Saturday, January 31, 2015

To N.A.A.C.P., A.C.L.U. & Lillith Feminist Magazine Executives:

وأتساءل عما إذا كانت شركات الأوبرا والباليه الروسية يمكن أن يكون رحب في المعابد اليهودية في Colorado\ للمساعدة في تصميم الإنسان المناهضة الاتجار بالرقص البرامج لأعمالنا مراهق، المدينة الداخلية، وأقلية من السكان.

To N.C.I.S.:


Вторжение России Украины, включенных армии США Ranger подготовленных, Чеченская ISIS джихадистов. Российские войска, участвующие в закрытии железнодорожных станций должны быть захвачены живыми американскими Delta спецназа.

Vtorzheniye Rossii Ukrainy, vklyuchennykh armii SSHA Ranger podgotovlennykh, Chechenskaya ISIS dzhikhadistov. Rossiyskiye voyska, uchastvuyushchiye v zakrytii zheleznodorozhnykh stantsiy dolzhny byt' zakhvacheny zhivymi amerikanskimi Delta spetsnaza.

To Gaelic-Speaking, African-American N.C.I.S., & D.E.A. S.O.D.:

I wonder who those Irish foreign national couple at the Fiji airport were, because I suspect Tanya Tinnin Wilkinson knew them. Also, there was that Irish man at the Mile High Vineyard Church, Marriage Builder's workshop. I believe they're all participating in dirty bomb making, and are likely to both behead local law enforcement, and bomb the Denver Federal Center.

To German Counter-Terrorism Experts At N.C.I.S., & D.E.A. S.O.D.:

The criminally stalking "88" license plates and white pick-up trucks that were at Highland Ranch, Walmart around me since last year will need to all be brought in, to German/English, bilingual, African-American, U.S. Navy SEALs from N.C.I.S.

To Feminist, N.A.A.C.P. Muslims:

In order to afford all those active senior nursung homes, let's have a hip-hop ballet to Ludacris' "Moneymaker" song, at our mega mosques, with medicine balls, and have professional rhythmic gymnastics as the dancers. Muslims can also successfully fundraise for Colorado elderly.

To Feminist, African-American, Muslim N.A.A.C.P.: Fundraiser Recipe Idea: Ganauche ChocoBerry Cake Pops, With Salted Caramel Toppings

I have become a chocolate ganauche cake fanatic since living in Australia. Recently, I have discovered Starbucks' salted caramel cake pops, which has essential amino acids and minerals for high-altitude sweet tooths. How come health foods don't taste this way? Hopefully, they can create a similar cake pop but use ChocoBerry cake dough, from Garden Greens, sprouted chia seeds' flour, organic stevia powder and fair-wage carob chips.

If we cut 75% of the glycemic index load from Starbucks' menu, we won't need to frantically burn calories like that main character from "Bridget Jones' Diary," or cry about the Swimsuit Illustrated covers, which require aggressive, feminist, class-action lawsuits on behalf of impoverished, African-American, Hispanic-American, and Asian-American elderly.

It's nothing personal against these crack-addicted, waif models, but they'll need to be blamed for Big Fat by pregnant, Jamaican- American D.E.A. agents also. As I contemplate my sharpened red, painted nails, and listen to Volbeat's "A Warrior's Call" song, I know it's time again, to rally every Muslim-American mother in the ghettos to another class-action lawsuit, until they stop offering our children at Super Target those narcoculture, pedophilia-designed girls' bikinis in the swimsuit section.

Adapted Saudi, Halal Wedding Meals:

Due to a lack of camel ranches here, let's try  whole, roasted halal, baby lambs, marinated in organic, minced, red shallots for 24 hours, and substitute the black pepper in this recipe for freshly-ground, red, Saudi Arabian sumac powder. Also, injera bread should be buttered with organic, halal ghee, then stuffed with baklava fillings. It would look more inclusive to the Zahran tribe's orphans from Somalia and Sudan if it were dusted with coriander powder in crescent moon and star shapes, like the cafe barristers' style.

Colorado A Welcoming State For Saudi Arabian, Zahran Tribe

It would be appropriate for our Muslim mega-mosques in Colorado to host a Zahran tribute, with Bedouin poetry songs, a cappella, by Boyz II Men-inspired vocalists from Yemen, in order to celebrate the shared histories of herding sheep, ranching, and farming between two democratic tribes, Colorado and the Saudi Arabian Zahran tribe. It's similar to the Coloradoan tradition of "cowboy poetry" readings, with harmonicas. Also, a soccer match should be held between Venezuelan and Coloradoan Muslims, for astroturf, athletic/soccer uniforms, soccer balls, cleats (shoes), autographed soccer ball donations to Saudi Arabian orphanages in Sudan and Somalia.

To African-American Muslims At The N.A.A.C.P., & A.C.L.U.:

The countries of Venezuela, UK rushed in to welcome the new King Salman, but the fragmentation of the Middle Eastern region is due to the U.S. alliances with convicted serial rapist, Moshe Katsav and all of his diplomatic associations. Following the suspicious "heart attacks" of the former King's beloved nephews, and his failed "medical treatments" in NYC, there must be appropriate changes made to increasing full medical scholarships there for African-American, Muslim-inclusive oncologists, cardiologists, and neurologists.

The new King has adopted, and done a large amount of philanthropy on behalf of the impoverished African Muslims orphans, while guaranteeing a strong alliance with the U.S.'s war against ISIL. The U.S. should return that allegiance by sending the American Red Crescent and U.S. Special Forces to train his children in Africa, as U.S. military ROTC officers, with citizenship after four years abroad, in service. At least 500,000 African Muslims that the new King approves of from Somalia, Sudan should be offered this program of unity and peace between two of the most powerful countries within the U.N. After four years, they should be given full Ivy League, medical scholarships.

Arabic Translation:

السبت 31 يناير، 2015
للمسلمين الأميركيين الأفارقة في وNAACP، واتحاد الحريات المدنية:

بلدان فنزويلا، سارعت المملكة المتحدة في لاستقبال الملك سلمان الجديد، ولكن يرجع تفتيت منطقة الشرق الأوسط إلى تحالفات الولايات المتحدة مع المدانين المغتصب المسلسل، موشيه Katsav وجميع الجمعيات الدبلوماسية له. بعد المشبوهة "النوبات القلبية" من أبناء الحبيب الملك السابق، ومحاولته الفاشلة "العلاجات الطبية" في مدينة نيويورك، يجب أن يكون هناك تغييرات مناسبة المبذولة لزيادة المنح الدراسية الطبية الكاملة هناك لمن أصل إفريقي، شاملة للمسلم أطباء الأورام، أمراض القلب، والأعصاب .

وقد اعتمد الملك الجديد، وذلك على كمية كبيرة من الأعمال الخيرية بالنيابة عن الفقيرة الأيتام المسلمين الأفارقة، مع ضمان تحالف قوي مع حرب الولايات المتحدة ضد ISIL. يجب أن تعود الولايات المتحدة أن الولاء عن طريق إرسال القوات الخاصة الهلال الأحمر والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لتدريب أولاده في أفريقيا، والولايات المتحدة ضباط تدريب ضباط الاحتياط العسكري، مع المواطنة بعد أربع سنوات في الخارج، في الخدمة. ، وينبغي أن تقدم على الأقل 500،000 المسلمين الأفارقة أن الملك الجديد يوافق على من الصومال السودان هذا البرنامج من الوحدة والسلام بين اثنين من أقوى البلدان في إطار الأمم المتحدة بعد أربع سنوات، وأنها يجب أن تعطى كامل ايفي ليج، والمنح الدراسية الطبية.
همنغواي ث في 14:52

لا يوجد تعليقات:
إرسال تعليق
عرض إصدار الويب
همنغواي ث

عرض الوضع الكامل الخاص بي
مدعوم من مدون .

Jordan's Impoverished Desperately Require Saudi Arabian Humanitarian Assistance

The Saudi Arabian middle-class are getting a boost from their new King, but the economic instability in Jordan could cause a pandemic flu outbreak in Saudi Arabia.

Egyptian Free Press Would Build Its Credibility For U.S. Investors

Egypt has successfully mediated Israeli and Palestinian peace summits. However, when I see Anderson Cooper almost assassinated on camera, with his American news crew, I know that the only way forward is to be realistic regarding Egyptian political instability.

Until American journalists are allowed access to Egyptian Supermax prisons, to privately interview them regarding the conditions there, Egypt will not get to be considered a UAE business partner.

The UAE should host an Amnesty International symposium with Egypt to address the corrupt prison systems within its country, where AQAP terrorist cells are flourishing, much like in Australia, where Bassam Hamzy uses his Aussie prison cell as a free, taxpayer-funded, command center for his bikie, al-Qaeda-connected terrorists.

In Egypt, Rachel Corrie wouldn't have been safe, because of the pervasive culture of racial and religious intolerance towards international journalists. The rioting, lack of a free press, is a red flag against Egypt, which invests in furthering China's similarly oppressive agenda against women, children, and elderly.

Arabic Translation:

السبت 31 يناير، 2015
فري برس المصرية ستبني مصداقيتها للمستثمرين الولايات المتحدة؟irpc=932

مصر قد توسطت بنجاح القمم السلام الإسرائيلية والفلسطينية. ومع ذلك، عندما أرى أندرسون كوبر اغتيل تقريبا على الكاميرا، مع طاقمه أخبار الأمريكي، وأنا أعلم أن السبيل الوحيد للمضي قدما هو أن نكون واقعيين بشأن عدم الاستقرار السياسي المصري.

حتى يسمح الصحفيين الأمريكيين الوصول إلى سجون سوبرماكس المصرية، لمقابلة خاصة لهم فيما يتعلق بالأوضاع هناك، مصر لن تحصل على اعتبار شريك تجاري دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

يجب أن دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة تستضيف ندوة منظمة العفو الدولية مع مصر لمعالجة الأنظمة الفاسدة داخل السجن القطرية، حيث الخلايا الإرهابية القاعدة في جزيرة العرب وتزدهر، يشبه إلى حد كبير في أستراليا، حيث يستخدم بسام حمزة زنزانته بالسجن الاسترالي باعتبارها، مركز قيادة خالية من يمولها دافع الضرائب لbikie له، إرهابيي القاعدة على اتصال.

في مصر، راشيل كوري لا يمكن أن يكون آمنا، بسبب انتشار ثقافة التعصب العنصري والديني تجاه الصحفيين الدوليين. أعمال الشغب، عدم وجود صحافة حرة، هو العلم الأحمر ضد مصر، التي تستثمر في تعزيز جدول أعمال الصين الظالم بالمثل ضد النساء والأطفال، وكبار السن.
همنغواي ث في 06:31

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إرسال تعليق
عرض إصدار الويب
همنغواي ث

عرض الوضع الكامل الخاص بي
مدعوم من مدون .

Updated: To All South Vietnamese-American, Chinese-American, Homeland Security, N.C.I.S., F.B.I., C.I.A., N.S.A., D.E.A. S.O.D., & All British Naval Communicators:

That ISIL terrorist suspect, whose a fifth generation Laotian from the Black Hawk casino will need to be brought to N.C.I.S. and Homeland Security immediately. He has various, terrorist, jihadist friends who have possibly fake license-plated vehicles. I saw two so far, a silver SUV at the Loaf and Jug gas station/convenience market at 8:30 p.m. approximately yesterday evening, with the last three letters of Ashley's license plates. It parked near me after I entered.

