Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Flu Vaccinations: How Preventing A Global Flu Pandemic Starts With Yourself

There's the preservative-free flu shot that covers four strains of the influenza virus at Target pharmacies. I definitely recommend everyone who isn't allergic/sensitive to it, get either that one or the flu mist.

It's approximately $35 at Target pharmacies, out-of-pocket/without health insurance. It'll protect the frail, elderly, and very young infants, if most people get a flu vaccination. At high altitude, the flu can more easily cause secondary infections.

***If you know of anyone who needs the flu vaccination, but can't afford it for themselves, or their families, please consider getting them a pre-paid Visa or MasterCard gift card so they can get their flu shots/flu mist. That gift will help protect the entire community from another deadly flu epidemic, or even a deadly (global) pandemic.***

If you can't get the flu vaccination due to health conditions, allergies, or sensitivities, and get sick with the flu, ask your board-certified, family physician, M.D., about whether you can get one of the following antiviral medications:





Those antiviral medications could help (70% to 90% effectivenes) within 48 hours of getting the flu virus.

***Please consider organizing or assisting with charity fundraisers, or class-action, discrimination lawsuits to provide flu vaccinations, feminist healthcare coverage and antiviral medications to the local impoverished grandmothers/Nanas, the blind, the challenged, the paralyzed, and the malnourished, pregnant, homeless, repeatedly molested, illiterate preteens.***

Prevention Tips:

1.  Get vaccinated, if possible.

2.  Wash your hands frequently with antibacterial hand soap and water. Lather 2 TBL of antibacterial hand soap, making sure to cover your fingernails, including the undersides, with it. Rinse well, and use 2 TBL of alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel afterwards. Rub it into your hands until it dries completely. This last step may take a full minute. After going to the restroom/toilet, and before eating or drinking, always wash your hands.

3.  Carry antibacterial wet wipes, and antibacterial hand sanitizer gel, in your vehicle, and in your purse.

4.  Wear a clean, disposable, medical face mask if you're sick with the flu, or pneumonia, in public, at work, or traveling, especially on public transportation, and airports. Try to avoid spreading the flu or pneumonia, by not flying, going into work, or school, or traveling via public transportation, when sick. Change your mask with another clean, disposable, medical face mask every two hours also.

5.  Stay hydrated and eat enough vitamin C-rich, immunity-boosting fruits, e.g. organic clementines, mandarines, tangerines or oranges. Please consider donating those fruits to the impoverished, especially the local immigrants, challenged, elderly, pregnant, teenaged Moms and their children.

6. Wipe off frequently touched items (e.g. light switches, door knobs, steering wheels, remote controls, keyboards, laptop/computer mice/touch pads) daily with electronic wipes or antibacterial Clorox wipes, whichever is most appropriate.

7. Lysol spray soft items, e.g. bedding, stuffed animals, or shoes.

8.  Teach children to cover their mouths and noses with a tissue, if sneezing or coughing.

9.  Teach children how to open public restroom doors with their elbows, not their hands, after washing up.

10.  Get stainless steel, foot pedal-activated trash bins.

A Note To The F.B.I., N.C.I.S., D.E.A., & A.C.L.U.: 30 September 2014

The Caucasian, female, heavy drinker who was my replacement (as an office manager) at the Denver Federal Center criminally stalked me at my RRCC programming (I.T.) class.

Also, one of the Caucasian, female students, a teaching assistant from my programming class, touched my chest, in front of other people, outside of the programming class, without my permission.

Please make sure to question those RRCC professors and classmates who participated in criminally stalking and abusing me. Jonathan (a Caucasian man) from English Composition II criminally stalked me, broke into my house, along with other classmates from RRCC. He also dealt drugs with other (Caucasians) classmates.

My boss (Caucasian, male, Italian-American, from New York), and other Caucasian, male coworkers, at the Denver Federal Center sexually harassed me (multiple times) in front of other people, in the office also.

This may be connected to the Caucasian, Italian-American, Evergreen, Colorado, M.D.,"country doctor" who sexually assaulted me along with the Caucasian, female, Princeton University graduate, M.D., Denver VA Medical Center doctor who also sexually assaulted me.

