Friday, November 21, 2014

To C.I.A., N.S.A., F.B.I., N.A.A.C.P., A.C.L.U., Ms., Lillith, Feminist Magazine Executives, & D.E.A. S.O.D.: Don Hemingway's Ranch A Terrorist Compound (Where Alaskan Malamute Was Adopted Into)

Don Hemingway used to also frequent a ranch, with his teenaged runway, child slaves, and his puppy, an Alaskan Malamute. He would drop them off there. A female rancher owned it, he said to me personally.

He was abusive towards me, frequently gathered to deal drugs, drink heavily, with the Lubec, Maine D.T.O./drug-trafficking organizations in New Britain, Connecticut, Trescott, Maine, and Lubec, Maine.

Howard Shaw, a former Marine, was Don Hemingway's best friend, and Nathan's godfather. Howard Shaw claimed there were many people in Maine who impersonated U.S. Marines. He (Howard Shaw) would get into bar fights frequently with these individuals, in U.S. Marine uniforms.

I think they had disagreements regarding drug deals, and those U.S. Marine-trained, jihadist/militia members were actually his thugs. He pretended they weren't, but why was he always with them, and sending death threats to Julian ("Barney") and Rebecca Rier, Anthony's great-grandparents, who both passed away?

Howard, Aimsley, and Pete collected machine guns, and ran "rum" ("rum runner" wasn't just Howard's title), which refers to heroin distribution, not the alcoholic rum alone. Howard Shaw's from a wealthy, prominent family in Boston.

His son, Aimsley, who had been kicked out from college/university, had physical symptoms indicative of using anabolic steroids, and other, illicit substances. Aimsley would inhale something referred to as "white sugar" constantly, starting from early adolescence. This may be why he was kicked out from university. Aimsley enjoyed throwing ammunition into camp fires, to cause explosions on purpose.

Once, he got injured as a result of throwing bullets into campfires, and the entire, poly-addicted, abusive group hid his serious gunshot wounds from medical professionals. He, Pete and Nan (Howard Shaw's drug-addicted partner, Pete's mother) would abuse Pete's wife, Crystle and their two children.

That group enjoyed regaling me with paranoid threats towards "the feds" who had been blamed by them, for constantly spraying their "marijuana" fields in Maine. They received many prescription painkillers through Shaw's V.A. hospital. The drugs they distributed/still distribute probably were/are in candy/fudge, whale blubber soap bars, and soy gel candle forms.

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