The other one was a C-470 sedan, next to me, Eastbound, a month ago, at noon approximately, ten miles from the Wadsworth Blvd exit, with the same last three letters of Ashley's license plates, but not her vehicle. I believe they're the terrorists who committed arson, rape and murder.

The Westminster, Colorado, Laotian Buddhist temple was previously burned down/destroyed by arsonists. Due to the correlation of arson and rape, that Laotian, male, fifth generation rapist of Mexican-  and African-American pregnant women is the potential suspect for the temple's arson and homicide, along with racketeering, violations of the RICO Act, child abuse, child endangerment, and human trafficking.

He has many thug associates who are aiding and abetting him, in trying to assassinate Ashley, all her loved ones, and her entire family. That Laotian male poses a grave danger to every Mexican-American Consulate in D.C. Please warn Elenora's (Mexican Consulate in D.C.) father about him. He has committed the most brutal hate crimes against me, a former U.S. Navy Admiral's Radioman, from COMSUBPAC N6. Please pass this message onto British SAS, and all British naval, nuclear, submarines' Communicators/Radiomen.

Traditional Chinese Translation:

這ISIL恐怖犯罪嫌疑人,其第五代老撾從黑鷹賭場將需要立即提請NCIS和國土安全。 他有各種各樣的,恐怖,聖戰的朋友誰擁有可能是假牌照鍍車輛。 只見兩人至今,銀SUV在麵包和壺加油站/便利市場在下午8:30左右,昨天晚上與Ashley的車牌的最後三個字母。 它停在我身邊我進入之後。

另一種是C-470轎車,在我旁邊,橋東,一個月前,在大約中午從沃茲沃斯大道出口處,與阿什利的車牌同樣最後三個字母10英里,但不是她的車。 我相信他們是誰犯放火,強姦和殺人的恐怖分子。

威斯敏斯特,科羅拉多州,老撾寺以前燒毀/被縱火破壞。 因縱火和強姦的相關性,即老撾,男,Mexican-和非洲裔孕婦第五代強姦犯是寺廟的縱火和殺人的犯罪嫌疑人的潛力,伴隨著敲詐勒索,侵犯RICO法,虐待兒童,兒童危害,和販賣人口。

他有許多暴徒同夥誰是協助及教唆他,試圖暗殺阿什利,她所有的親人,她的整個家庭。 這老撾男性構成了嚴重威脅到每一個墨西哥裔美國人在領事館DC請注意Elenora的(墨西哥領事館DC)的父親對他。 他犯了最殘酷的仇恨犯罪反對我,一個前美國海軍上將的報務員,從COMSUBPAC N6。 請將此消息傳遞到英國的SAS,以及所有英國海軍,核,潛艇傳播者/ Radiomen。

瓦特海明威 在 上午03時39



技術博客 。

Friday, January 30, 2015

To Ms., Lillith Feminist, Minority Magazine Executives, N.A.A.C.P., & A.C.L.U.:

At all the public schools, mega churches/temples/mosques, hospitals, community colleges, and universities, we'll need new, studded, snow tires for the impoverished, disabled, elderly/female, minority grandmothers/grandfathers, with corporate sponsorship from all the automotive manufacturing and maintenance corporations.

This should happen once per week, on weekends, from August through the end of May, in case of new residents, who are elderly. We need the tires to also be (pro bono) mounted, inflated properly, rotated, and warrantied for any repairs for twelve months.

That way, the elderly can job hunt, get their groceries, necessary medications, dental care, vision care, required physical therapy, recreational activities, laundering, participate in humanitarian charities/community fundraising with local blood banks/PTA's, mentor MOPS, and safely arrive at all of their religious places of worship.

***Please ask all the homeless, battered, pregnant (GLBT-inclusive) spouses/mistresses of the local law enforcement, military, federal agencies, veterans, and all of their wonderful grandmothers, to see if this can be made possible.

In order to protect everyone from being harassed about their HIPAA rights, GLBT orientation, religious, ethnicity, and age statuses, count all veterans, EMT's, WIC recipients, EBT recipients, PTA members, law enforcement, firefighters five times, to ensure an adequate supply of studded snow tires are ordered by the governors.

Let's also have enough RTD Call & Ride buses within the community to specifically bring them to all those activities, in case they're "orphaned/widowed/widower/homeless/addicted/disabled/ESL/illiterate elderly, who lack vehicles." The VNA budget must also be expanded, to visit them everyday, twice per day, to ensure their medications are taken on schedule, and their daily meals, snacks, nutritional beverages are prepared, that should go with those medications. Some medications must be taken with food, others are in beverage forms, such as Ensure.

The dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, mentally ill, M.S., cancer patients require VNA visits three times per day, each visit at least three hours long, in a nursing care facility with a 24/7 staff of 5,000 registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, supervised by an M.D./D.O. There should be a ratio of 100 patients to fifty (R.N., or above) healthcare providers, minimally.

This ideal 2:1 ratio of patients to healthcare providers will prevent negligence, abuse, illegal "euthanasia/capital homicide/elderly mass genocide," organ harvesting, and human trafficking. This can be accomplished by offering free rent to bilingual, feminist, minority, military veteran/military, registered nurses, who are drug-tested monthly at new, free/sliding scale, active seniors, bilingual nursing home facilities, which must be built for our expanding elderly population in Colorado.***

Egyptian ISIL Tried For Shock & Awe, & Failed

The al-Arish provincial capital, military hotel and military base that was guarded was attacked with the assistance of U.S. Special Forces who have turned jihadists. That's the way they also operate and their failed attempt at a "shock and awe" approach. I think this is the work of U.S. Navy SEAL-trained jihadists for ISIL.

The closely-timed Shi'ite mosque attack in Shikarpur, Pakistan is connected to the same group of jihadists. ISIL has succeeded in recruiting many drug cartels within both U.S. federal agencies and military service members, veterans.

For al-Arish, it required more electronic, satellite surveillance, but that's also easily breached, especially with the way it's currently still being tampered with, by ISIL. They have many "eyes," tapings, lookalike imposters to key, security personnel within Egypt.

They're doing this to terrorize people to panic, and observe what houses, places are being protected the most. Then, they'll attack those places, security staff next. The imposters and distracting "red roosters" will be tracked and targeted also. This is why Texas, Alaska, Maine, Colorado, Illinois, Hawaii, and California travelers to those regions should be investigated, for any connection to Egyptian and Pakistani trips.

They may pretend they're only visiting families in India, or Israel, but are potentially part of ISIL. Many use their military training for "contract work" overseas, to "protect" foreign and U.S. embassies from ISIL also. The Canadian ISIL cells within Colorado are just as dangerous as the Chechen ISIL terrorists here.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

N.A.A.C.P. Fashion Show Fundraiser Needed In Colorado Springs

In order to cover NAACP-approved legal fees for Colorado Springs' impoverished, African immigrants, I wonder if a Renaissance-inspired, African hair show with intricate, braiding and semi-precious stones beading could happen in Colorado Springs. We can have an avant-garde fashion show, with a theme of a futuristic ballet, using professional ballet dancers in Bollywood-inspired, organically-dyed, recycled-plastic bottles fabric, dancewear.

We could use Ciara's "1,2 Step" song, T-Pain's "Turn All the Lights On," Baby Bash's "Cyclone," and Ludacris' "My Chick Bad" music for the hip-hop ballet, to try to sell the clothes. I wonder if we could create a selvedge, Japanese "danceable denim" ballet shoe collection (squid ink, hand-dyed) for this fashion show. Hopefully, Colorado Springs can raise one million U.S.D. selling eco-dancewear in one year, for the N.A.A.C.P.

Code Pink Vs Senator McCain, A Note To Wounded Warriors, & All Veterans:

Who are Code Pink?

I feel very unsafe, when approached in Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado by anti-war campaining activists. Even though they're supposedly peace activists, for veterans, remember, they may hand you LSD-laced, cult pamphlets or fliers. Try not to accept any lotion, perfume samples at public venues, e.g. malls, or trust people at busy street corners, including downtown Melbourne, Australia. Many male/female pimps enjoy preying upon veterans and military service members.

Don't forget that in Boulder, to douse yourself in patchouli oil, wear Indian/Pakistani organic bamboo tunics for no reason, and eagerly frequent all vegan establishments. Those are the Boulderite "ladies/gentlemen who lunch" crowd that every veteran/service member must pass approval with, in order to get that cherished, part-time job as a cafe barrister in the Pearl Street Mall area. Remember, always pretend you have a secret, GLBT partner in the Peace Corps. Also, Oracle is trying to hire more veterans in that area, especially since the D.E.A. & Wounded Warriors may visit them, with class-action, employment discrimination lawsuits every week in Boulder Metro.

To Mexican-American Feminists At A.C.L.U.:

I wonder if any Mexican-American law enforcement officials could appear like SWAT team at all the Lakewood, Colorado public schools, out of a SWAT helicopter in front of the school children? They all need sticker badges from all the federal agencies there. The children need to see faces that look more like themselves, in order to consider the likelihood of becoming a female, minority law enforcement officer.

To Feminist, Veteran, Asian-American, Homeland Security Denver, D.C., & NYC:

Remember, bring everyone in associated with the smoke shop next to 7-11 in Lakewood, Colorado at W. Colfax Avenue/Kipling area to N.C.I.S. Those terrorists have been human trafficking disabled veterans, who are female minorities to Arvada ISIL U.S. Navy "recruiters," who have frequently laundered their assets (classified maps of U.S. nuclear, military bases) right there.

Hebrew Translation: Palestinian Feminist Leadership Non-Existent, Due To Brutal Oppression From Both Sides

יום חמישי, ינואר 29, 2015
פמיניסטית הפלסטיני מנהיגות שאינו קיימים, בשל דיכוי אכזרי משני הצדדים

למען היתומים, שהם חצי ישראליים וחצי-הפלסטיני, כתוצאה מאנסי סדרתי מכל הצדדים, האו"ם צריכה להתערב, בשם מאוד יתומים אלה. לא משנה מה מאיים עליהם, יאיים שני הצדדים.

תרגום לערבית:

29 الخميس يناير 2015
النسوية الفلسطينية القيادة غير موجودة, ونظرا للقمع وحشية من الجانبين

من أجل الأيتام, الذين هم نصف الإسرائيلي ونصف فلسطيني, نتيجة لالمغتصبين المسلسل على جميع الاطراف, تحتاج الأمم المتحدة إلى التوسط, نيابة عن أولئك الأيتام جدا. كل ما يهدد لهم, وسوف تهدد كلا الجانبين.

همنغواي ث في 6:54

لا يوجد تعليقات:
إرسال تعليق
عرض إصدار الويب
همنغواي ث

عرض الوضع الكامل الخاص بي
مدعوم من مدون.

המינגווי w ב 06:54

אין תגובות:
הוסף רשומת תגובה
גרסת אינטרנט צפה ב
המינגווי w

הצג את הפרופיל המלא שלי
מופעל על ידי Blogger.

Palestinian Feminist Leadership Non-Existent, Due To Brutal Oppression From Both Sides

For the sake of the orphans, who are half-Israeli and half-Palestinian, as a result of serial rapists on all sides, the U.N. needs to intercede, on behalf of those very orphans. Whatever threatens them, will threaten both sides.

