This is a writing prompt specifically for all Persian Gulf War veterans who are Navy SEAL Radiomen:
Let's pretend for a moment that our name is Ricky, the NYC Vice Cop sock puppet. Pick up a stress ball or grip strengthener in each hand as you mentally draft your creative writing skit/play. Go ahead and try to convince everyone that you're the perfect candidate for taking Edward Snowden into custody, for a one-way trip to Switzerland, with full diplomatic immunity. Why not ask everyone whose a Radioman how they truly feel about that assignment?
What could be going through their minds? As Radiomen, we would probably leap our bodies through the interrogation room one-sided mirror, as we observe Snowden being offered diplomatic immunity.
It's critical to give voice and expression to such intense feelings, while being triggered by the latest church shooting in South Carolina though. Many people from the U.S. military will not express any feelings, until they have a heart attack or hypertension.
That isn't healthy for us as Zohans though. We must first identify our feelings about Edward Snowden in particular. It's completely natural to feel anger. Anger, however, is a temporary state. Imagine anger as the Zohan and say what it is that bothers you immensely about him. It's fine to look at it as a creative play also.
Once you're able to say out loud to yourself, in your private space, that you're angry about his deliberate espionage, which was not under coercion or tortuous circumstances, realize that you're not alone in feeling so intensely about him. Tell yourself this is allowable, acceptable and perfectly normal.
Embrace your inner Zohan/"Meet the Fockers" Robert DeNiro emotions, so they don't rule you. This way you're not closing up your heart chakra, which gives you self-love, self-acceptance and healthy self-esteem.
God gave us all emotions, for a reason. Buddhist monks encourage us to believe they are temporary states, much like stepping into a flowing river. What feels intense and unspeakable has to be identified and expressed. Regarding Edward Snowden, more than likely, all Radiomen would have to be put into Hannibal Lector restraints, to accomplish that sort of Swiss trip assignment.
The God to direct your prayers to about Edward Snowden is the U.S. Navy SEAL Radioman God. Get in touch with that God as you're praying about your uncertainty and how to cope with the traumatic triggers in the media. That attitude is the one that will not leave you hostage to your unspoken emotions.
As strongly and intensely as you feel about the hero worship towards Snowden, which probably led to the church shooting in South Carolina, there are people who understand that desire to leap at Edward Snowden through any interrogation room mirror.
Yes, Snowden is the one who decided to endanger the entire U.S. military and intelligence community. Yes, this definitely bothers you a great deal. Many Zohans are bothered by his act of terrorism, which may have also caused all the recent data breaches. Yes, that stirs up a lot of feelings.
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