Friday, December 26, 2014

To Amnesty International, & ACLU: Federal Grant Request For State Prisons Needed

I think it would be a positive idea to train the state prisoners in managing and working at a reusable, eco-friendly, organic, unbleached, cotton sherpa, nappy program, for half of the state's minimum wages.

Another possibility is a sewing factory, to create the infant nappies, in order to save on the landfill. Some of the paroled prisoners could be also enrolled in that, or a recycling plant operation for half the minimum wages, free housing (barracks, open bay), with free, GED literacy programs also.

The challenge for them is illiteracy, coupled with violent criminals who "own" them, as mafia "property." That's why they end up back to selling their bodies, using drugs, and then get repeatedly molested. There's a vicious cycle of prison gang-raping and human trafficking them, male and female, that's causing our society to become more violent.

Many have "Hood Disease," similar to the children in Oakland, California's inner cities, putting them at hugh risk of being repeatedly trafficked, molested, and even murdered for their potentially HIV-infected organs on the black market. The ones who have that require feminist, minority, GLBT-inclusive, psychiatric care with CAC, addictions experts.

They become a suicide risk in and after leaving prison, homeless, illiterate and repeatedly molested. If anyone could please write up the federal grants for their GED literacy, and bi-weekly, three hours-long, group counseling sessions with a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, whose also a LCSW, for a year, after leaving prison, this will benefit the general public.

***So they don't get lost in the crowd, the group should be ten prisoners, and/or parolees to one psychologist, whose GLBT-inclusive, feminist, minority and from poor themselves. This program would require an organic CSA farm, dairy, and ranch that's half halal, and half kosher assigned to it also. ***

***This may help prevent their male, and female drug cartel pimps/recruiters from kidnapping and human trafficking our disabled veterans who are physically small (male, and female) also.***

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