Arabic Translation:

الخميس 29 يناير، 2015
النسوية الفلسطينية القيادة غير موجودة، ونظرا للقمع وحشية من الجانبين؟irpc=932

من أجل الأيتام، الذين هم نصف الإسرائيلي ونصف فلسطيني، نتيجة لالمغتصبين المسلسل على جميع الاطراف، تحتاج الأمم المتحدة إلى التوسط، نيابة عن أولئك الأيتام جدا. كل ما يهدد لهم، وسوف تهدد كلا الجانبين.

همنغواي ث في 06:54

لا يوجد تعليقات:
إرسال تعليق
عرض إصدار الويب
همنغواي ث

عرض الوضع الكامل الخاص بي
مدعوم من مدون .

Egyptian Diplomatic Failures Led To 25% ISIL Occupation Within Egypt

There should be 25,000 U.S. Special Forces, each with at least ten years experience within the U.S. Army Rangers, who can train our Egyptian allies, in K-9 bomb, IED detection and safe removal. Egypt lacks an adequate K-9 bomb squad unit at their lowest levels (small police stations, under 100 law enforcement agents). It's civil unrest, lack of feminist  literary for girls aged 18 and under, will simply pave the way for 50% ISIL occupation within a year.

The ISIL terrorists enjoy methods such as appearing to be a victim, to gain entry into hospitals and clinics. There, they give their terrorist jihadists entry, as visitors/concerned family and friends. The lack of clinic, hospital security will create more bloodshed at the hands of ISIL, which, like many terrorist organizations, are opportunistic.

The Egyptian economic success, so far, can easily fund 100,000 new police stations, each with a 250 person, K-9 bomb squad, and 100 feminist, supervisory, female, community law enforcement officers. Until Egypt accomplishes this objective, ISIL will take every opportunity possible, to drug, kidnap, torture on camera, and recruit Egypt's own military and law enforcement officials. A quarter of Egyptian military bases are already ISIL-controlled and discreetly monitored by jihadist insiders.

ISIL Activities High In Southeast Asia, Including Thailand

The Southeast Asian drug cartels frequently molest innocent locals, and must be eradicated by United Nations peacekeeping troops who are bilingual and feminist. Within all of the many Southeast Asian drug cartels are Australian and American, Special Forces, military-trained, ISIL jihadists also.

To African-American, Feminist N.C.I.S., D.E.A. S.O.D., & Homeland Security D.C., Denver:

The maroon red SUV, Colorado license plates "966-...." turning left onto University Blvd, on E. County Line Rd, Highlands Ranch (American Furniture Warehouse on the left at that intersection) was criminally stalking me at 2:23 p.m. today. It's with the white subcompact, sports sedan with "ABSINTHE" custom license plates and a rear spoiler in white color. The latter was stalking me on C-470 Westbound at 4:30 p.m. approximately, with a dark maroon Chevy sedan, compact, with yellow New York license plates on its rear. It may have ended in "...4..9..."

Also, a dozen white pick-up trucks, newer model Dodge Ram's were surrounding me, with five red trucks, cars in bright red and three blue vehicles. One truck turned right onto an exit, about ten miles before the Morrison Rd exit, on the right. It had a center, vertical stripe, black, matte paint, about a foot wide on its front hood and rear (middle of pick-up bed).

For some reason, there were a lot of "88" and "99" Colorado license plates this afternoon, at 1:30 p.m., around me on C-470 Eastbound. I believe they're all connected to the "777" and "Triple 7" license plates I've previously reported. They're always traveling together with at least five out-of-state vehicles (usually red), white trucks (pick-up) with Confederate-like flags, and gangster-looking trucks also.

French Translation AC/DC Lyrics: "Who Made Who"/"Qui A Fait Qui"


Jeudi, le 29 janvier, 2015

Les Paroles françaises de AC/DC : « Qui A Fait Qui»


« Qui A Fait Qui »

Les jeux vidéos qu'elle joue avec moi
Le faire face à sur le niveau mais il vous prend chaque temps sur un l'un sur l'un
Se sentir qu'il courant en bas votre épine
Rien n'allant épargner votre une dernière dime
Parce qu'il vous possède
Par et passé

La banque de données sait mon nombre
Dit que j'ai obtenu pour payer
Parce que j'ai fait le degré l'an dernier
Le sentir quand je tourne la vis
Vous donner un coup de pied autour du monde
Il n'y a pas une chose qu'il ne peut pas faire
Vous faire, oui

Qui a fait qui, qui vous a fait
Qui a fait qui
Et personne vous n'a dit
Qui a fait qui, qui vous a fait
Si vous les avez faits et ils vous ont fait
Qui a pris la facture et qui qui a fait
Qui a fait qui
Qui a tourné la vis

Le satellite envoie m'imagine
L'obtenir dans l'oeil
Le prendre au fil
Tourner comme une dynamo
Se sentir qu'il allant en rond
Manquer des puces
Vous n'a pas obtenu de ligne dans une ville à huit bits
Si ne pas regarder en bas, non

Qui a fait qui, qui vous a fait
Qui a fait qui
Et personne vous n'a dit
Qui a fait qui, qui vous a fait
Si vous les avez faits et ils vous ont fait
Qui prend la facture et qui qui a fait
Et personne vous n'a dit
Qui a fait qui
Qui vous a fait
Qui a fait qui
Qui a fait qui
Personne vous n'a dit


(Modified For French Translation)

"Who Made Who"

Video games she plays with me
Face it on the level but it take you every n one
Frunning down your spine
Nothing going to save your one last dime
Because it owns you
Through and through

The data bank know my number
Says I got to pay
Because I made the grade last year
Feel it when I turn the screw
Kick you round the world
There isn't a thing that it can't do
Do to you, yes

Who made who, who made you
Who made who
And nobody told you
Who made who, who made you
If you made them and they made you
Who picked up the bill and who made who
Who made who
Who turned the screw

Satellite send me picture
Get it in the eye
Take it to the wire
Spinning like a dynamo
Feel it going round and round
Running out of chips
You got no line in an eight bit town
So don't look down, no

Who made who, who made you
Who made who
And nobody told you
Who made who, who made you
If you made them and they made you
Who pick up the bill and who made who
And nobody told you
Who made who
Who made you
Who made who
Who made who
Nobody told you

To A.C.L.U.: African Muslims Are Also Feminist Leaders

The French, suburban labor unions are going to need to prevent rioting by actually advocating for female, first-generation, African-French, feminist, Muslim, community law enforcement, corporate Directors of Human Resources/Personnel, and Information Technology. This campaign must be undertaken in every country belonging to the United Nations.



Thursday, Janvier 29, 2015

Pour A.C.L.U .:

Les Français, les syndicats de banlieue vont avoir besoin pour éviter des émeutes par effectivement plaider pour des femmes, de première génération, afro-français, féministe, musulmane, l'application du droit communautaire, les directeurs des ressources humaines des entreprises / du personnel, et de la technologie de l'information. Cette campagne doit être effectuée dans tous les pays appartenant à l'Organisation des Nations Unies.

To A.C.L.U.: Nanotechnology Batteries: Germanium Nanowire-Based Batteries, As Fundraiser For Mexican Orphanages

In Mexico, we should invest in this nanotech, germanium-nanowired, battery production. We could get this made by D.E.A., Unicef, Red Cross, Oxfam and World Vision, which needs the profits to increase clean, safe, drinking water, prevent cholera, and build hurricane- and flood-proofed, solar-powered orphanages throughout Mexico. Mexico's automotive industry could be trained in using this technology to create electric trains, school buses and helicopters for the U.S.

Spanish Translation:


Jueves, 29 de enero 2015

Nanotecnología Baterías: Los nanocables de germanio

En México, hay que invertir en este nanotecnología, germanio-nanowired, la producción de baterías. Podríamos conseguir este hecho por D.E.A., Unicef, Cruz Roja, Oxfam y World Vision, que necesita los beneficios de aumentar, el agua potable limpia y segura, prevenir el cólera, y construir orfanatos huracanes e inundaciones a prueba, con energía solar en todo México. La industria automotriz de México podría ser entrenado en el uso de esta tecnología para crear trenes eléctricos, autobuses escolares y helicópteros para U.S.

To A.C.L.U.: Satellite Security Involves Increasing Mexican-Spanish, Corporate, Information Technology Training

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Satellite Security Involves Increasing Mexican-Spanish, Corporate, Information Technology Training:

It's wisest to consider increasing our satellite security (via updating encryption protocols, anti-social engineering training, and drills to initiate satellite-destruction if breached), as our American politicians are drafting our cybersecurity policies. General Keith Alexander should lead an N.S.A. symposium with each state's governor, to clarify and reassure the American public, regarding increased security measures for our U.S. satellites.

This should address standardized, updated, bilingual, security training within our federal government, states' governments and our military. All security training should be both in Mexican Spanish and American English. The federal and state governments must be sued in an employment discrimination lawsuit for five billion dollars, U.S.D., on behalf of all impoverished, female, Hispanic-Americans, in order to hire the necessary bilingual, feminist, corporate executives.

Spanish Translation:


Miércoles, 28 de enero 2015

Seguridad satélite implica aumentar Formación-español de México, Corporativo, Tecnologías de la Información

Miércoles, 28 de enero 2015

Seguridad satélite implica aumentar, Información Formación Tecnología México-español, Corporativo:

Es más sabio que considere incrementar nuestra seguridad por satélite (a través de la actualización de los protocolos de cifrado, la formación de ingeniería antisocial, y simulacros para iniciar satélite destrucción en caso de incumplimiento), como nuestros políticos estadounidenses están preparando nuestras políticas de seguridad cibernética. General Keith Alexander debería llevar un simposio NSA con el gobernador de cada estado, para aclarar y tranquilizar a la opinión pública estadounidense, respecto mayores medidas de seguridad para nuestros satélites estadounidenses.

Esto debería abordar actualizado,, capacitación en seguridad estandarizado, bilingüe dentro de nuestro gobierno federal, los gobiernos de los estados y nuestros militares. Todo el entrenamiento de seguridad debe ser tanto en el español de México y de América del Inglés. Los gobiernos federal y estatales deben ser demandadas ante una demanda de discriminación laboral por cinco billones de dólares, U.S.D., en nombre de todos empobrecida, hembra, hispano-americanos, con el fin de contratar los, ejecutivos corporativos feministas bilingües necesarios.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

French Translation: North Korean Military's Increasing Aggression Against U.S.

Wednesday, 28 Janvier, 2015
L'augmentation de l'agression de la Corée du Nord militaire contre États-Unis

Maintenant, nous allons voir un autre échec militaire de l'administration Obama. Ce mépris flagrant pour nos alliés sud-coréen va menacer la Californie et l'ensemble de la région Asie-Pacifique. La crise de la sécurité de la Californie comprend missiles à longue portée lancés depuis détournés, des navires nord-coréens, et à partir de satellites armés. Leurs capacités militaires sont une menace croissante pour l'état de Californie.

Spanish Translation: North Korean Military's Increasing Aggression Against U.S.

Miércoles, 28 de enero 2015
El aumento de la agresión de Corea del Norte de militar contra Estados Unidos

Ahora, estamos viendo un nuevo fracaso militar de la Administración Obama. Esta flagrante desprecio por nuestros aliados de Corea del Sur amenazará California y toda la región de Asia-Pacífico. Crisis de seguridad de California incluye misiles de largo alcance lanzados desde secuestrados, barcos de Corea del Norte, y de los satélites armados. Sus capacidades militares son una creciente amenaza para el estado de California.

