Monday, October 13, 2014

Another Note To The F.B.I., N.C.I.S., D.E.A., and N.A.A.C.P.

In the female side of my co-ed boot camp, which was predominantly African-American, there was mention that many of their Navy recruiters had "sex" with them. I believe that this goes beyond fraternization, and that those recruiters will need to be investigated for sexual abuse, while in a position of trust. Also, I believe that they are hate criminals, who may have repeatedly, sexually assaulted female, minorities, while in a position of trust.

Please pass this onto N.C.I.S., F.B.I., D.E.A., and N.A.A.C.P. Those recruiters may also be connected to having me raped at the Denver V.A. Medical Center.

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy, RM3

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