting and anti-human trafficking.***

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