Traducción de Corea:

2015 년 1 월 28 일 (수요일)
미국 에 대해 북한 의 군사 의 증가 침략

이제, 우리 는 오바마 행정부 의 또 다른 군사 실패 를 보고 있다. 우리 한국 의 동맹국 이 극악 무도 한 무시 캘리포니아 전체 아시아 태평양 지역 을 위협 할 것이다. 캘리포니아 의 보안 위기 는 납치, 북한 선박 에서 발사 장거리 미사일 을 포함 하고 무장 인공 위성 에서. 그들의 군사력 은 캘리포니아 주 에 증가 하는 위협 이다.
w 헤밍웨이 에서 오후 9 시 38 분 몫

코멘트 가 없습니다:
코멘트 를 게시
홈 보기 웹 버전 내 소개
w 헤밍웨이

전체 프로필 보기 에 의해 구동 블로거.

Traducción japonesa:

レ シ ピ
2015 年 1 月 28 日 (水 曜 日)
当 社 に 対 す る 北 朝鮮 の 軍 の 増 加 は 侵略

今, 私 た ち は, オ バ マ 政 権 の 別 の 軍事 的 失敗 を 見 て い る.私たちの韓国の同盟国のためにこの目に余る無視はカリフォルニア州全体、アジア太平洋地域を脅かすます。カリフォルニア州のセキュリティ危機がハイジャックされ、北朝鮮船舶から打ち上げ長距離ミサイルを備えており、武装した衛星から。 彼 ら の 軍事 力 は, 米 国 カ リ フ ォ ル ニ ア 州 で 増 加 脅 威 で あ る.

韓国 語 翻 訳:

2015 년 1 월 28 일 (수요일)
미국 에 대해 북한 의 군사 의 증가 침략

이제, 우리 는 오바마 행정부 의 또 다른 군사 실패 를 보고 있다. 우리한국의동맹국이극악무도한무시캘리포니아전체아시아태평양지역을위협할것이다。 캘리포니아의보안위기는납치、북한선박에서발사장거리미사일을포함하고무장인공위성에서。 그들의 군사력 은 캘리포니아 주 에 증가 하는 위협 이다.
오후 9 시 38 분 헤밍웨이 에서 ワ ッ ト 몫

코멘트 가 없습니다:
코멘트 를 게시
홈 보기 웹 버전 내 소개
W 헤밍웨이

전체 프로필 보기 에 의해 구동 블로거.
W ヘ ミ ン グ ウ ェ イ で 21:38
シ ェ ア

コ メ ン ト は あ り ま せ ん:
コ メ ン ト を 投稿
ホ ー ム ビ ュ ー の Web 版 私 に つ い て
W ヘ ミ ン グ ウ ェ イ

詳細 プ ロ フ ィ ー ル を 表示 に よ っ て 供給 ブ ロ ガ ー.

North Korean Military's Increasing Aggression Against United States

Now, we're seeing another military failure of the Obama Administration. This flagrant disregard for our South Korean allies will threaten California and the entire Asian-Pacific region. California's security crisis includes long-range missiles launched from hijacked, North Korean ships, and from armed satellites. Their military capabilities are an increasing threat to the state of California.

Korean Translation:

2015년 1월 28일 (수요일)
미국에 대해 북한의 군사의 증가 침략

이제, 우리는 오바마 행정부의 또 다른 군사 실패를보고있다. 우리 한국의 동맹국이 극악 무도 한 무시 캘리포니아 전체 아시아 태평양 지역을 위협 할 것이다. 캘리포니아의 보안 위기는 납치, 북한 선박에서 발사 장거리 미사일을 포함하고 무장 인공 위성에서. 그들의 군사력은 캘리포니아 주에 증가하는 위협이다.
w 헤밍웨이 에서 오후 9시 38분

코멘트가 없습니다 :
코멘트를 게시

보기 웹 버전
내 소개
w 헤밍웨이

전체 프로필보기
에 의해 구동 블로거 .

Japanese Translation:


今、私たちは、オバマ政権の別の軍事的失敗を見ている。 私たちの韓国の同盟国のためにこの目に余る無視はカリフォルニア州全体、アジア太平洋地域を脅かすます。 カリフォルニア州のセキュリティ危機がハイジャックされ、北朝鮮船舶から打ち上げ長距離ミサイルを備えており、武装した衛星から。 彼らの軍事力は、米国カリフォルニア州で増加脅威である。



이제、우리는오바마행정부의또다른군사실패를보고있다。 우리한국의동맹국이극악무도한무시캘리포니아전체아시아태평양지역을위협할것이다。 캘리포니아의보안위기는납치、북한선박에서발사장거리미사일을포함하고무장인공위성에서。 그들의군사력은캘리포니아주에증가하는위협이다。


Wヘミングウェイ で 21:38


によって供給ブロガー 。

Cuban Diplomatic Failures Due To U.S.'s Humanitarian Concerns

It's important the W.H.O., C.D.C, Red Cross, Amnesty International and Doctors Without Borders be allowed in Cuba, to prevent HIV, ebola, Mad Cow, Avian Flu, SARS, and flu pandemic threats from Cuba. The chikungunya virus and cholera from there is also an international health crisis which requires literacy, awareness campaigns, and shared medical statistics. Cuba hides their high infant mortality rates, and oppresses their pregnant women. The GLBT community within Cuba requires inclusive HIV testing, along with prevention supplies, such as latex condoms. Many GLBT children are being human trafficked in Cuba, then are organ harvested. The government of Cuba must address those humanitarian issues, with year-round, GLBT-inclusive, bilingual, I.B.boarding schools for all underprivileged orphans. Otherwise, they'll be enslaved by the international drug cartels.

Spanish Translation:

Miércoles, 28 de enero 2015
Los fracasos diplomáticos cubanos debido a las preocupaciones humanitarias de los Estados Unidos

Es importante la W.H.O./World Health Organization, CDC, Cruz Roja, Amnistía Internacional y Médicos sin Fronteras se permite en Cuba, para prevenir el HIV, el ébola, la vaca loca, la gripe aviar, el SARS, y amenazas de pandemia de gripe desde Cuba. El virus Chikungunya y el cólera desde allí es también una crisis de salud internacional que requiere la alfabetización, campañas de sensibilización, y las estadísticas médicas compartidas. Cuba esconde sus tasas de mortalidad infantil, y oprime a sus mujeres embarazadas. La comunidad GLBT dentro de Cuba exige la prueba del VIH incluido, junto con suministros para la prevención, como los preservativos de látex. Muchos niños GLBT están siendo víctimas de la trata humana en Cuba, luego se cosechan órgano. El gobierno de Cuba debe abordar esas cuestiones humanitarias, con todo el año, GLBT incluido, escuelas IB boarding bilingües para todos los huérfanos desamparados. De lo contrario, van a ser esclavizados por los carteles internacionales de la droga.

To D.E.A. S.O.D.:

Be careful of the "TRIPLE 7" custom license plate SUV, that stalked me next to the Jeffco District Court, on W. Colfax Avenue, and onto C-470 Eastbound for 15 miles with the "777-....." silver sedan with a Caucasian male, 28 years of age, approximately. He had dark, short, curly hair, 6' ft tall, and was lean. This happened at 4 p.m. approximately. They're with a couple dozen "66," "VV" and "VVN" license plate vehicles, one a road-raging, black Ford pick-up truck. The truck had "FORD" in huge black letters on its front bumper.

On W. Colfax Avenue, between Kipling to the Court, there's a few dozen, stalking vehicles, mostly sedans, some out-of-state, with possibly fake plates. The doubled number "8" ("88") on them look like a reversed "B's" as if you were reading the capital letter "B" in a mirror. This may also be terrorist-signaling in subtle form. This happened at 3:30 p.m. approximately.

Updated: To Feminist, Minority D.E.A. S.O.D.: More Terrorist Stalkers

Fast Cash Pawn prank called my cellphone, and is laundering crack, meth, heroin and Krokodil money for Arvada, Colorado ISIL.

A couple dozen red, white and blue vehicles followed me all the way from Pacific Ocean Market in Westminster to Lakewood an hour ago.

On I-70 Westbound near Arvada, a Maine sedan, dark (black) with Maine license plates ending in "TL" and an Alaskan, dark green Jeep SUV were following me. On W. 10 th Avenue and Kipling next to St. Paul's Church (Episcopal)  in Lakewood, Colorado, a bright blue, Dodge pick-up truck with darkly-tinted, matching truck bed cover, was stalking me. It turned left at St. Paul's, while headed toward the school. The red, white and blue vehicles include another bright red Dodge Ram pickup truck.

These stalkers will all need to be drug tested, by D.E.A. S.O.D. and are part of the ISIL terrorism organizations in Maine, Alaska and Colorado.

To D.E.A.: Criminal Stalkers

Black Saab subcompact, dirty license plates, 911-ZTJ, at Whole Foods parking lot near Westminster Pacific Ocean Market on 120th Avenue now.

A silver sedan, Virginia XRN license plates are on 120th Avenue with it, nearby now.

Fundraiser Needed For Denver Metro D.E.A.:

The law enforcement (Denver D.E.A.) is going to need 5,000 quantity red, tractor trailer trucks with "Heil," 100 qty Knight Transportation tractor trailer trucks in Nazi red, black, and white. There's also a pastel blue, "WERNER" tractor trailer truck with bubble logo font on its left, upper side now.

They'll need 50 WERNER tractor trailer trucks, 5,000 qty black pick-up trucks, with PYM license plates, Colorado and 20,000 Harley Davidson motorcycles. A quarter of the motorcycles should have flames professionally painted in red/orange or orange, with solid yellow (neon) body.

***They'll need to travel to Salt Lake City, Utah and bring back extradited Coloradoans, in those tractor trailer trucks, belonging to the MS-13, Los Zetas, La Sante Muerte drug cartels now. The ones seized from our state's weapons runners' vehicles most likely have tracking devices inside of engine parts, auto body paint, nanochip-sized. This is so the drug cartels can track them down and create a lookalike to them and their families. Afterwards, they'll drug them, and try to sell them to ISIL terrorist recruiters.***

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

To D.E.A. S.O.D.:

There was another Minicooper, red with two vertical black stripes, a Nazi two percenter, on C-470 Eastbound @ 3 p.m. approximately today. Please be careful as they pose a grave threat to national security and will need to be researched before they can be safely brought into African-American, feminist, Homeland Security Denver.

Updated: To Ms., Lillith, Feminist Magazine Executives: Feminist D.E.A. Fundraiser Needed For Air Force Academy

We're going to need a fundraiser for Air Force Academy, in order to afford monthly, independent laboratory drug testing for alcohol,  anabolic steroids, illegal and prescription drug abuse, with three independent laboratories approved by the D.E.A. This will cost a lot of money, so hopefully we can raise $5 million U.S.D. to be put into an escrow account, invested in blue chip mutual funds, for the Air Force Academy. Before our troops deploy, let's secure our homeland, for our military families. Let's compare every single person to our First Family children, Malia and Sasha, at the Air Force Academy. Please put their pictures next to every single cadets' faces, feminist D.E.A. If they should not be in a dark alley, alone with the First Family children, please bring them into a U.S. military tribunal with a death penalty.

