Thursday, September 25, 2014

Updated Documentation of Northglenn, Colorado, Road Rage: 9/25/2014

At 3:40 p.m., on 25 September 2014, a silver-colored, Plymouth, subcompact sedan, with a black painted stripe down the middle of the car was road raging.

Two young, Hispanic men were in the car, shouting and cursing at me. This happened two blocks from York Street on 104th Avenue, in Northglenn, Colorado.

The car's Colorado white and green license plate was:

The car was also followed closely by a black pick-up truck and both vehicles turned left into the Fox Run neighborhood.

I was picking up winter comforters, a winter boots gift card, and food from Pacific Ocean Market for a poor, battered, pregnant, Mexican-American and African-American family at the time. This happened close to The Center For People With Disabilities. I've been harassed multiple times by armed, Caucasian men dressed as Thornton Police Officers in police vehicles in this same area. I'm a female, minority, disabled veteran also.

Please pass this onto the A.C.L.U., F.B.I., N.C.I.S., and D.E.A. Please make sure to give this to the ones who specialize in protecting female, minority, disabled veterans also.

They should know I was abused by the Caucasian police officer turned social worker at the protective shelter I was living at, when I got sexually assaulted at the Denver V.A. Medical Center too.

Thank you,
W.C. Duong Hemingway
Lakewood, Colorado
Former U.S. Navy,
Admiral's Radioman, RM3
MDC Supervisor

CNN article about twenty MS-13 drug cartel indictments in Denver:

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