Saturday, April 25, 2015

U.S.S. Cole Terrorism In Yemen Is Still Unresolved, & I'm Still Not A Medic

I felt as if time had stopped after the U.S.S. Cole bombing. Then, 9/11 occurred, including in Northern Virginia, where I grew up. That closely followed a Virginian sniper in both Northern Virginia, Spotsylvania area, and the powdered anthrax terrorism in D.C.

I had to leave the Denver Federal Center, where I was working, after 9/11, since at the time, it didn't seem wise for our toddler son, to have both parents working there. There was an evacuation on the Denver Federal Center, due to an abandoned suitcase with suspicious powder there also.

Shortly afterwards, the Haymen Wildfires happened near me, followed by the Bailey school shooting, an hour from where I lived at the time. Then, the equally close, church shootings in Arvada, and Colorado Springs happened near me too. I saw Colin die in Evergreen, next to Elk Meadows, and then the Golden, Colorado bridge sign's collapse occurred, about five minutes in front of me.

The Aurora, movie theater shooting occurred right after I came back to the U.S., and now I barely remember much about President Obama, since his first inauguration happened around the same time as the Cactus 1549 flight. It seems surreal, to have a Great   Depression, or G.F.C./Global, Financial Crisis, while in Australia.

After two years there, I arrived home to the U.S. Then, tragically, the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting happened an hour from where I had once lived, in Connecticut. Are we ever going to feel closure from the U.S.S. Cole even? I feel shell shocked from all these tragedies.

A few years ago, I actually decided that I better try to re-enlist, as I should do something, anything, to prevent more radical, Islamist  terrorists. I went to the Littleton, Colorado, U.S. military recruiting offices, to personally meet with the U.S. Navy, and telephoned the U.S. Army recruiters there.

The U.S. Amy was actually interested in enrolling me, at the time. I don't actually understand why either. I was considering becoming an enlisted, U.S. Army medic/nurse/Army version of a "Radioman/Data Processor," at the time.

This should make me somehow more politically decisive about the gun control bill. Unfortunately, I was also preyed upon by too many radicalized, atheist liberals here in Colorado, and everywhere. I grew up Buddhist, tried to be vegan, and was going to join the Peace Corps, to be a nurse. Now, I am some type of conservative, Virginian, Persian Gulf War veteran, and a "Jewish-Buddhist-Christian  feminist."

I secretly wonder how these Chechen, war-seasoned veterans, who are ISIL can be defeated. It's very frustrating, knowing that so many people are definitely on these radical, Islamist terrorists' sides. After everything happened in D.C. Metro, there were times, while pumping gas into my car, when I longed for the smell the of honeysuckle vines, and barbecues in Great Falls, Virginia.

Yet, so much has changed for me now. There in Northern Virginia, here, in Denver Metro, Colorado, in San Diego, California, in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and in Australia, too many of those atheist, radical "liberals/Viet Cong-supporters/Communists" physically and sexually abused me too severely, that I know I'm not welcome in such a liberal, D.C. Metro area, and truly never was welcomed there anyhow.

Now, I know why people hated me, when I asked the Mary Washington College official about Christian Science (Science taught by Christian professors) as a high school, Project SOAR, summer student there one year. In America, it's actually illegal to believe in God, and to serve your country. Many people are similar to those Columbine High School shooters, who ruthlessly massacred children for merely being believers of God.

What would my Project SOAR, Harvard, History professor from there think of so many tragedies? I could not even vote in the last major election. There were times in the U.S. Navy, active duty when I was too exhausted from work, to actually submit my voting ballot. It was enough to make it up the staircase to my apartment, and immediately lay down, right on the carpeted floor, just like now also. When I was supposed to be voting, I was curled in a fetal position, holding onto my stuffed animals, in bed, the monkey and a dolphin one.

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