I was psychologically abused by some Caucasian people at the Evergreen Poetry group that I attended in Evergreen, Colorado also. This may all be connected to the Denver VA Medical Center sexual assault by my own doctor, the Caucasian, female, Princeton University graduate, an M.D.

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Former U.S. Navy,
Admiral's Radioman, RM3
MDC Supervisor
Division N6 & N65

Domestic Violence Informational Link:


Monday, September 29, 2014

Updated, 29 Sept. 2014, Another Note To F.B.I., D.E.A., N.C.I.S., A.C.L.U., N.A.A.C.P., Ms. & Lillith Magazine Executives

I just learned that my impoverished, minority, disabled, repeatedly abused friends who are my next-door neighbors have again been re-victimized in the workplace (Blackhawk casino) and at their local elementary school.

Little, tiny, disabled, five-year old Tristan was moved to a classroom with troubled, violent school bullies. He is a disabled child, on the school county's individualized educational plan (I.E.P.), and already has been physically and psychologically abused by his own former school teacher at that same Eiber elementary school, starting the first day of Kindergarten.

The school cafeteria worker(s) only gave him four chicken nuggets after multiple peers physically assaulted him, with the fence as a weapon. They used the school fence as a weapon, so that's aggravated assault with a weapon (the fence), on public school grounds.

The male Vice Principal is actually responsible for moving him to a classroom with troubled, violent bullies, also. This is illegal, to promote and escalate further violence, as a way to discredit tiny, disabled, minority Tristan, whose already traumatized by these abusive school officials and violent peers. This is a classic example of social deviance, violence, disablism, classism, ageism, sexism, and racism.

Another little, tiny, Hispanic-American boy was also kicked in his private area at this school recently. This was reported to the school by Tristan's disabled, repeatedly abused, pregnant Mom. The poor, victimized, Hispanic-American boy can only communicate in Spanish, and doesn't know how to speak in English. That's physical, sexual, and psychological abuse of a very small child, whose also challenged, on public school grounds.

Please pass this onto the bilingual, Hispanic-American, infant rape specialists at the F.B.I. I feel they will be more experienced at recognizing the type of criminals (including those in a position of trust), who are repeatedly preying upon tiny, disabled, minority, abused children, like Tristan, and the abused, impoverished Hispanic-American, English-language learning, little boy.

Please also pass this onto Dr. Hirschman, one of the F.D.A. department heads, Dr. Jack Cunningham, Dr. Athir Morad from Johns Hopkins, Todd, Sean, Brian and Greg Beliles (Chase Bank President, Westpoint, U.S. Army Ranger Captain).

Todd, you need to tell your brothers that there needs to be another class-action lawsuit on behalf of all disabled, minority students and their families against the Jefferson County School District, Colorado. All these poor victims and their families will also need to be signed up for the Victims' Assistance Fund.

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy,
Admiral's Radioman, RM3
MDC Supervisor

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Denver Federal Center: A Note To N.C.I.S., F.B.I., D.E.A., N.A.A.C.P., & A.C.L.U.:

While working at the Denver Federal Center, around 9/11/01, there was actually a Caucasian, meth-faced, student intern female who locked me into the paper shredder room, and ran away giggling. I wonder why they allow so many Caucasian sexual harassers, Caucasian drug and alcohol abusers to work there?

Please re-investigate the child porn-collecting pedophile, stolen, classified maps, early layoffs,  Department of Interior bribes, and stolen government vehicles from the Denver Federal Center during the year of September 11, 2001.

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy, RM3,
Admiral's Radioman,
MDC Supervisor

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Reviews On Treatments For Damaged Spinal Cord Discs, Sprains & Calcifications In Shoulder Joint

For damaged/bulging/compressed/slipped spinal cord discs, calcification: indicative of physical trauma in my right shoulder joint, and sprains, I found that the following treatments were helpful:

1.  Lidocaine injections which numb the areas affected, by prescription, administered by a physician.

2.  The prescription drug, Gabapentin, which has to be titrated/gradually dosed to the level that's best for the individual patient. It's a non-addictive, anti-epileptic medication, but can be effective for long-term, spinal cord disc pain.

