Tuesday, February 10, 2015

To A.C.L.U., & N.A.A.C.P.:


Also, we'll need full swimming scholarships, diving lessons, year-round for Lakewood, Colorado, Eiber Elementary School's impoverished demographic, at Arvada APEX recreational center or a better environment. Some will need new prescription eyeglasses, and goggles for this, for free also. Remember, this must be with bilingual instruction, in both Mexican Spanish, and American English.

They'll need to be bused in by RTD's Call and Ride buses, properly seatbelted, with their entire family, including all parents, five GLBT spouses/friends, and all grandparents. Some will need new, side-impact rated, convertible car seats and booster seats. Please have Sports Authority, Lenscrafters, Super Target, Wal-Mart corporate sponsorships for Graco convertible car seat donations, free vision exams, eyeglasses, prescription swimming goggles, swimming clothes, youth/adult diving suits, diving equipment, flippers, prescription diving goggles.

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