Friday, January 9, 2015

To All U.S. Special Forces, British SAS, & Australian SASR: U.S. Navy SEALS Targeted By The Boston Globe

After reading this op-ed, I strongly support the Navy SEAL Foundation bringing a one billion U.S.D. class-action lawsuit against all of the media that directly endangered national security, recruited, harbored, employed, subcontracted, and funded ISIL terrorism against the U.S. Special Forces, and all of their loved ones. Please include the Boston Globe in the class-action lawsuit because there shouldn't be any "expeditionary impulses" against the U.S. Navy SEAL communities.

Also, the Bostonian, pervasive culture of advocating radical, anti-Semitism, therefore, anti-American ideology (including at Northwestern University's) directly contributed to the Boston Marathon Bombing. The media that participate in paying/protecting/advocating for any radical, Islamic terrorist informers, without appropriate management by Homeland Security will need to all be brought to U.S. military tribunals, with death penalties. There is a constitutional right to freedom of the press, however, the U.S. media have no authorization to replace Homeland Security or support underground jihadists.

***Who exactly is this "Cohen" op-ed journalist, and is he conected to the Lakewood, Colorado Cohen & Womack medical clinic that raped me? Don't trust any coffee from Jesse Cohen, or his medical doctors and Virginia Tech people, D.E.A. S.O.D.***

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