Thursday, November 13, 2014

To All My Jamaican-American Mamas: I Have A Dream...

I have a dream today that my son will live in a world with more Jamaican-American Mamas, like the ones who were his second Mamas, in Hartford, CT area. That morally decayed state of Missouri needs to have the Jamaican-American Mamas in charge of their law enforcement's internal affairs and court systems. Also, every Jamaican-American, breastfeeding Mama in the Hartford, CT metropolitan area must know that my only son is joining the Navy.

That way everyone will be safer from those swastika-tattooed, hate criminals within the Navy. Colorado's Naval Processing Centers/MEPS must be investigated for any criminals in a position of trust right now, by my son's Jamaican-American, second Mamas. Please bring in any racketeering, poly-addicted, abusive criminals in a position of trust from the Navy, especially MEPS in Colorado. Compare them to an innocent, impoverished, breastfeeding, Jamaican-American Mama. Look up my Litmus Test blog postings. If they're male, compare them to Reverend Jesse Jackson.

All medical, psychological, kitchen, food, waitstaff, hotel & security staff must be aggressively drug-tested and criminal background checked, if they're going to be near any recruits at the MEPS in Colorado. If they're not allowed near Jamaican-American, La Leche League Mamas, they need to be taken to a military tribunal away from the innocent children of "Little Jamaica."

Find out what happened to all their deceased/ill family members, former wives, or mistresses, if they're divorced. Do they have criminal histories, physical symptoms consistent with drug and/or alcohol addictions? What is their citizenship status? Do they come from a Vietnam War POW family, or the opposite? Have they ever espoused terrorist, Viet Cong, Communist, radical/extremist ideology? Are there any who would abuse a South Vietnamese Army Colonel family, or any U.S. Army Rangers' families? Do they exhibit any symptoms consistent with dirty bomb making/nuclear radiation exposure?

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