1. The Top Secret custodian almost always seemed hung over at work. Everybody on the watch floor was wary about him also.
2. David M., from N65, showed up clearly inebriated, on duty, to fix my LPO's computer once. He smelled quite strongly of alcohol, the drinking type, not rubbing alcohol.
3. Chloe B. didn't want to go in on duty, even though the watch floor needed her. Instead, I had to do the trouble call, even though I was the MDC Supervisor. This made us all concerned on the watch floor, because of the time constraints in processing emergencies for the nuclear submarines.
4. The male, Filipino-American Petty Officer (Broadcast) would show up drunk, smelling strongly of alcohol, to harass and criminally stalk me, after I reported Peacock to N6.
5. I reported Caucasian, female, Trinia, who had racist problems working with fellow coworkers who were African-American. Her boyfriend, another Caucasian, Jeff, a sonar tech, had racist problems with Mexican-Americans.
6. Amber, who died at a young age, told me in person that she had gotten in trouble with my Ensign from N65, because she had a birth control-related, medical appointment. He didn't allow her to go to her appointment. She had a very angry boyfriend at the time, who criminally stalked and abused me also.
Her legal husband (not her boyfriend) had a male, romantic partner, who may need to be found and investigated. He (her husband) was the beneficiary of her SGLI/life insurance. Her son was to be cared for without any of the SGLI life insurance money, by his maternal grandmother, Amber's mother, a network engineer in I.T.
Before her premature death: Amber was ordered to be SIQ, sick in quarters/at home, due to pneumonia, by the command's medical clinic. One week prior to that diagnosis (pneumonia), she was extremely pale, stressed/upset regarding her Swedish nanny, and had a whooping-sounding cough also. It sounded like a barking seal cough from the Broadcast (area). I could clearly hear it all the way in MDC.
Chloe, her off-base roommate, found her in the morning, after she passed away while on the phone with her mother. The watchfloor merely informed us that her death was just from asthma. Our sexually abusive LPO, who fraternized with Chloe, used to go to Amber's place all the time. Amber's son, Mark, is one month older than my own son. He's seventeen years old, and his mother's a hero. He probably doesn't remember her because he was only a baby when she died from suspicious circumstances.
Please pass this onto N.C.I.S., D.E.A. S.O.D., F.B.I., C.I.A., A.C.L.U., N.A.A.C.P., Ms. and Lillith feminist magazine executives.
Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado,
Former U.S. Navy, RM3,
Admiral's Radioman,
MDC Supervisor,
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