To Feminist, Minority N.C.I.S. & D.E.A. S.O.D.:

Remember to bring in every serial pedophiles, gang-rapist, Caucasian, "sugar daddy/mommy" that has stepped foot onto the 10-mile radius around the Jeffco Open School in Lakewood, Colorado to N.C.I.S.'s African-American, feminist, former U.S. Navy SEALS from poor. I need them and all their drug cartels, terrorist people to be brought to a U.S. military tribunal with a death penalty.

Updated: To A.C.L.U., & N.A.A.C.P.:

We're going to need 5,000 GLBT feminist, class-action attorneys at Eiber Elementary School, Lakewood, Colorado. It's past time to bring a $1 million U.S.D. lawsuit on behalf of our minority, challenged and ESL students there.

This way there can be an afterschool, inclusive, co-ed, Brownies and Cub Scouts program there. We'll need the impoverished children, aged 5 to 7, in the school gym, cafeteria, library and playground for three hours, year-round, everyday, afterschool to participate in meals, safe bicycyling groups, tutoring, arts, music and physical education.

They'll all need free, bilingual swimming lessons, new athletic (Saucony/New Balance) sneakers, prescription, swimming goggles, and local recreational center passes once per week, year-round. They all need to be donated their own, brand new bicycles and bike helmets, with gloves, knee pads, and elbow pads. Also, they must be mentored by paid, bilingual, minority firefighters and EMT's in this program, so they can learn fire prevention and emergency communication skills.

For this to become a reality, the children will each need a free cellphone, with free, unlimited, in-state, T-Mobile coverage, designed for bilingual, challenged children, that includes GPS tracking. Each cellphone will need to be shockproofed, and waterproof.

The children require a free, shockproofed, waterproof e-book reader also, so they can participate in book/comic magazine social groups and Hooked On Phonics tutoring. They should have free, bilingual, magazine subscriptions to Highlights, Ranger Rick, and all age-appopriate magazines recommended by the Denver Public Libraries', bilingual, children's librarians. I hope that all major comic magazines, cartoon books, for ages 4 to 8, will be included, free, to promote boys' literacy.

***Please also ask Toys 'R' Us, T-Mobile, Best Buy, Geek Squad, Cisco, Avaya, Juniper, Microsoft, Oracle, Macintosh, IBM, BlackBerry, Whole Foods, and Sports Authority for donations to Eiber Elementary School in Lakewood, Colorado.***

Updated: To Feminist, African-American N.C.I.S., D.E.A. S.O.D., British SAS, Australian SASR, & U.S. Delta:

Today at 2 to 3:30 p.m.:

White, Ford F-150 pick up truck Colorado license plates" UKK" following me on E. County Line Rd, across fm Copper Canyon Apartments. This is in Highlands Ranch, Colorado and the truck turned right a mile from University Blvd/C-470 Westbound exit/intersection at 2:50 p.m. approximately.

At 3 p.m., approximately, on C-470 Westbound, a white SUV took over following me, with Colorado license plates 366-VVN. It's belonging to a white SUV, Dodge.

At 3:30 p.m. approximately, on W. Colfax Avenue, a dark sedan with New York license plates took over following me a mile from Kipling and W. Colfax Avenue with "4399" on the plates.

There have been a couple dozen "66," "99," "VV" license plated vehicles, 4 red trucks, Dodge Rams, 2 black, older Honda sedans, Civics and Accords following me also today on I-25 Southbound, along with a road-raging, dark sedan with NY gang-signaling "LOC" license plates, but "LOC" was Colorado license plates, and a "Bella" corporate logo'ed, black truck.

The Bella truck belongs to this Tanya Tinnin Wilkinson terrorist circle of dirty, jihadist U.S. Navy espionage spies and "UKK" terrorist-signals for the SN Butts' and SN Ellis' British ISIL terrorist organizations. The dark green Hummer H3 following me today at noon, approximately, on I-70 Eastbound next to Arvada exit will need to be brought in also. It had Colorado plates, and was with another sedan, following me.

The other sedan was a bright blue sedan, with extremely dirty license plates. The UK flag painted sedan (Minicooper/Countryman) from yesterday, at Westminster will need to be brought in also. It was definitely with the other "UKK" stalker with "U.S. Navy, Goddess On The Loose" terrorists next to Avaya's corporate building on 120th Avenue in Westminster. The building I'm referring to is the large, grey glass structure, with a grey glass, satellite dish-shaped, architectural center.

Twice now, in Westminster and Lakewood, a yellow truck with orange flames on the front bumper has stalked me. This time it was coming out from the Lakewood Nissan dealership, on W. Colfax/Kipling area, at 3:15 p.m., approximately.

To Feminist, African-American, Homeland Security D.C. :

Please get search warrants and arrest warrants for everyone associated with the Denver Federal Center, since I left it (2001 to present) also. Everyone will need to be brought to Senator Gillibrand-approved, 10,000 former U.S. Navy SEALS, who are African-American, from poor, within N.C.I.S.

Virginia Is For Adventurers, Athletes, Blues Musicians, Artists & Lovers

In Virginia, there's a tourism slogan that it's for lovers, but I recommend it for professional  athletes. Virginia is no bed and breakfast inn on the Chesapeake Bay. Check out the sprinters around the Monument. D.C. is chock full of triathletes. There's also springtime, Japanese cherry blossoms in D.C. with the finest operas, art museums, all convenient to a public transportation system that's safer than in NYC. It's vibe is closer to Boston, but more diverse.

The equally romantic, blooming dogwood trees and Great Falls rapids are ideal for expert white-water rafters also. The D.C. Metro's universities often have free live music, including vocal jazz. Richmond's live blues music scene in the cobblestone area, called the Shokoe Slippe, is worthy for overseas tourists.

Hang-gliding the wine country of the Shenandoah Mountains can happen during Virginia's long, Indian summers. That's the ideal season to visit. Start in June and stay until December first. July 4th in D.C. is an indescribable celebration. I found Disney World's fireworks displays to be a very pale comparison.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Updated: To Thai-American A.C.L.U.: Thai-American Muay Thai IMAX Film Fundraiser Needed

Tony Jaa's ballet dancer grace is exhibited in the muay thai action film, "Ong Bak." I loved his scenes performing his forms, along with the Thai dialects spoken on the colorful streets of Thailand. I hope we can rally together to get an IMAX Muay Thai film produced by the "Ong-Bak" director, cast and crew. Thai culture should be embraced, as it's highly marketable. The evidence is in successful bistros, such as "Champa Thai," in Oahu, Hawaii. They should be expanded into a franchise restaurant across the entire Hawaiian islands, Silicon Valley, California and Sunset Park, NYC.

***Remember to check out "Tony Jaa Training For Ong Bak," on YouTube, from "kefirecek" because he can truly pull off the popular, urban gymnastics better than Daniel Craig, from James Bond films.***

To Feminist, Minority N.C.I.S., F.B.I., Homeland Security & A.C.L.U.:

The best way forward is to fly in a team of Senator Gillubrand's-approved 5,000 African-American & Mexican-American U.S. Navy SEAL veterans from N.C.I.S. to every single Ivy League University, to permanently remove faculty, support staff and athletes who are "alleged" rapists. They're all corporate espionage spies and bioterrorists. Subconsciously, we all feel this is true, so let's give voice to what's been normalized, yet will lead to another 9/11 on our own homeland.

This will allow Homeland Security to finally eradicate/remove the young jihadists from college campuses along with all their older, ISIL terrorist recruiters. It's the patriotic, preventative solution, before they use easily manufactured/acquired, regular bombs on our nuclear power plants, since Denver Federal Center terrorists have already stolen so many maps with the assistance of insider, corporate executive jihadists, such as Tom DiNardo, Michael E. Hutt., and Jill Cress.

Updated: To C.I.A., N.S.A., N.C.I.S., Secret Service, & Homeland Security in D.C.:

Remember that Goldstein poly-addicted best friend of Todd Michael Beliles, the rapist from Littleton, Colorado and Long Island, New York? This AQAP terrorist, Matthew Goldstein has the same last name. Hopefully, all of Sayid/Sayeed/Said terrorist friends of the Beliles families are found, including Lauren and her husband's European circle, when they backpacked throughout Eastern Europe, on their honeymoon last year, and brought back souvenir rocks, plants from Jewish Holocaust sites, including Auschwitz.

Arabic Translation:

الاثنين 26 يناير، 2015
لCIA، NSA، NCIS، الخدمة السرية، والأمن الداخلي في العاصمة:

تذكر أن غولدشتاين أفضل صديق المدمنين بولي من تود مايكل Beliles، المغتصب من يتلتون بولاية كولورادو وونغ آيلاند، نيويورك؟ هذا الإرهابي القاعدة في جزيرة العرب، ماثيو غولدشتاين له نفس اسم العائلة. نأمل، كل من سيد / سعيد / قال تم العثور على أصدقاء الإرهابي لأسر Beliles، بما في ذلك لورين ودائرة زوجها الأوروبية، عندما باكباكيد في جميع أنحاء أوروبا الشرقية، في شهر العسل في العام الماضي، وأعيد الصخور الهدايا التذكارية، والنباتات من مواقع المحرقة اليهودية ، بما في ذلك أوشفيتز.
همنغواي ث في 09:02

لا يوجد تعليقات:
إرسال تعليق
عرض إصدار الويب
همنغواي ث

عرض الوضع الكامل الخاص بي
مدعوم من مدون .

To Feminist, Minority N.C.I.S., F.B.I., D.E.A., C.I.A., & N.S.A.:

Who was that U.S. Navy rear (upper, right trunk) stickered car, yesterday, with Colorado: "UKK" for "KKK" license plates, and a "Goddess On The Loose" rear sticker? It happened yesterday at noon, on 120th Avenue, Westminster/Northglenn, next to Avaya's corporate building. They shouldn't allow these KKK, U.S. Navy jihadists around/in Avaya as they're corporate espionage spies belonging to Tanya Tinnin Wilkinson's espionage, rapist, terrorists circle from overseas (Europe, Mediterranean region, U.S., U.K., and also Australian ISIL cells).

Updated: To D.E.A. S.O.D., & Homeland Security Denver:

At 6 :30 p.m. approximately, yesterday, I noticed a Missouri license plate on a sedan criminally stalking me @ Whole Foods parking lot, white colored, parked right next to me after I entered the store. It was at the one across from Colorado Mills Mall, the Denver West shopping center on W. Colfax Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado.

At noon today, there was a "66" Colorado license plate on a medium-grey sedan, Toyota, new looking. It was in the same parking lot aisle (2E) as I was, at SuperTarget, Colorado Mills Mall. There were a group of grey cars at Starbucks, Highlands Ranch, off E. County Line Rd, stalking me a couple months ago. Remember that gray car involved in shooting Christopher Mark Heben recently? I think they're international terrorists, not just gangsters.

At 1:55 p.m., today, a two percenter/Warlock thug was stalking me in a white, new Chevy subcompact car, with shiny, skinny-wired, rims. It signaled twice : blinked twice to turn left, but never turned into the Nissan dealership at Kipling/ W. Colfax Avenue area where ISIL terrorist, Sufi Muslim/radical Islamist, Percocet-dealing, Aryan German sexual abuser, Suzanne Levique Avatar was racketeering with the Nissan dealership owners, her close terrorist friends.

It had terrorist signaling license plates:
Colorado 911-QTH (for THC/marijuana, but still 9/11 terrorist signaling)

It also switched lanes at Philnor Liquors area,  to tailgate and criminally stalk me, then went straight past the Kipling/ W. Colfax Avenue, on W. Colfax Avenue towards Denver.