3.  Physical therapy is quite effective, but can also be more painful. I used Aleve, over-the-counter, right before my physical therapy sessions, and that did help also.

4.  Meditation, with breathing exercises from Pema Chodron's books were also excellent for staying positive and relieving stress.

5. Antidepressants can sometimes help with damaged/bulging/compressed/slipped spinal cord disc pain, calcification: indicative of physical trauma in my right shoulder joint and sprains.

6. I found out that it can be permanently painful: the broken glass pain between my left rib bones, both sprained knees, my sprained right ankle, the concussion: short- and long-term effects, my whiplashed neck, the damaged, bulging, compressed and slipped discs in my spinal cord, my eye's tear duct, my sprained wrists, fingers, and my right hip joint too. Even now, sometimes I need to elevate, rest and ice the stiff, swelling or painful areas if I do too much, physically. Artificial tears eye drops also helps me too.

7. Epsom salt baths and heat wraps have been useful for the sprained joint stiffness and pain also.

8. Therapeutic massage by a physical therapist who specializes in whiplash and slipped spinal cord discs was also beneficial.

9. Resting is very important, especially post-concussion.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Affordable Care Act Link:


Updated: HIPAA/Health Information Privacy Link:


I put a security tracer on my VA records and this is the federal law a pediatrician (who has been accused of killing a Christian baby at Christmas) violated, Juri/Dr. Jack Cunningham.

Please pass this onto the A.C.L.U., F.B.I., N.C.I.S., and D.E.A.

I've also updated my message, or post about the road rage incident in Northglenn also.

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Former U.S. Navy,
Admiral's Radioman, RM3
MDC Supervisor

The Privacy Act & Criminal Penalties Link:


The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Link:


Fair Housing Act & Executive Orders Link


Nature.com: Zmapp Serum Scientific Study On Animals Infected With Ebola


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Updated Documentation of Northglenn, Colorado, Road Rage: 9/25/2014

At 3:40 p.m., on 25 September 2014, a silver-colored, Plymouth, subcompact sedan, with a black painted stripe down the middle of the car was road raging.

Two young, Hispanic men were in the car, shouting and cursing at me. This happened two blocks from York Street on 104th Avenue, in Northglenn, Colorado.

The car's Colorado white and green license plate was:

The car was also followed closely by a black pick-up truck and both vehicles turned left into the Fox Run neighborhood.

I was picking up winter comforters, a winter boots gift card, and food from Pacific Ocean Market for a poor, battered, pregnant, Mexican-American and African-American family at the time. This happened close to The Center For People With Disabilities. I've been harassed multiple times by armed, Caucasian men dressed as Thornton Police Officers in police vehicles in this same area. I'm a female, minority, disabled veteran also.

Please pass this onto the A.C.L.U., F.B.I., N.C.I.S., and D.E.A. Please make sure to give this to the ones who specialize in protecting female, minority, disabled veterans also.

They should know I was abused by the Caucasian police officer turned social worker at the protective shelter I was living at, when I got sexually assaulted at the Denver V.A. Medical Center too.

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy,
Admiral's Radioman, RM3
MDC Supervisor

CNN article about twenty MS-13 drug cartel indictments in Denver:


Untested Rape Kits Correlated With Arson, Murder & Sexual Violence Rate Spikes


Personal Note To Todd, Sean, Brian, and Greg Beliles, Former Army Ranger Captain From West Point:

Don't you think that U.S. Army Ranger families need those untested rape kits processed to protect everyone, as the troops deploy? What if there were a rapist amidst the troops also?

Aurora Police Department, Colorado: Threatening Victims For Reporting Police Corruption


This is the same police department that has been known to destroy evidence pertaining to sexual assaults also.

Denver Police Department, Brutality & Excessive Force History


Thornton Police Department, Colorado


Only A Five Month Jail Sentence For This Violent U.S. Air Force Fighter Pilot Rapist


Lillith and Ms. magazine executives will probably need to review the military court that handed this five month jail sentence to a violent, U.S. Air Force fighter pilot, whose a convicted rapist.

