Monday, October 13, 2014

To The D.E.A.: Duplicated Prescription For Controlled Narcotics/Pain Pills


In Evergreen, Colorado, at the now-closed Albertson's, I reported duplicated, controlled narcotics "errors." The pharmacy duplicated Nathan H.'s pain pill prescription, after he had his wisdom teeth removed at a Comfort Dental clinic. I told them via phone that I had already picked it up, but they kept calling, with two more bottles of controlled narcotics, "ready for pick up." His prescription was for one bottle, not three. I called back each time to let them know those "errors."

Please pass this onto the D.E.A., F.B.I. and N.C.I.S. That pharmacy staff needs to be investigated, because they may also be connected to having me raped at the Denver V.A. Medical Center.

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy, RM3

Informational Link Regarding Healthcare Professionals With Addictions:

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