At 2:30 p.m. today, a white sedan, dirty, older, with Colorado license plates 179-VVV (meaning three percenter/Warlock) stalked me on I-25 Northbound, at the Thornton exit. Four Texan license plate vehicles surrounded me at the time. They were all sedans. "VVV" was in the left most lane also.

At 2:45 p.m., on 104th Avenue, off of I-25 N, a black Honda compact, older, dented slightly tailgated me, and went past me with Ulta on the right side, down 104th Avenue.

Yesterday afternoon, I was stalked by "ZZ" New Jersey license plate, dark sedan on E. County Line Rd, next to Copper Canyon Apartments, Highlands Ranch, Colorado.

Today, at 2:20 p.m., in Lakewood, Colorado, a "ZZ" Pennsylvania license plate sedan also stalked me, on W. Colfax Avenue/Kipling headed toward the Court, right next to the same Nissan dealership.

Also this evening, at 5 p.m., on C-470 Eastbound, next to that same Wadsworth exit, a one percenter, black, shiny, new pickup truck, without a bed cover, was following me. It had one percenter/Warlock sticker (white oval, with a black, block font, capital "V" centered inside of it). That means one percenter/Warlock. The sticker was on the rear, right side of the truck bed, not the rear bumper or rear windshield.

Two "V" letters means two percenter Warlocks.

Three "V" letters means three percenter Warlocks.

Usually, this is on their license plates, not in oval sticker form.

To Homeland Security Denver:

999-REZ Colorado license plates on rear of stalking SUV, silver with dark tinted rear window headed to Jefferson County District Court on W. Colfax Avenue at Colorado Mills Mall, at 12:50 p.m. today.

Terrorism signaling happened using 666 reversed and ISIL electronica grimes music: REZ for Trent Reznor.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

To D.E.A. S.O.D.:

The 2001 relocation from Georgia to Colorado included some household transportation people who will need a racketeering, $10,000 AQAP "tax" or "tip," D.E.A. S.O.D. They're part of the Arvada, Colorado ISIL terrorism organizations in Georgia, Texas, D.C. Metro, Connecticut, Boston, Washington state, New York, Florida, Maine, and New Jersey. Make sure to look Middle Eastern, twenties, male, steroidal, with a long, light brown, dreadlocked, male, half Caucasian, half African-looking, Al-Shabaab friend in a white, wife-beater tank top and stonewashed, frayed jeans.

ISIL, Taliban Failures, or "Fissures" A Result Of Turkish Triple-Dealers

Translation to Arabic:

ISIL and the Taliban both back enslaving, starving, facial mutilating/acid burning, and mass poisoning the women, children, elderly and repeatedly gang-raping their own jihadists.  They have already formed alliances with one another through recruiting at least half of the current Taliban jihadists. Both bond in capturing, gang-raping and selling child rape slaves within Turkey.

Turkey has facilitated human trafficking agreements with both terrorist organizations in open view of the public. Turkey harbors Algerian-Belgian, GIA, ISIL financial assets, Australian SASR-insider jihadists' stolen, land-to-air missiles that routinely shoot down U.S. rescue helicopters, including from Somali pirate ships. Turkey backs Al-Shabaab, AQAP, and ISIL. They're only loyal to the profits they siphon from those terrorists. Many Turkish banks issue ISIL and AQAP traceable gold, so they can cut ISIL, and AQAP out of any financial agreements.

Arabic Translation Fm Second Link Above:

الأحد 25 يناير، 2015
ISIL، فشل طالبان، أو "شقوق" نتيجة التركي تجار الثلاثي

ISIL وطالبان على حد سواء استعباد الخلفي، تجويع، الوجه تشويه / حرق الحمضية، والتسمم الجماعي على النساء والأطفال وكبار السن وبشكل متكرر، اغتصاب عصابة الجهاديين الخاصة بهم. وهم شكلوا بالفعل تحالفات مع بعضها البعض من خلال توظيف ما لا يقل عن نصف الجهاديين طالبان الحالي. كل من السندات في اسر، عصابة اغتصاب وبيع العبيد اغتصاب الأطفال داخل تركيا.

وقد سهلت تركيا اتفاقيات الاتجار بالبشر مع كل المنظمات الإرهابية في عرض مفتوح للجمهور. تركيا تؤوي الجزائري-البلجيكي، GIA، والأصول المالية ISIL، المسروقة والصواريخ الاسترالي الجهاديين SASR-من الداخل "أرض-جو التي تطلق النار بشكل روتيني طائرات هليكوبتر الإنقاذ الولايات المتحدة، بما في ذلك من سفن القراصنة الصوماليين. تركيا تدعم حركة الشباب، القاعدة في جزيرة العرب، وISIL. انهم موالين فقط إلى الأرباح التي سحارة من هؤلاء الارهابيين. العديد من البنوك التركية القضية ISIL والقاعدة في جزيرة العرب الذهب يمكن عزوها، ولذلك يمكن أن يقلل ISIL، والقاعدة في جزيرة العرب من أي اتفاقات المالية.
همنغواي ث في 16:11

لا يوجد تعليقات:
إرسال تعليق
عرض إصدار الويب
همنغواي ث

عرض الوضع الكامل الخاص بي
مدعوم من مدون .

To Asian-American Feminists at the A.C.L.U.:

I fully support the A.C.L.U., along with minority, feminist, student unions, passing out free tickets to "The Hunting Ground," "Woman Warrior" books, and bringing in GLBT, Asian American, feminist, veteran, female, federal agents to: Westpoint in N.Y., O.C.S. in Annapolis, MD, V.M.I. in Virginia, all ROTC programs, Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, University of Berkeley, University of Hawaii, M.I.T., Princeton University, Brown University, C.U. Boulder, C.U. Denver, C.U. Colorado Springs, University of Denver, Metro State, Denver, CTU, Westminster, Colorado, School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, and RRCC, Lakewood, Colorado.

***Those campuses are where so many GLBT, Asian American, military/ veteran, female students fear each class in these infamously, dangerous campuses.***

Updated: To All Battered, Haitian Women & Molested Children:

1. The American child molesters who pretend to run Haitian orphanages, must be held accountable by Haitian international judges within the International Crime Court of the United Nations.

2. We need to gather together with our Somalian-American friends in the state of Maine, in order to protect our children from these Caucasian pedophiles in Haiti.

3. The state of Maine must hire 20,000 Somali- and Haitian-American attorneys in their state's Supreme Court.


1. Agreseur timoun nan Ameriken ki pretann yo kouri òfelina ayisyen, dwe responsab pa jij entènasyonal ayisyen nan Entènasyonal Krim Tribinal la nan Nasyon Zini.

2. Nou bezwen ranmase ansanm ak nou an zanmi Somalie-Ameriken nan eta a nan Maine, yo nan lòd pwoteje timoun nou soti nan sa yo pedofili Blan an Ayiti.

3. Eta a nan Maine dwe anboche avoka 20,000 Somali-Ameriken yo ak Ayisyen-Ameriken nan Tribinal Siprèm eta yo.

To All Haitian-American Feminists At The A.C.L.U.:


Epidemi kolera a ayisyen menase ekonomi US nou an. Ayiti bezwen 100,000 ayisyen-Ameriken nan Medsen san Fwontyè, Amnisti Entènasyonal, ak Òganizasyon Mondyal Lasante, fè fas.


The Haitian cholera outbreaks threaten our U.S. economy. Haiti needs 100,000 Haitian-Americans from Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, and World Health Organization, to cope.

Updated: Haiti Never At War Against Drug Cartels, Only Its Own Women & Children

Les esclaves africains d'Haïti ont à peine survécu la beaucoup de coup d'Etat ' etat qui ont été causés par les troupes militaires oppressives, mis au pouvoir par les cartels de drogue internationaux. Cela provoque plus d'épidémies, telles que le choléra, qui continue de menacer les pauvres Cubains, les Mexicains et les Républicains Dominicain.


The African slaves of Haiti have barely survived the many coup d'etat which have been caused by the oppressive military troops, put into power by international drug cartels. This will cause more disease outbreaks, such as cholera, which continues to threaten the poor Cubans, Mexicans and Dominican Republicans.

*** The latest outbreak of Chikungunya Virus will greatly affect the Floridian elderly, who are vulnerable to the same mosquito-borne illnesses. ***

Chinese-Funded, African Orphanages Needed In Congo, Yemen:

الخيرية الصينية الترحيب والتقدير مقدما في دور الأيتام في اليمن والكونغو آفريكان. الصينية والأفريقية المسلمين حصة سندات، لأنه، تاريخيا، سواء كانوا عبيدا.  

To My Impoverished, German-American, First-Generation, Immigrant Friends In Stone Mountain, Georgia:

It ist kritisch, dass deutsche und polnische soldaten in der asymetrischen kriegsführung ausgebildet werden, um radioaktiven bomben gegen ihre historischen sehenswürdigkeiten und transport-systeme zu verhindern. Please also gather all the poor, elderly, latchkey and battered orphans, to ensure they have safe housing, medical care and legal advocates who are bilingual in both German and English, within Georgia.  

To Algerian-American, Feminist, Minority Homeland Security:

Remember all the "PYM" license plates need to be brought in for Algerian-American, GIA counter-terrorism interrogations at Homeland Security. They're connected to Tanya Tinnin Wilkinson's Belgian and Aussie terrorists.

To Feminist, Minority F.B.I., D.E.A. S.O.D., & Homeland Security:

Notice the "TH" pattern in those "666" license plates and the locations, F.B.I. "TH" stands for something significant to these terrorists.

"TH" connects with THC, and the dozen of "420" license plates in that same location who are around me in traffic, within the last three months. Please bring in all "TH," "420," and "MMJ" license plate terrorists in the entire state of Colorado to Homeland Security agents.

To Jewish-American, Feminist Homeland Security:

In the last year, I have been criminally stalked by 100 red,tractor trailer trucks with "Heil" Nazi terrorist signaling logos painted on the backs and front bumpers. Please bring them all in for Jewish-American feminist, female Homeland Security Denver agents' ISIL counter-terrorism interrogations.

Updated: To Homeland Security & Focus On The Family: Edgewater, CO Stalkers

Black SUV, 666-PTH, from W. Colfax Ave, turned right on Otis St. Please bring them and all their satanic terrorists to Focus On The Family's Homeland Security agents.

At 12:30 p.m. today this vehicle was criminally stalking me in the same area as the Solar City, white vehicle with "666" plates also.

To D.E.A. S.O.D.:

Today at 10:30 to 11 am,approximately, a new black pickup truck, Silverado, no plates or temporary tags stalked me on C470 Eastbound, and turned right on Morrison Rd exit. They're connected to a Hispanic male, from 7-11 on W. Colfax with green tattoos, who was standing in front of the smoke shop after leaving 7-11.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

To Feminist, Minority N.C.I.S., F.B.I., & D.E.A. S.O.D.:

At 6:35 p.m. on I-76 West, and I-70 all the way to Golden were two suspicious vehicles next to me:

-A black Toyota subcompact convertible, with soft beige top down and white, disabled plates, 911-WTH. There was a black font to the plates with a graphic symbol of a wheelchair in the middle.

-A white truck was with it: Dodge, with camper cover (higher height than normal, two feet higher than truck bed height, with an oblong shape cover at top, also white) with COMTEC custom license plates.

