Friday, May 9, 2014

Donated OJ, frozen, from concentrate

The donated frozen OJ, from concentrate needs to be mixed with water, according to the directions. Add organic stevia powder or mix a 50/50 ratio of OJ and organic carrot juice to it also, to encourage the older children to drink it.

You can also add organic, peeled, pureed bananas, plus a probiotic-rich, non-fat yogurt to it, in a blender, to make it healthier. If you have children under age 12 months, use the full-fat, pasteurized, organic, sugar-free, high fructose corn syrup-free yogurt, mixed with their infant formula powder/breast milk.

Under 1 year of age, but after 6 months, when they start eating usually means they need that organic, pasteurized dairy fat to help their central nervous system development, along with possibly protecting them from asthma.

***They should be kept on their pediatrician-recommended infant formula doses or breast milk after six months to one year of age though. Some toddlers switch to a toddler formula after 12 months.***

Serve the OJ with blueberry amaranth flour, heart-shaped pancakes, drizzled with a stevia syrup (sugar-free) or a batch of homemade oats, sprouted quinoa seeds and pumpkin seeds, with organic peanut butter granola.  Replace the honey for the granola with a stevia or agave syrup.

The reduced-fat, organic, creamy peanut butter that's sugar-free, high fructose corn syrup-free is better also. For blueberry pancakes, you can use dried, organic blueberries or frozen ones. The kinds in cans are usually high in sugars, but are still good for making egg whites-only blueberry bread loaves, if donated to the soup kitchens and shelters.

Use a sprouted quinoa seed flour for that, to lower the glycemic load. Also, adding a generous amount of organic chia seeds to the blueberry bread loaves will add omega fatty acids for healthy brain development for both pregnant teenaged mothers and their unborn babies.

Hopefully, there can be a fundraiser to get prenatal vitamins formulated for pregnant preteens in the community from the sale of organic, protein-rich (sprouted quinoa seed) bread loaves at the Catholic Churches.  Gather all the bilingual nuns, over age 60, who are fluent in Spanish, to ask if this could happen.

They (the bilingual nuns) will need to help the local law enforcement investigate why and who molested the preteens also. Some of the preteens are challenged, illiterate and/or poor with no family to help them. They should have a safe shelter, because leaving them with their family will most likely end in more violence for them. The preteens will be targeted even more (including in court) for telling on their abusers.

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