Colorado Springs Police Rape Kits Untested (Almost 20% Untested Rape Kits), A Denver Channel Link

Colorado Springs Police Rape Kits Untested (Almost 20% Untested Rape Kits), A Denver Channel Link


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9 News: Colorado Universities Mishandled Sex Assault & Harassment Cases, Federal Laws Violated


African-American Victim, Alex Landau, Denver Police Brutality


Ferguson, Missouri police brutality against another African-American victim is also included in the link.

Colorado Independent Site: Video Of Denver Deputy Lovingier Assaulting Waller


5280 Magazine Site On Denver Police Brutality, A Link:


John Heaney Beaten By Denver Police Department, A Youtube Link:


While bicycling to see his dying, elderly Mom, John Heaney was brutally beaten by Denver Police Department officers on camera, with several witnesses.

Denver Mafia Informational Link:


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

About Michigan's Caucasian, Fundamentalist, Christian Hutaree Militia: Police Officer Murder & Radical Ron Paul Connections

About Michigan's Caucasian, Fundamentalist, Christian Hutaree Militia: A Police Officer Murder & Radical Ron Paul Connections

Hutaree Also Has Alliances With Other Militias:


British Veteran of Royal Air Force & Former Charity Head For Impoverished Disabled Libyans Executed By ISIL/ISIS

British Veteran of Royal Air Force & Former Charity Head For Impoverished, Disabled Libyans Executed By ISIL/ISIS:


David Haines was a British military hero and brave aid worker who delivered pediatric wheelchairs to little, starving, disabled toddlers in oppressive countries. To behead him is akin to callously beheading starving, legless toddlers. These ISIL terrorists are truly more brutal than al-Qaeda.

ISIS' Jihadist Plots Against Aussies: Al-Adnani's Messiah Complex Chillingly Similar To Bin Laden's

ISIS' Jihadist Plots Against Aussies:
Al-Adnani's Messiah Complex Chillingly Similar To Usama bin Laden's:


Al-Adnani's slick, deliberate use of the phrase "muwahhidin," instead of "jihadist warriors/mujahidin" is a propagandic way for him to glamorize terrorism and enlist support from the more numerous, more moderate, fundamentalists who are Sunni monotheistic followers of "Tawhid." Here's a link to the differences between the two phrases, "mujahidin" and "muwahidin."


Understanding ISIS, al-Qa'ida/al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, al-Shabaab

John Kelsay's page-turning book, "Arguing the Just War in Islam" offers insight into the history, ideology, motivations (extremist shari'a reasoning) and traditions of radical Islamic terrorist groups.

Vocabulary Phrases/Terms (a continuing list):

Ka'ba: a house of prayer for all Arabs

Umma: a community of faith

Year of the Elephant:




al-'ulama: the literocracy, e.g. the Muslim clerics, literally, "the learned"

ahkam al-jihad: judgments for the use of armed force or terrorist plots

U.S. Navy Bootcamp Preparation Checklist:

Your recruiter has many resources to prepare you for bootcamp. Here are some more items before bootcamp, but only attempt to do these after first checking with your M.D. family physician:

1. Memorize your rules of sentry or watch guard list.

2. Learn how to do a side stroke, and swim half a mile, non-stop.

3. Learn how to do a proper push up. 150 push ups per day that are done with proper form will be beneficial for bootcamp. Youtube has free instructions on how to do a Navy Seal push up with proper form.

4. Sit ups: 400/day, on a roman chair at the sharpest incline, without stopping.

5. Learn how to do 8-count body builders.

6. Run: 7 miles, non-stop, including hilly & rocky terrain/uphill, 5x/week, in heavy, backpacking boots.

7. Learn how to quickly dissamble, clean, and reassemble a rifle with professional supervision. Also, target practice with a small gun, at a reputable range, with professional supervision.