Please take everyone of them and their people into ISIL counter-terrorism interrogators from N.C.I.S., as they're criminally stalking and terrorist signaling in the same area as the other road raging terrorists I've described to you.

Updated: To Mexican-American, Feminist D.E.A. S.O.D.:

There's a criminally stalking, green Solar City pick up truck, another sedan (white) with 999 (reversed 666) license plates at the Westminster, Colorado Big Lots parking lot who are connected to a Caucasian thug (with a labyrinth, green tattoo, Celtic style, back of left lower leg, on calf) from the Chipotle's parking lot I just ate at, D.E.A. S.O.D. Please bring them all in with their red, white, blue vehicle militia people. I used my debit card. Please bring in every single person I previously reported also.

The KIA dealership has a black SUV, no temporary tags, that was involved in following me from Chipotle into 104th Avenue and turned right into the KIA dealership just now. Bring the entire KIA dealership in for drug testing. They're connected to a silver (stalking) Hyundai SUV, no temporary tags or plates, headed towards Fox Run on 104 th Avenue now. The "VV, VVV" license plates are a pattern in the vehicles that ate stalking me. There's been 2 dozen of those plates near me this week. They're always next to the "KK" license plates too.

GLBT Enlisted/Poor Fundraising Needed With Amnesty International, Planned Parenthood, & A.C.L.U.:

We're going to need to distribute: 20 qty of Pedialyte electrolyte powders, 10 qty of Tamiflu, pregnancy test kits (2 qty), 3 qty of Plan B next-day, emergency contraception pills, free, HIV testing, GLBT-inclusive, bilingual brochures, with GLBT-inclusive, bilingual, Date Rape, Domestic Violence, 24/7 hotlines, GLBT-inclusive, bilingual, 24/7 anti-human trafficking hotlines, clean, new crack needles (50 qty), clean, new, crack pipes (10 qty), and One-a-Day prenatal vitamins (90 day supply), to every male and female enlisted service member, along with economy-sized, latex condoms boxes (500 qty) every single month.

They should be allowed to mail it anyone they want, in the entire world, for free. I suggest they keep it in the enlisted, community warehouse for poor, enlisted to hold these "Dancesafe" distributing, gothic dancewear fashion shows & rave parties with local, underfunded law enforcement.

The prisoners' and their repeatedly trafficked children definitely need these items. If we manufacture the generic version on our military bases, using military brigg, free labor, that would be cost-effective. At least every three weeks, the poor enlisted should be hosting these with GLBT-only, Planned Parenthood, A.C.L.U. and GLBT-only, local law enforcement.

***Make sure everyone has highly visible, fake/real tattoos, Marilyn Manson makeup, at least four clip-on earrings per ear, a neon wig, neon, high platform, vinyl boots, and came from poor ghettos, barrios, and internment camps also. Try to re-design the Victoria Secret's fashion shows but with gothic, Marilyn Manson, real, Arabic, Bantu, Supermax prison rappers, mixed with electronica grimes music, an international Cirque du Soleil, with acrobatic belly-dancers motif.***

To Feminist, Minority F.B.I.: The Warning Man Knew White Supremacist Militias Fm MMontana

Don't trust coffee from any former Montana resident, Caucasian, male who has ever called me last year, D.E.A./F.B.I. He actually warned me about many, definitely white supremacist militias in Montana, probably because he himself belonged to one/multiple ones and moves heroin/Krokodil for them. That state, Montana, has many opiate-addicts, at least 80% there are highly addicted to opiate-based drugs. Please check my cellphone records.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

HIV Prevention In The U.S.

Shouldn't we install a 10-pack latex condom machine, with 20 clean, new crack needles and 3 new, crack pipes into every single possible junior and high school, for $1 per package? Let's try to issue it to all teenagers, over age 12, along with anti-human trafficking brochures in English, Spanish, etc. This will reduce the HIV rates, if we just assume everyone is in need of it.

Combining NPC1 Protein & Nanotechnology Drug Delivery System For An Ebola Antifiloviral Treatment

It's highly possible for Colorado to research, and create factories for an NPC1 Protein-based, Ebola treatment, globally. We haven't fully utilized our talented, military and veteran medical community, who have the background and biotechnology skillset to produce the treatment with a nanotechnology drug delivery system. What if we combined our U.S. military bases with a 10,000 person, Harvard Medical School (M.D., D.O.) team for this?

Yemeni Crisis: Another Congo-Level Tragedy

It's important we find out which Peace Corps, U.S. military, subcontractors for the U.S. military, missionaries, expatriates were in this region of Africa. Restricted borders for air travel will control the risk of bioterrorism, especially Ebola. The U.N. and W.H.O. need to send in 500,000 U.N. peacekeeping troops to this country soon. The ideal troops would be 50/50 Sunni and Shiite Muslims, all feminist, and all African-Americans. Reliance upon our supposed allies within the U.N. has led to Al-Qaeda and Ebola bioterrorism risks to our country.

***Here in Colorado, Denver's Swedish Medical Center should be leading all underfunded, sliding scale/non-profit, Colorado Springs hospitals and clinics on Ebola responses, with free, monthly, four hour drills, training for the next five years.***

To A.C.L.U.: Anti-Cybercrime Technology Training Programs Will Boost Colorado's Biotechnology Industry

Biometric, combined with nanochip encryption technology for ATM machines, debit cards and retail scanners are probably better than the existing technology that threatens our economy with cybercrime. I agree with the anti-cybercrime position in President Obama's State of the Union Address.

Colorado could design, manufacture and provide this globally with the FTC, BBB, Department of Immigration, Workforce Development Center, Department of Labor, CU Boulder and CU Denver. This would help our Mexican, permanent residents who are underemployed/often unemployed, illiterate, homeless, repeatedly human trafficked, day laborers. They could be supervised by bilingual, GLBT-inclusive, job-sharing, Mexican-American, disabled veterans, who are former U.S. Special Forces.

The day laborers would hopefully get full-time employment, medical benefits, GED literacy, with drug testing every month. After four years of that, they should be put into a bilingual university environment, with a full ROTC scholarship. This will reduce the juvenile crime, adult illiteracy and homelessness rates.

As Colorado requires federal funding in the amount of $250 million U.S.D. for this, let's gather for another class-action lawsuit against the federal government. We can't participate in continually enslaving, abusing and neglecting our poor Mexican elderly, or their challenged, battered children who were all malnourished, and repeatedly assaulted while homeless, including in utero.

Would Rev. Jesse Jackson Agree With Cuomo's Corrupt State?

I love that AC/DC song, "Who Made Who" because I know that a God exists who would look and act like Rev. Jesse Jackson. He would ask his African-American slaves, who made the "White" House, but past, ancestor, African-American slaves, in almost the same, inhumane conditions, that they currently, barely survive, minute after long minute.

This is the year to compare every single person, in any position of trust, or power, to Rev. Jesse Jackson, and ask ourselves, out loud, publicly, what can be done, that he would approve of, for our nation? It's past time to fundraise and pass out "African Athena" or "Black Athena" books with "WWRJJD?" bracelets (What Would Rev. Jesse Jackson Do?) to all of our schools and universities' administrators, military bases, homeschooling associations, and all educators.

***We'll definitely need 10,000 feminist, civil rights attorneys from the N.A.A.C.P. to fairly evaluate Cuomo for hiring predominantly Caucasian, male, hate criminals in NYC to gun down innocent, African-American children of all ages. These impoverished, challenged, innocent, African-American victims of mass genocide, were truly God's children, his people  and He looks like all of them.***

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

To N.A.A.C.P.: St. Louis Police Officers' Use Of Force Rates

The San Francisco police chief actually endorsed a sign publicly that "Black Lives Matter" at a peace rally. He also invested a large amount of weekly hours to train law enforcement on use of force. That led to a significant reduction in police officer use of force rates. I believe it was two per week to twice per month in rate reductions for officers having to use force. What if he flew in and trained the higher-level officers lieutenants and above, in St. Louis?

He probably incorporated community policing programs that were feminist, such as hiring a higher ratio of female, minority police officers also. Why not hire 50% female, African-Americans, who are military veterans, within St. Louis police stations, at the lieutenant rank and above? Why not also quadruple the amount of female, African-American, internal affairs officers in St. Louis Metro areas? How come St. Louis area, African-Americans are gunned down, with no explanation on a regular basis? Obviously the lack of a diverse, inclusive law enforcement community isn't considered their civil rights.

Recently, the same corrupted system again ruled that Darren Wilson wasn't at fault. The female, feminist, African-American, National Guards from D.C. Metro's ghettos/poor, at least 25,000 of them, need to be activated, sent in again to St. Louis Metro areas, because the governor has decided to back the KKK, Nazis, neo-nazis, skinheads, and Aryan/White Supremacists within his corrupt law enforcement community.

This will have a devastating impact for the already impoverished, illiterate, enslaved and repeatedly hunted, African-American communities in the entire nation. The GOP-dominated Congress must be held accountable by the American public, with N.A.A.C.P.-approved class-action lawsuits against each and every single state. Each and every state must be sued for at least $5 billion U.S.D. to end this genocidal war against the African-American communities.

To African-Americans At Focus On The Family:

Of the civilians at ADP, COMSUBPAC, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, I truly feel blessed to have served with Captain Horne's neoconservative wife, Beth, who was a lovely woman. She absolutely adored my son, and even babysat him once.

It's because of people with family values like herself that truly give me hope that the state of New York can provide a solution beyond channeling scared, pregnant, minority teenagers towards back-alley abortion services while essentially starving, and trafficking them at supposedly legitimate, protective shelters, exactly as what I've witnessed right here, in this very state, Colorado.

New York hasn't provided enough safe housing, literacy, nutritional services, which are indeed part of moderate, pro-life options, nor fair, inclusive adoptions services to mothers. This is the same New York state run by wealthy, Caucasian psychopaths, male and female socialites, for a profit. Babies are a long-term investment, both financially, as future tax payers, and also socially.

The state of New York has the nation's highest rate of repeatedly aborting African-American fetuses, causing the mothers permanent infertility, scarring, and then shaming them for being molested. There's a word for that, and it's genocide. A compromise can be found that will protect the teenaged mothers, who are repeatedly molested, abused and neglected, especially due to these supposedly proper Christians.

We can't just allow African-Americans fetuses to be aborted, while illegally "adopting" more orphans from African human trafficking agencies. Can't we find African-American families with children who are willing to adopt them?

Also, both parties, Democratic and Republican have to come to an agreeable compromise that reflects compassion for African-American mothers, and their children. Adoption fees (along with new baby costs) are staggeringly expensive, so why not support a federal income tax deduction, for adoptive families that's tripled the current amount?

To All GLBT, Class-Action, A.C.L.U. Attorneys: Cuomo's Crisis Of HIV, Crack Babies A Result Of His Corrupt, Mismanaged Law Enforcement Funds

The minority teachers should be given preference for department chair, and administrative positions, along with Ph.D scholarships for an MBA.

Later on, if they can raise the New York equivalent of CSAP scores among the minority children, by 25% over the course of two years, than they should be promoted into district school system posts.

A hybrid privatization, or running year-round, I.B. boarding schools as part of the same high-technology institute, that will prepare half of the student body, the impoverished, female, minorities for M.I.T., should be considered.

