Wednesday, February 18, 2015

To D.E.A. S.O.D.: ISIL Recruiters

The American Radioman, female I emailed in Evergreen, Colorado, when my son was in second grade, was married to a British, foreign national male, had intercystial cystitis (bladder pain, lining medical condition).

That may possibly be from British ISIL medical providers, along with ISIL recruiters targeting her and her wealthy husband. Although potential terrorism victims, I don't know if she and her husband are ISIL recruiters.

***Her potentially illegal, dual citizenship status should be reviewed though, by ISIL counter-terrorism experts within N.C.I.S.***

The Louisiana resident, Victoria, a former pen pal of mine at the same time, had an "identical twin." She espoused radical, terrorist ideologies. Both her, and her identical twin had bipolar disorders, along with severe poly-addictions. Victoria's "incompetent" pharmacists are definitely in with drug cartels also. They criminally stalked her, after almost killing her, by "accidentally" dispensing a drug that had fatal side effects with the ones she was being prescribed. Her "incompetent" OB/GYN deliberately caused her permanent, post-natal injuries which were severe also.

Also, the male(s) from Answerology's website, before it became publicly traded, who went by the screen name, "greekattorney" exhibited some worrisome, online, sexually deviant behaviors, and I suspect he/they are ISIL recruiters.

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