8. Learn how to safely carry, march and run with a rifle and weighted sea bag.

9. Learn First Aid, CPR and Defibrillator for certification, e.g. American Heart Association.

10. Firefighting:
Learn how to safely and properly put out electrical, chemical, grease and carbon-based fires.

11. Learn the different classes of U.S. naval ships.

12. Obstacle Course:

Agility: Running through tires

Strength: Pull-ups, rope/rock climbing (with professional supervision), weights (with a professional trainer)

13. Learn how to fold, iron clothes, make a bed, military-style.

14. Get your hair professionally cut ahead of time to pass military inspection. If your hair is dyed/colored, ask your recruiter what colors are acceptable for bootcamp.

15. Keep your canteen clean to avoid bacterial infections. Use antibacterial dish soap and hydrogen peroxide to disinfect your canteen daily.

16. Feet: Disinfect, powder and apply antifungal foot ointment everyday. Tend to blisters 4x/day to prevent staph and MRSA. Use 50/50 Neosporin and an antifungal foot ointment everyday on your feet. Change socks and underwear 3x/day, to keep dry/prevent fungal infections.

17. See a professional nutritionist, dentist and your M.D. first to address health concerns/issues.

Monday, September 22, 2014

A Note To F.B.I. & D.E.A.:

That Caucasian, German-American, Sufi Muslim counselor from Mile Hi Church in Lakewood, Colorado is not allowed to criminally stalk, abuse, or try to sexually molest me. I'm a Persian Gulf War disabled veteran. Please take her away for questioning about her Russian drug cartel and crystal meth people.

Thank you,
W.C. Hemingway

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ebola Virus Information:

The virus can be successfully controlled by:

1. Establishing a controlled, no access or quarantine perimeter around outbreak zones for three months, to safely account for the 21-day incubation, or window period of the virus.

2. Wearing non-porous/impermeable gloves, full gowns, with plastic masks/helmets while caring for patients infected with Ebola.

3. High heat, and chlorine bleach can kill the Ebola virus, which can live for days, in liquid,  outside of a human or fruit bat host. It can be transmitted through washing human corpses (burial ritual in Africa), coming into contact with sheets or garments infected by the virus from a patient or deceased patient.

4. Lack of running, safe drinking water, sanitation, sanitary hospitals and violence towards health worker (civil unrest, fueled by drug cartels), especially in Ghana, increases the under-reported infection rate.

5. Those exposed to the virus are still allowed to fly throughout West Africa, which will complicate the W.H.O./World Health Organization's attempts to control the highly infectious disease outbreaks.

6. Unfortunately, there's the likelihood of the virus mutating, and of biological warfare/terrorism. The Zaire subset/strain is the most fatal, and will most likely be used against our troops in biological warfare. ISIS terrorists are probably setting up their own stockpiles to share with their many allies.

7. There are not enough West African hydration kits, protective hospital health workers' gear, or literacy to stem the epidemic. 75% of those infected are female, usually health workers/caregivers to the patients.

8. It's estimated that 277,000 human fatalities will occur from the current Ebola outbreaks.

9. There's no vaccination, or readily available treatment for Ebola.

10. There's Kentucky BioProcessing and Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. that have a possible treatment drug called Zmapp serum with a two person success rate so far. Their supplies have run out completely and it takes approximately three months to produce more (extraction period that involves specific tobacco plant proteins). They may not have enough FDA-approved clinical research or funding to produce more also.

ZMapp Serum Informational Links:



Personal thoughts:

I wonder if Colorado can work on synthesizing the specific tobacco plant proteins and bioengineering a faster growing version of the specific tobacco plant for the ZMapp serum?

The government should seize the precious indoor and outdoor farmland illegally used for bioengineering cocaine leaves in Hawaii and Florida.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lakewood Police Department, Colorado & Hate Criminals At Mile High Vineyard Church


I met the Lakewood Police Agent/Officer, "D.J." Braley at Mile High Vineyard's small group prayer meeting. There, the meetings were led by Focus On The Family individuals. I previously read in the news that Colorado's  Lakewood Police Department had to be reviewed for mishandling child sexual assault cases also.

The culture was extremely neo-conservative. There were gay-bashing comments, all were Caucasians, and a recommended book was "The Submissive Wife."

