Thursday, August 21, 2014

Note To Juri/Dr. Cunningham: If Anything Else Happens To Tristan

It's because his teacher told his battered, pregnant Mum personally that four other students tried to steal his lunch. What disciplinary measures are being taken to prevent this and address the bullies from the first day at school though?

Why did the school cafeteria then decide to feed him only four chicken nuggets at high altitude also?  The amount should be at least a dozen at this altitude for full-day Kindergarten, don't you think, Juri/Dr. Cunningham?

Also, Juri, with over thirty students in his class, shouldn't the administrators assign two full-time, inclusive, feminist classroom assistants? Can you take care of this, Juri/Dr. Cunningham?

The school principal had Tristan's battered, pregnant Mum wait over thirty minutes and then refused to see her about Tristan being physically assaulted on their school grounds, denied his lunch by his own teacher and psychologically abused. This is at the Eiber elementary school in Lakewood.

W. Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy, Admiral's Radioman

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