Friday, November 21, 2014

Updated : To D.E.A. S.O.D.: Roofies, Datura, TTX, Atropine, Ketamine At Graham Road Elementary & magnate schools

A white-haired, divorcing, female, sixth-grade teacher at Graham Road Elementary had to go to a mental hospital while trying to leave her abusive ex. He probably slipped her ketamine, so he could kill her. She seemed to think she was schizophrenic, like McHenry's first wife. Anh Tran (related to Kim Tran, in the Navy, and Graham Road Elementary School, Le Tran) also had two relatives (mother, brother) with schizophrenia supposedly, and a Caucasian, Mormon family that fostered her.

Her abusive brother (living with her mother) had the police called on him by myself, for domestic violence. When police arrived, I went to their door and saw Anh, with a black eye. It was her brother, who was under the influence of drugs, along with her mother.

Later, Anh described how she was fostered by a Mormon family, but stole her foster brothers' clothes at a pool, somehow causing them to be naked together in public. Don't trust coffee from those incestuous, foster brothers, D.E.A. They may have a radical, polygamist cult associated with Johnny Frey's radical Mormon cults.

At Leyna Nguyen's house there was a drug-addicted pedophile, her relative, a male, acting similarly to Anh's pedophile, physically abusive  brother. Then, I later saw Leyna, dressed in a way that was hypersexual/molested-looking, and with makeup that appeared Goth-like, at FCHS, where she was waiting for her bus to Thomas Jefferson (a public, Science & Technology magnate school).

All her guidance counselors, classmates, teachers, including her older sister's also, will need to be drug-tested by D.E.A. and brought to N.C.I.S. That magnate school protects human trafficking pedophiles and rapists. The boys who attended that school with Leyna put some denigrating remarks, on the internet, about how all females there were "sluts." They will need feminist, minority F.B.I. interrogations.

Sharon, Kelly's mother was molesting Kelly with Johnny, all her exes, Shirley Potter and all her exes. Kelly's LD/learning disability teacher at Graham Road Elementary actually made her read a 400-page novel, which further abused her, when I was in fourth grade.

If this L.D. assignment reoccurs, please get the LD children into the public libraries, on a regular basis (once per week). That way they can get them the "Little Women" movie, audio book and something similar to Cliff Notes for dyslexic children.

Hopefully, someone is a former, certified, special education, elementary school teacher, within the F.B.I. Try to find the poor, single, feminist, minority agents that have that background, to help find these special education teachers who abused all their challenged children.

Walt Shrieveman, RRCC Psychology I, II, professor, said one of his relatives was somehow schizophrenic. I suspect ketamine, or drug-induced psychosis. How can schizophrenia be that common when the people around them are pedophiles, enjoy abusing disabled veterans, and are rapists?

Tanya Tinnin Wilkinson's Sydney, Australia, New Age psychic told me her mother was schizophrenic also. I think I paid cash there, at the downtown Sydney, New Age shop I visited with her. Later, during my son's first week of primary school in Sandringham, Victoria, Australia, I saw a lookalike to that "psychic friend" of Tanya's, next to my son's school, on a bench. Links to the shop are at the bottom of my post.

In Tanya's family, one child, Julie's, had psychosis. I suspected ketamine, child abuse, and that the adults were stealing/mismanaging that child's Ritalin, for ADHD. Poly-addicts often steal their children's medications for their own use.

Hopefully the F.B.I. have a board-certified, experienced, child psychiatrist (M.D., or D.O.) who are feminist, and CAC-certified in addictions to find out who truly is schizophrenic, or a "cuckoo" an abusive term that McHenry enjoyed using to describe his battered ex-wife.

With the amount of illegal Adderall and Ritalin drugs on college campuses, it's time for everyone there to be brought in for drug-testing. It can cause death, and irreparable brain damage in users, especially since it's distributed without proper medical supervision. Campus drug-dealers include professors with criminal histories and poly-addictions. They all need to be drug-tested, every single month, while in a position of trust.

Here's the place that Tanya's "psychic friend" was at, with a Sandringham, Victoria, Australia lookalike.

Madame Blavatsky Society, Its Aryan Root Race Ideology, Usage Of Swastika Symbol In Cult, Its German- and Austrian- Equally Radicalized Offshoots:

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