If each widow and orphan family of Killed-in-Action, Missing-in-Action veteran made:
$9/hour x 40 hours/week = $360/week
Multiplied by 52.14 weeks per year =
$18,770.40/year, gross/pre-tax
They could budget for:
25% state and federal income taxes =
(total from their pre-tax/gross annual salary minus 25% taxes)
Monthly expenses:
$400/month for groceries
$350/month for automobile payment
$75/month for gas/diesel (automotive fuel)
$200/month for utilities (gas, electric, trash, water, sewage, internet bills)
$100/month for automotive insurance
$50/month for clothing, shoes, laundering costs
$100/month for healthcare insurance premiums, doctors' office co-pays, and prescription medication costs
Multiplied by 12 months/year:
Annual gross, or pre-tax salary minus 25% taxes and annual living expenses:
$18,077.80 (net annual salary) minus $15,300 (annual living expenses) = $2,777.80/year remaining (for affording 1/2 acre of land with federal government assistance)
If a half-acre can be purchased for $5,000 (at $10,000/one acre rate), with a 30-year, 0% interest rate, fixed loan, it would cost $5,000 for 1/2 acre divided by 30 years (loan term) and then divided by 12 months/year:
$14 would be the monthly payment for the 1/2 acre land loan
$14/month x 12 months = $168/year total amount for annual half-acre land loan costs
Since they'd have $2,777.80/year, net salary after taxes and annual living expenses, they could definitely afford the $168/year for the annual half-acre land loan costs.
They could qualify with the state governments, to pay back the lowered, renegotiated price on the land. Also, they could build equity, not live in crowded, subpar, economically-depressed, high-crime, inner city, and/or low-income housing project conditions.
They'd have access to a much better public school education, plus a more competitive job market for themselves and their young children. It would be a much better financial investment for them, their children, the states and federal government. We should be compassionate to our KIA, MIA widows and orphans. They deserve much more than a reconditioned trailer on a half-acre lot of land, but at the very least, we should try to secure this for them.
We need to employ the poor widows of fallen/KIA, enlisted soldiers, so they can make more than $9/hour. We need them to receive full tuition and school fees scholarships. Also, we should try to get them full-time internships that pay $9/hour or more, with a guaranteed 40 hours per week in a safer neighborhood.
We could teach them how to type 35 wpm, if they received university scholarships, within a year too. It would be possible for this to happen, if we were compassionate. That would get the widows and orphans more employment opportunities for liveable wages. It's also against federal laws to continually oppress and discriminate against them. We'll need the Democratic Party to investigate the possibility of a class-action lawsuit on their behalf, against the state governments.
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