Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ebola Virus Information:

The virus can be successfully controlled by:

1. Establishing a controlled, no access or quarantine perimeter around outbreak zones for three months, to safely account for the 21-day incubation, or window period of the virus.

2. Wearing non-porous/impermeable gloves, full gowns, with plastic masks/helmets while caring for patients infected with Ebola.

3. High heat, and chlorine bleach can kill the Ebola virus, which can live for days, in liquid,  outside of a human or fruit bat host. It can be transmitted through washing human corpses (burial ritual in Africa), coming into contact with sheets or garments infected by the virus from a patient or deceased patient.

4. Lack of running, safe drinking water, sanitation, sanitary hospitals and violence towards health worker (civil unrest, fueled by drug cartels), especially in Ghana, increases the under-reported infection rate.

5. Those exposed to the virus are still allowed to fly throughout West Africa, which will complicate the W.H.O./World Health Organization's attempts to control the highly infectious disease outbreaks.

6. Unfortunately, there's the likelihood of the virus mutating, and of biological warfare/terrorism. The Zaire subset/strain is the most fatal, and will most likely be used against our troops in biological warfare. ISIS terrorists are probably setting up their own stockpiles to share with their many allies.

7. There are not enough West African hydration kits, protective hospital health workers' gear, or literacy to stem the epidemic. 75% of those infected are female, usually health workers/caregivers to the patients.

8. It's estimated that 277,000 human fatalities will occur from the current Ebola outbreaks.

9. There's no vaccination, or readily available treatment for Ebola.

10. There's Kentucky BioProcessing and Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. that have a possible treatment drug called Zmapp serum with a two person success rate so far. Their supplies have run out completely and it takes approximately three months to produce more (extraction period that involves specific tobacco plant proteins). They may not have enough FDA-approved clinical research or funding to produce more also.

ZMapp Serum Informational Links:

Personal thoughts:

I wonder if Colorado can work on synthesizing the specific tobacco plant proteins and bioengineering a faster growing version of the specific tobacco plant for the ZMapp serum?

The government should seize the precious indoor and outdoor farmland illegally used for bioengineering cocaine leaves in Hawaii and Florida.

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