Guess a bear's weight by the size of its tracks, and claw marks on tree trunks, with the link above. Also, Discovery channel has a television series titled, "Dual Survival," which shows Joe demonstrating this method, while stranded in North-central, Pennsylvania's Allegheny Mountains.
Hopefully, Eiber Elementary School in Lakewood, Colorado will get a visit from female, Mexican-American, African-American, Colorado Park Rangers to learn about bear safety in Colorado. The impoverished, challenged, illiterate, minority children are hoping to become junior park rangers.
Remember, they all need free winter coats, boots, gun safes, gun locks, wild turkey, and wild duck-calling whistles, hunting season orange-red, reflective hats, vests, tents, and sleeping bags also. Please ask REI, Patagonia and all those ski resort corporations to donate equipment for their feminist, GLBT-inclusive, interfaith, junior park ranger programs.
Please don't forget to have an insect specialist (entomologist) visit from the Butterfly Pavilion; They'll all need a fully-funded field trip to visit there, twelve times per year. Also, each classroom will need ten donated ladybug, butterfly breeding kits, to study entomology.
We're going to need all of these classes, in the link above, to be offered free, at Eiber Elementary School, Lakewood, Colorado, in a feminist, bilingual (Mexican Spanish, American English), GLBT-inclusive, interfaith environment.
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