Remember to let everyone know that my son will be flying into California for Thanksgiving vacation. Let everyone know that my U.S. Navy, Mexican-American, Radioman ex-boyfriend from California, will be finding out if anything unfortunate occurs to my son. My son is also Mexican-American, and his entire Mexican-American community from the D.C. Metro, where I grew up, will know everyone involved, in the event there's anymore broken airplane brakes, or terrorists near him.
That adrenaline-junky, commercial, airplane pilot for my Denver to Fiji (layover to Sydney) trip better be found and investigated for flying too aggressively, and too close to the poor Fijians at the school, near the Fiji Airport. He will not be flying my son ever, hopefully. Those corrupt, racist, sexist, racketeering, hate criminals in U.S. law enforcement that supported keeping, and abusing African-American children in the inner cities will need to be known and brought to justice.
Nobody should be armed, in a position of a trust, if they pose a threat to the innocent minority, disabled, elderly, poor, women and children. Please turn everyone who shouldn't be in that position of trust over to the A.C.L.U., N.A.A.C.P.-approved law enforcement. Every community should have at least ten individuals that meet their approval, per one hundred, impoverished minorities.
The ones who participated in having Mexican-American children oppressed, and abused in the barrios are going to need to be turned in by everyone also. Anyone who works at the Californian WIC, Food Stamps, Social Security Disability, Housing (low-income) offices shouldn't be participating in any hate crimes against my Mexican-American and African-American communities there. Please turn over the abusive social workers, learning disability and English as a Second Language teachers to the A.C.L.U. also.
Thank you,
Uyen Hoai Diem Duong
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