While living at the Copper Canyon apartment complex, in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, I emailed the property firm regarding:
1. Gangs & drug paraphernalia on the property
2. Tularemia-infectious risks to the African-American children
3. Dumpsters overflowing
4. Bugs & rodents with hantavirus risks
I also sent another email to my Caucasian, abusive, criminally stalking attorneys at the Littleton, Colorado, Jolein Harro law firm regarding those violations. My property was then vandalized repeatedly, including my car and my neighbor's front door being shot at, my car's serpentine, or S-belt being destroyed on purpose, breaking and entering, the exterior light post destroyed right next to my apartment. I was then raped at the Denver V.A. Medical Center. These may also need to be re-investigated.
***There are gangs, drug dealers who come into that Copper Canyon property from the nearby Traditions apartment complex. They include: large groups of Caucasian, Hispanic-American and African-American male thugs who are armed and dangerous. They are potentially harboring militias, serial rapists, serial arsonists, serial murderers, bioterrorists, organ harvesting drug cartels, Al-Qa'ida and ISIL/ISIS terrorists ***
***Please pass this onto: D.E.A. S.O.D., F.B.I., N.C.I.S., C.I.A., and A.C.L.U.***
***Remember to also (re-)investigate the abusive, criminally stalking, atheist, Caucasian, male, P.R.E., name initials: K.A., Ph.D. in Psychology, at the Colorado Family Center, Littleton, Colorado. He may also have had me sexually assaulted at the Denver V.A. Medical Center. There were also many criminally stalking, abusive, harassing, drug-addicted patients at that medical center, and at Panorama Orthopedics medical clinic, where the V.A. approved my physical therapy.***
Their M.D./D.O., medical healthcare providers are also going to require extensive D.E.A. S.O.D. investigation for poly-addiction, medical malpractice and abuse in a position of trust. The Denver V.A. Medical Center emergency room physician and nurse tried to administer to me a morphine drip. I refused their addictive treatment plan. I was held against my will at the second protective shelter the Denver V.A. Medical Center sent me to, and abused by my physicians, counselors, their staff and their drug-addicted patients.***
Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy, RM3
Admiral's Radioman,
MDC Supervisor,
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