Monday, August 25, 2014

To FBI, NCIS, & ACLU: Harassment By A Caucasian Sheriff's Deputy This Morning

While on my way to pick up my over-the-counter seasonal allergy medications at Highlands Ranch Walmart, I was again (for the 10th time in the last three months) tailgated by someone in a police-like vehicle, for driving "too slowly."

He was armed, extremely rude, Caucasian, and claimed to be Jeffco Sheriff's Deputy J.A. Guilford, 2078, Patrol Division. I have been stopped repeatedly by other extremely rude, Caucasian, Thornton Police Department officers near Pacific Ocean Marketplace also.

This morning, it happened on C-470, Eastbound, about ten miles from the Jeffco Courthouse, where I was recently, violently rear-ended at a red light, by a group of angry, Caucasian teenaged boys. I reported it to Geico, my auto insurance company. This happened before my car was accidentally damaged in my apartment parking lot.

Once, after experiencing physical assault, sexual harassment, criminal stalking, breaking and entering while using my Navy College Fund, at Red Rocks Community College (in Psychology II, Intro to Programming and English Composition II), I was stopped by a Caucasian" police officer" in Conifer. One stepped out and had my former COMSUBPAC Lieutenant's name, Lt. Ramsey with a fake, gold naval anchor pinned onto his uniform's left collar.

Beyond my U.S. naval service, my Dad (former South Vietnamese Army Colonel) and now-deceased (S. Viet, military "district attorney") Uncle were both POW'S after the fall of Saigon, for helping the U.S. military and U.S intelligence during the Vietnam War. I am a former mayor's grand-daughter in South Vietnam. In the U.S. Navy, I had a Top Secret clearance also, at a global, nuclear submarine command.

Thank you,
W. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S.Navy, Admiral's Radioman/MDC Supervisor, RM3
From COMSUBPAC, N6 & N65
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

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