Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri:


I hope that "McKnight" witness is not related to that Caucasian, hate criminal family from Northern Virginia by the same last name. This is the same area that rapist, Caucasian, David Morillo and his network of crack beer distibutors are from also. The Caucasian police officer seized some of their marijuana but he's going to need counseling for going against those Kevin Carters and David Morillos there.

They'll probably rape him repeatedly, like they did to me. They better get all those Denver Federal Center, Rolla, Missouri terrorists and rapists who are running around in Missouri. Those Caucasian terrorists who preyed upon me are all ISIL. I wouldn't trust any McKnight witness here. Are they rapists' fans, e.g. Morillo and Carter fans, these witnesses and the victim's people?

***Did the F.B.I. get checked for GHB, TTX, Atropine, Datura/Scopolamine along with every police officer and state trooper there? Are they wearing chemical gloves at least? Everyone needs to be wearing that at least. Don't accept or consume any Filipino eggrolls, or lumpia there. The U.S. Navy has taught me that Corean (in San Diego, Oahu, Hawaii) and Filipino foods (Pearl Harbor, Oahu, on nuclear bases) could be dangerous. They often smile and act so charming, but don't eat that, unless it's checked by K-9.***

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