Please petition the Colorado governor and Denver mayor for this at the next Democratic Party meeting. My hope is to have this approved by July 4th, 2014.
-Ubuntu or Gentoo Freeware Operating Systems (Unix-based O.S. that's free, and easy to install)
-Typing software licences (equivalent to Mavis Beacon's), 1,000 commercial, bulk software licenses
-1,000 MACINTOSH CPU's to assist the Denver Public Libraries with the lack of technology education for the poor, illiterate, and/or new immigrant, minorities demographic.
($700 approximately per computer x 1,000 quantity of cpu's = $700,000 total)
-Teach the poor (WIC recipients, elderly) to type 35 words per minutes within 12 months
-Teach them how to fully utilize the public transportation system because they've been denied employment, auto loans, and low-income housing
-Help them aquire a full-time, non-janitorial, non-intern, clerical support position with comprehensive medical, vision and dental benefits for them and their dependants
-50 bilingual, feminist, minority public librarians' salaries ($40,000 per year, plus comprehensive benefits package)
($40,000 x 50 = $2,000,000 or two million dollars total, excluding benefits package)
-$2,500 per year raises for those 50 public librarians to fulfill the technology literacy objectives needed within the city of Denver
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