A strong focus on bilingual, Mexican Spanish and British English academic environment  should be created, as we're lagging behind in a highly-competitive, global business environment. The curriculum should be prepared with the realities of scared, poor, minority, pregnant teenagers in mind.

It should include a free, state-licensed, 24/7, 365 days of the year, bilingual daycare on its premises. This way, the children, including the pregnant teenaged mothers have a better future, a safer, more accessible way to acquire both community support and critical literacy.

The deep-rooted, widespread (legitimized) culture of pedophilia has caused these children to be victims of sexual molestation, repeatedly assaulted and enslaved. We have to work together as a community of interfaith parents, in order to fully address the crisis.

Fingerpointing must happen at the highest levels. Each principal needs to be accountable for the anti-feminist, anti-family values educators and social workers they've hired. This isn't solved by installing latex condom machines into public high school restrooms only.

This has to include school administrations and PTA's bringing in Planned Parenthood-approved guidance counselors, who fully support the daycare's mission also. This way, the pregnant teenaged mother has actual, empowered, and accessible choices, for both pro-choice and pro-life values.

Post-rape, our society has continually escalated more sexual abuse, domestic violence, school violence, harassment and assaults towards this vulnerable category of victims.

I support having the pregnant teenagers in a free boarding school environment, with that type of daycare available, which will allow them to finish their I.B., inclusive education in the safest and most empowered manner possible.

New York must be sued by the A.C.L.U. to fully support the civil rights of each teenaged mother, regardless of their decision to have/abort/adopt their child.

In the event of any adoption, the state must provide at least fifty possible, approved, GLBT, minority-inclusive, feminist, adoptive families, each restricted to a safe, financially sponsoring (up to only $10k, for medical expenses), permanent, immediately binding, open adoption agreement, irrevocable by the biological mother or her guardians, including postnatal.

The rights of the adoptive, GLBT families must supersede the rights of the teenaged mother, once she decides to give her future baby up for adoption to a loving, truly inclusive, feminist  family, not to the most wealthy "bidders," to be sexually molested and trafficked repeatedly.

After each adoption, the biological mother should have two hours per month, until the child is 18 years of age, to visit her adopted child, with supervision by a licensed social worker. This is healthier for all parties involved, including the baby.

The state must provide the adequate WIC, EBT, open/transparent adoption agencies, daycare, and boarding school environment for the teenaged, pregnant, molested victims. The teenaged mother also has the right to free, feminist, medical support services, including a legal, non-back alley abortion, without parental (possible child molester) consent.

To prevent teenaged pregnancies, HIV, Hepatitis C, free, latex condom machines, along with clean, new crack needles makes sense. Some of our crack babies have a chance at not being born with HIV, and/or Hepatitis C.

This genocidal crisis would have been prevented if feminist law enforcement was actually funded, and able to perform legitimate, monthly, drug testing on every juvenile delinquent, and/or poly-addicted, statutory rapist in high and junior high schools.

Updated: List Of Artists For Electronica DJ's In Colorado Springs: For Both Colorado Mosques, Focus On Family Fundraiser

Thievery Corporation
Marilyn Manson
Brazilian Girls
Nouvelle Vague
Six Inch Nails, Trent Reznor
Lady Gaga
Daft Punk
Benny Benasi
Sean Paul
Sean Kingston
Nicky Minaj

This can be combined with the Denver ballet dancers, modeling Australian gothic dancewear for a fashion show, with young, twenties-aged, Pakistani-Australian fashion designers. There, in Colorado Springs, we'll also need local Muslim law enforcement to pass out the Dancesafe kits, prenatal vitamins, pregnancy test kits, anti-human trafficking information, and latex condoms. Please include the Rap For Rent, Rap For Rides auditions with Pakistani-American youths.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

To Feminist, Minority F.B.I., N.C.I.S., & D.E.A. S.O.D.:

Rapists, Linda Duong Whitmore, John Ian Whitmore, Nathan Hemingway of Northglenn, Evergreen, Colorado and all their people will need to be brought in, for criminally stalking me and harassing me again. All their terrorist circle are with everyone I've previously reported, including Arvada ISIL, Costa Rican, Ontario, Canadian Neo-Nazi, heroin drug cartels, Corean Yakuza, Italian Mafias in CT, Maine, D.C. Metro, Oregon, one percenters/Warlocks, Hell's Angels, Russian Mafias and Colorado MS-13.

A.C.L.U. Interfaith Symposium In Colorado Springs

Colorado labor unions and GLBT-inclusive, veteran, Democrats should host an interfaith symposium, with weekly, bilingual, Mexican Spanish, American English professional/ management job fairs in Colorado Springs, with the A.C.L.U. and N.A.A.C.P. We need to investigate that region of Colorado again for harboring ISIL, AQIM, outlaw motorcycle gangs, KKK, Nazi, skinhead militias and eradicate more predominantly Caucasian, domestic terrorist, Hutaree threats.

We'll need 15,000 U.S. Special Forces, who are Colombian-American, first-generation immigrants from poor, in D.C. Metro. Let's have them re-investigate and re-interprete Ex Parte Quirin in the most fiscally-sound manner possible, without spending 1.25 million U.S.D. on federal trials, appeals processes per one single death penalty case.

They'll also understand what needs to be discreetly done, in order to avoid causing a wide-spread panic, which will only negatively affect U.S. consumer confidence and the fragile, small, I.T. businesses which should be 90% feminist, minority-owned, managed and staffed within Denver and Colorado Springs Metro regions. The latest round of end-of-fiscal-year, corporate layoffs has caused many Hispanic-American women and children to become homeless, hungry and battered repeatedly.

Pres. Obama To Congress: Approve Lethal Force Against ISIL

I don't approve an administration that allows Russian and Chinese military planes, ships and submarines to frequently threaten our commercial aircrafts, ships, both here in the U.S. and overseas.

What about Turkey's role in ISIL also? How many would be sent who are bilingual, feminist Turkish-American soldiers? There needs to be 15,000 sent to Turkey, who are high-ranking, 50/50 U.S. Army & Marine officers only.

If we only had 20% civilians, or non-veterans within the U.S. federal law enforcement community, that would solve most of our ISIL domestic terrorism threats which are now going to cost 100 billion U.S.D. in an overseas war, not to mention 50 million dead, American soldiers in the long run (for a ten year war).

Our military isn't trained for this newer, more brutal enemy, which has a sophisticated network throughout Australia. Again, Australian SASR-trained jihadists are part of the ISIL threat in the Middle East.

The President can't use air strikes and drones only against these ISIL jihadists who have overtaken the hospitals, transport systems, farms, factories and universities throughout the entire Middle East and here in the U.S.

Reducing the L1 professional visas from the U.S.' I.T. industry (15% total L1 professional, I.T. industry, feminist, minority, bilingual, drug-tested every month by blood, not urine) would also reduce our corporate espionage threats.

I support our U.S. corporate offshoring processes, but only if it empowers the Indian, Filipina, disenfranchised, minority mothers in the finance sector, and communications technology industry.

Pot Pie Recipe Ideas:

I love the idea of a braided, self-rising pot pie, biscuit crusts made with feta cheese, rosemary, and a Greek olive tapanade. The clam chowder inside could have fresh bay scallops, fresh mussels with roes, and minced sundried tomatoes added to it.

Atlantic City Casino: MLK, Jr. Menu Lawsuit

I hope the Borgata changes its menu into a classic Italian one, with organic, Californian wines, champagnes. The organic pasta and breads should be made from scratch daily.

***Hopefully, the entire management and supplier staff will be 75% African-American and feminist there.***

Pakistani Children Much More Worthy Of American Citizenship Than Colorado's Nazis/KKK

Pakistan, is a place of villages, farmers, filled with children, of all ages, belonging to the same world community as the U.S. To be Pakistani is to be from a fertile, mountainous country with rice paddies, much like South Vietnam. They have brave Montagnards there who also are worthy opponents for ISIL.

I know the same crescent moon, stars they gaze up to, in the sky, is the same one I dreamed under in Virginia, as a small child from a humble village, almost exactly like the ones in Pakistan's poorest, flood-prone, farming villages. 100% of Americans should be so humble, as these past/current/hopefully future refugees.

Of the powerful, numerous, swastika-worshippers I have personally met, I would rather have served with the poorest, Muslim refugees from Pakistan, in the U.S. military, than those ones, who claimed a love of Christ, or some "narco cult," but only the "Aryan" version, which doesn't feel right if you envisioned Rev. Jesse Jackson's kind face as the one Christ would resemble.

Poor Muslim farmers' faces in Pakistan always makes me remember a love for the entire African continent, which is also Muslim, therefore a buffer from the harsh realities of the terrifying, Caucasian, Aryan hate criminals I've unfortunately known, especially right here in ISIL-ridden Colorado.

I don't understand where Christ fits into their hateful "religion," so I've categorized those brutal, yet somehow posh, powerful, well-connected, "proper" hate criminals under "drug cartels and/or ISIL." Since I'm from Virginia, I feel smug in excluding them as Virginians, yet again. Why I'd be devastated by any Virginian in them, I can't even explain to anyone. I can only sleep well at night after excluding all those KKK/666/Nazi people from the great state of Virginia, mentally.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Yes, To Yes We Code Iniative

I fully advocate CCNP, PMP, MCSE and Red Hat certications, within an Associate of Science degree program, for this iniative. Hopefully they receive 1 billion U.S.D. to make this vision into a reality for the underprivileged children.

To Ms. & Lillith Feminist, Magazine Executives:

Do Popes have any credibility to advocate for molested preteens who are forced, by their churches, to carry children, from the time they're twelve years of age, Ms. and Lillith, feminist, magazine executives?  The responsibility of rapist husbands, who forcibly impregnate their wives eight times, with the Holy See's blessings, has to also be pointed out.

To Minority, N.R.A. Members At Homeland Security : Michael Moore Targeting GLBT Servicemembers Within U.S. Military

The controversial remarks here seem taken out of context, since Michael Moore was hopefully referring to illegal snipers, or non-military/non-veteran psychopaths who go on shooting rampages at schools/movie theaters/churches. I also highly doubt the movie, "American Sniper," endorses black market weapons running. There are, admittedly, actual jihadists, and drug cartels with U.S. Special Forces insiders, training, and access to U.S. military bases.

I believe in Michael Moore's humanitarian perspective, but his civil rights are, and continue to be protected by the impoverished, minorities within our U.S. military. Some are also GLBT, battered, pregnant, and/or breastfeeding, minority mothers, and shouldn't be demonized by Caucasian, heterosexual, wealthy filmmakers, such as himself.

Michael Moore professes to protect women's rights, by taking away their rights to be promoted within legitimate, U.S. law enforcement, and military. I don't think the military or Michael Moore's liberals are allowed to abuse their powers. The constitutional right for Inuit-American women to bear arms, also allows them to safely go fishing in Alaska, where bears pose a legitimate risk. That's part of their Alaskan, Inuit, Native American, indigenous culture, salmon fishing.

***Many Caucasian, male, heterosexuals/metrosexuals are serial gang rapists, who disguise themselves as "feminist liberals," in order to prey upon and profit from oppressed, minority, GLBT, enlisted, military servicewomen and their children. Michael Moore, unfortunately, fits that same criminal profile. What next, hire more of his Princeton University, Caucasian, liberal, non-veteran types to rape more disabled, battered, female, minority, Christian homeschooling, Persian Gulf War veterans at the Denver VA Medical Center?***