At the church functions, there were people who enjoyed ganging up against me, mostly poly-addicts, all Caucasians, who participated in verbally and psychologically abusing me.

Please pass this onto the feminist, minority, D.C. Metro FBI, NCIS and DEA. The ones who specialize in hate crimes against disabled veterans who are females and minorities would be best.

Thank you,
W.C. Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy, COMSUBPAC N6, N65
Admiral's Radioman, RM3

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Skinheads, KKK in Spotsylvania & Northern Virginia

A brief tour of Virginia:

If you want to see skinheads, they're all over Northern Virginia. However, in Spotsylvania, VA, you can see KKK meeting signs on utility poles. In the newspapers, they include KKK meeting fliers too.

At the area surrounding Mary Washington College, there should be a Halloween tour given at all the movie theater and public community gathering places. There, you can have the opportunity to meet large groups of extremely violent Caucasians who harass and threaten small, female children who are minorities too.

At the bus stops in Northern VA, including the Seven Corners area, you can meet cab drivers who like to try to entice children to their homes.

Don't forget to tour the local elementary school, Graham Road Elementary, in Falls Church, VA. However, be ready to dodge around used crack needles, used condoms and plastic, drug baggies on the ground.

Be cautious of the drug cartel kidnappers, multi-racial gang wars in that area, and Caucasian men who like to flash their genitals at elementary school-aged children on and around school grounds.

There, I have met Caucasian, male children who repeatedly physically assault and sexually molest ESL, small, female, minority children on the school playground, daily, at recess. Also, there were and still probably always will be Caucasian school officials who think that's just fine.

Every year, in this state, Colorado, and in every ghetto, barrio and internment camp, it's been like surviving the" Hunger Games." I feel no need to protect this violent, Caucasian "Capital" that I have personally experienced everywhere. In order to make it in the U.S. Navy, you have to make it past so many Caucasians. Join the Coast Guard, because it's probably going to be better than the U.S. Navy.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

5,000 QTY New Police Helicopters Urgently Needed For Denver Police Department

Dear Dr. Hirschman, Juri, Anoup, Athir Morad & Ramsey Hussein from D.C. Metro,

As I read my favorite book, "General H. Norman Schwatzkopf, The Autobiography, It Doesn't Take A Hero," I realized that it will require some federal funding here in Colorado.

I think we definitely need the Pentagon to coordinate, design and donate 5,000 quantity police helicopters for the Denver Police Department's riot control and anti-gang war task forces. They all need to automatically de-ice en-route/mid-air/in-flight because of the high altitude weather & altitude changes.

I believe they all need to be brand new, armored, camouflage, heat/thermal-sensing, infrared/night vision-capable with search lights. Also, they'll all need to be able to shoot SMART/guided tranquilizer darts that can quickly paralyze a gang war crowd/riot of up to 100 people for 12 hours.

Also, all these helicopters need to sense for dirty/radioactive bombs, biological and chemical weapons. On-board, please make sure there are adequate protective devices and outfits.

Dr. Athir Morad & Johns Hopkins Medical School may be able to design and manufacture this for free, if Juri or Anoup are unavailable too. Please make sure the Colorado governor receives this by Christmas, Athir & Juri.

W.C. Duong Hemingway

A Note to the FBI: The Opposite of Rev. Jesse Jackson & Mister Rogers

The opposite of Rev. Jesse Jackson & Mister Rogers would be...

1. Those meth-faced, half-naked, Caucasian, large, young men in front of the Lakewood, CO, Wadsworth/Colfax Ave, Walmart entrance at night. They're no Rev. Jesse Jackson.  I saw them as I went to get mini-cupcakes for a poor, battered, pregnant neighbor/friend. At the McDonald's parking lot nearby, I heard loud shouting and a woman screaming for her life. K-9 police arrived, but I think some criminals were able to evade them. Check any exterior security camera footage again. More exterior security cameras should be installed there. Also, more female, minority, armed, private security guards should be there too.

