Thursday, April 24, 2014

355 GSM Organic Cotton Sherpa Fabric (Reusable Baby Nappies)

355 GSM Organic Cotton Sherpa fabric is also good for making the absorbant layer for reusable, all-in-one nappies. Combine at least three layers together with the Eco-PUL waterproofing fabric. Or have it in separate layers for easier laundering.

Good quantity to have as a complete set:
***Include a 1/2 inch seam allowance on both sides, on top of adding an extra inch to the nappy's width and rise. So, below, one inch extra in the width or rise would actually equal two inches total, with the seam allowances.***

48 quantity of newborn-sized, equivalent to Huggies newborn, with umbilical cord area cut out, use one as a sewing guide, but add 1 inch to width to account for extra layer of cotton sherpa terry. ***Add 1 inch extra to the rise of the nappies. Add an extra inch in the rise, for each size up too.***

48 qty of size 1, equivalent to Huggies version, but add an extra 2 inches of width all around, to account for reusable nappies being thicker

48 qty of size 2, equivalent to Huggies, but add 3 inches to width

48 qty of size 3, equivalent to Huggies, but add 4 inches to width

48 qty of size 4, equivalent to Huggies, but add 5 inches to width

48 qty of size 5, equivalent to Huggies, but add 6 inches to width

48 qty of size 6, equivalent to Huggies, but add
7 inches to width

Total of 336 qty of reusable, all-in-one baby nappies. Babies can go through 14 diaper changes per day.  Usually 14 nappies are being soaked with enzyme cleaner every night.

For laundering 24 reusable nappies:

Use the orange gallon of cat urine enzyme cleaner from PetsMart to soak 24 baby nappies for 24 hours: 4 cups of the enzyme cleaner,  with 2 cups of All Free and Clear liquid detergent, plus 5 gallons of hot water.  Keep a lid on it, to control odors.

Then, drain nappies (by handwringing it) to wash it in a large washing machine, on the warm water setting, with 1 scoop of oxiclean powder, plus 2 more cups of All Free and Clear, unscented liquid detergent. Always do a second rinse cycle of just plain water, with 2 cups white vinegar for all baby nappies and clothes. PUL nappie fabric will deteriorate faster if you use vinegar on it, unfortunately.  If you have the all-in-one types, just skip the vinegar part.

Use Bounce Free and Clear, unscented dryer sheets, 1 dryer sheet per 24 nappies, 55 minutes long on permanent press, medium heat setting.  Make sure nappies are completely dry, no dampness at the end of the dryer cycle. This will help to prevent dermatitis/sensitive skin rashes, along with bacterial and fungal infection diaper rashes.

Always apply 40% zinc oxide in entire nappie region, including the baby's groin folds and thighs to cover entire shorts area, at least 3x/day, especially at every bed time. The rest of the day, you can just use unscented corn starch powder or regular strength Desitin at nappie changing time. If you can't find unscented corn starch, just use the food-grade type.

All of the items listed above need to be donated to all churches, synagogues, temples and mosques. They all run daycares, preschools and public school break camps for impoverished children of all ages. Babies always have to be included for family values and literacy purposes too. Also, many poor latchkey and inner city school children get most of their nutritional needs met at those places when school is on break.

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