Monday, September 29, 2014

Updated, 29 Sept. 2014, Another Note To F.B.I., D.E.A., N.C.I.S., A.C.L.U., N.A.A.C.P., Ms. & Lillith Magazine Executives

I just learned that my impoverished, minority, disabled, repeatedly abused friends who are my next-door neighbors have again been re-victimized in the workplace (Blackhawk casino) and at their local elementary school.

Little, tiny, disabled, five-year old Tristan was moved to a classroom with troubled, violent school bullies. He is a disabled child, on the school county's individualized educational plan (I.E.P.), and already has been physically and psychologically abused by his own former school teacher at that same Eiber elementary school, starting the first day of Kindergarten.

The school cafeteria worker(s) only gave him four chicken nuggets after multiple peers physically assaulted him, with the fence as a weapon. They used the school fence as a weapon, so that's aggravated assault with a weapon (the fence), on public school grounds.

The male Vice Principal is actually responsible for moving him to a classroom with troubled, violent bullies, also. This is illegal, to promote and escalate further violence, as a way to discredit tiny, disabled, minority Tristan, whose already traumatized by these abusive school officials and violent peers. This is a classic example of social deviance, violence, disablism, classism, ageism, sexism, and racism.

Another little, tiny, Hispanic-American boy was also kicked in his private area at this school recently. This was reported to the school by Tristan's disabled, repeatedly abused, pregnant Mom. The poor, victimized, Hispanic-American boy can only communicate in Spanish, and doesn't know how to speak in English. That's physical, sexual, and psychological abuse of a very small child, whose also challenged, on public school grounds.

Please pass this onto the bilingual, Hispanic-American, infant rape specialists at the F.B.I. I feel they will be more experienced at recognizing the type of criminals (including those in a position of trust), who are repeatedly preying upon tiny, disabled, minority, abused children, like Tristan, and the abused, impoverished Hispanic-American, English-language learning, little boy.

Please also pass this onto Dr. Hirschman, one of the F.D.A. department heads, Dr. Jack Cunningham, Dr. Athir Morad from Johns Hopkins, Todd, Sean, Brian and Greg Beliles (Chase Bank President, Westpoint, U.S. Army Ranger Captain).

Todd, you need to tell your brothers that there needs to be another class-action lawsuit on behalf of all disabled, minority students and their families against the Jefferson County School District, Colorado. All these poor victims and their families will also need to be signed up for the Victims' Assistance Fund.

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy,
Admiral's Radioman, RM3
MDC Supervisor

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