2. That scary, Caucasian, 6 foot tall, 200 pound, 30 year old man that works at the auto body shop near Home Depot, Lakewood, CO, Colfax Ave. He likes to ban non-Caucasians from that area in broad daylight with his large, Caucasian, male, thug friends. I had an unpleasant encounter with them, right before Mother's Day this year. They also are no Rev. Jesse Jackson.

3. That Caucasian, male, rapist, "country doctor" and the Caucasian, female, Princeton graduate, rapist doctor who both sexually assaulted me. One worked at the Denver VA Medical Center too. Those ones are also the opposite of Rev. Jesse Jackson.

4. The opposite of Rev. Jesse Jackson are also those abusive counselors, including a Caucasian, Sufi Muslim, a Caucasian, Shaker and a Caucasian psychologist who told me she has an "alien spirit guide."

5. That abusive, Caucasian, PRE from Colorado Family Center in Littleton, CO and that abusive, Caucasian, CFI, attorney from Harris Law Firm in Denver are the opposite of Rev. Jesse Jackson.

*** Please pass this onto the FBI agents who specialize in hate crimes against disabled veterans, and minorities. ***

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Former U.S. Navy, COMSUBPAC
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, N6
Admiral's Radioman, RM3

Monday, September 8, 2014

Recommended Alba Botanica Facial Products

Hawaiian Facial Mask, Pore-fecting Papaya Enzyme
(Apply to face and neck. Leave on for five minutes, every third day.)

Hawaiian Oil Free Moisturizer
(Use twice a day on face and neck after cleansing.)

At-Home Alpha Beta Medium Skin Peel (For Oily, Acne-Prone Skin)



Their Alpha Beta Medium Peel Kit has:

20% salicylic acid (leave on face for 1 minute)

50% glycolic acid (leave on face for 1 minute, after washing off the salicylic acid)

***Use their Neutralizing Solution also.

***Test a small patch on your arm before using it on your face. Wait a few days to see if you have an adverse reaction to it.

***Use a zinc oxide sunblock, and wear a wide-brimmed UPF 50 hat for two weeks afterwards.

***Neutrogena's Pure & Free Baby SPF 60+
(both the lotion and stick/bar forms) are excellent for post-peel, sensitive skin. Also, it doesn't cause eye irritation.

***Kinerase's lotion is very sensitive skin-friendly for oily skin, at high altitude/drier air/traveling via planes also.

For Sensitive, Dry/Mature Skin:

Try Kinerase's Lactic Acid at-home peel kit, and moisturizing cream. Or use pure, organic jojoba or emu oil-based face cream at night.

For natural acne supplements:

1.  Silymarin/milk thistle extract, standardized, enteric-coated pills (clears liver of toxins, not to be used if on prescription drugs, contraceptive pills)

2.  Burdock root, standardized, enteric-coated pills, teas (detoxifies liver also, not for use with prescription drugs, contraceptive pills)

3.  Calcarea Sulphurica by Boron (homeopathic pills)

4.  Sulphur by Boron (homeopathic pills)

5.  Garlicin pills, enteric-coated

***Switching to organic dairy, eggs and meats also helps, as it doesn't contain growth hormones.

Top SAT Preparation Centers/Classes, Denver Metro, Colorado


Recommended SAT Preparation Books, Flashcards For High School Seniors

1.  The Princeton Review's "SAT Premium Edition 2015"
(8 practice tests)

2.  The Princeton Review's Essential SAT Vocabulary, 500 flashcards

3.  The Princeton Review's "Word Smart, 5th Edition"

4.  The Princeton Review's "More Word Smart"

5.  Fiske "Word Power"

6.  Kaplan's SAT Flashcards, Fourth Edition

7.  Strunk & White's "Elements of Style"
(for writing concise essays)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Modern Militia: Anti-Semitic Ron Paul Stickers, Corporate Espionage Hackers


I also know abusive, rapist, child molesting, drug dealing, drug addicts who fit this profile and have Top Secret clearance "friends." They are violent abusers, criminal stalkers of COMSUBPAC N6 radiomen, the disabled, Vietnam Veteran POW's daughters, associated with crack-addicted Black Panthers from New York, and D.C. Metro.

They have U.S. military, U.S. federal government, Al-Quaeda Mauritius, Al-Quaeda British, Chinese, French, Russian, radical Islamists, and Italian drug cartel connections. Some still reside in Northglenn, Colorado also. It's unfortunate, but they have AK-47 gun running, multi-state drug dealing, Jamaican, Costa Rican, Ontario, Canada heroin drug cartel friends also.

Russian Corruption & Genocide in Ukraine


FSB, not just the Russian drug cartels are backing Ukrainian genocide.

Abusive Therapists, Doctors & Social Workers Are Bound To Revictimize These Victims Also:


Predominantly Caucasian Maine Federal Court: Sex Offender Filed Defamation Lawsuit Protecting His Molestation & Human Trafficking of Disabled Haitian Boys


Jamaican, Puerto Rican, Mexican & Haitian Drug Cartels & Militias, A COHA.ORG Summary:


Therapy Dogs For Veterans


Russian Mafia & Italian Mafia Alliance (Also Not ShockingTo Me)


I have also known abusive people who have fit this profile for both Russian and Italian Mafia.

The Russian Mafia in the Philippines (Not Shocking At All)

Youtube's "The Russian Mafia: A World History"  posted by mmiBooks from the History Channel is definitely worth watching.

I actually have known people who are violent, abusive, alcoholic, drug dealing rapists, and criminal stalkers that fit the Russian Mafia profile. They're former U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and somehow held Top Secret clearances too. What a corrupt world we live in and it seems like it's continually decaying.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Guardian's Article On Walmart & Costco's Enslavement & Abuse Of Innocent Thai Boys, Men


Apparently it's the vogue at Wal-Mart and Costco to deliberately kidnap, assault, torture, drug, and enslave large numbers of innocent, little Thai boys and men.

A Personal Note To A Certain Thai-American From Richmond, Virginia MEPS:

Please go see a certain sexist, racist, Caucasian, Male, "Good Ole Boy"-loving general manager who worked at Evergreen, CO's Walmart.

Please recommend this article to him. His sexist, racist, Caucasian, armed, male security guard abused me there. Then, his Caucasian staff stalked and harassed me.

Also, don't forget to recommend this article to a certain extremely racist, sexist, Caucasian Safeway cashier at Evergreen, CO who needed to inform another racist, sexist Caucasian, male hunter next to me about "those Hmongs."

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Yang Jwing-Ming's Books For Meditation

I absolutely love and highly recommend this book, written by Yang Jwing-Ming.


Relaxing to Focus, Using Both Meditation & Deep Belly Breathing


Count backwards from 100 to zero, while deeply inhaling through the nose and mouth. After exhaling, count backwards.

-Vary this exercise by counting backwards, at each exhalation, by two's or five's or ten's.

*Make sure to focus on your belly, expanding fully with each inhalation through both your nose and mouth.*


Tap on your dominant hand's fingertip, and trace initials into your dominant thumbpad for what you are thinking or feeling. Recognize, accept, and express your thoughts and feelings.

Then, resolve to look at a favorite, loving-kindness, or compassionate quote. One of my favorite quotes is on my keychain:

"Love mercifully. Act justly. Walk humbly."


Meditate while stretching your entire body, and assign a favorite yoga pose (e.g. tree pose) for calming/centering your mind.

-Imagine each temporary feeling or thought as a small ripple in the center of a large, calm, koi pond.

-Accept, realize and express to yourself that each thought and feeling are simply a small, and temporary state.

-Visualize that as the ripple goes away, the bright, orange koi fish become clearer to your mind.

-Count the number of orange koi, of varying sizes, at different depths and directions.

-Try to clearly imagine and count at least ten bright, orange koi fish.


When worried, do a simple check with yourself:

-Ask yourself, have you addressed mind, body and spirit matters related to that person, team/department or situation?

-Did you also address those matters in a controlled, thorough & focused manner?

-Did you also follow up with those situations, teams, departments or individuals? Set up a daily to-do list, e.g. "Top Ten" daily and weekly priorities list, in order to prevent worry from growing.


Ask yourself, how would Stephen Covey realistically manage this situation?