Thursday, November 20, 2014

Diary Entry On Skinny Cow Ice Cream vs. Cinnabon vs. No Dessert:

The problem with maintaining healthy weight seems to be (for me), elastic waistbands, because it feels so comfortable, I can easily pack on ten pounds, without noticing, and an ignorance regarding portion control (or more importantly, calories).

There are surgical procedures for medically obese people to band their stomachs, and I know people who have lost a lot of weight that route. It had a lot of medical risks, and permanent side effects for them though. Olestra potato chips (which I never tried, fortunately) were definitely not the route either. Vitamin Cottages' whole-grain crackers, air-popped popcorn, dehydrated veggies and berries were a better way of snacking.

For myself, I always know I have to try every single year, since 1996, to put myself onto a weighing scale, post-Thanksgiving. I have a definite sweet tooth. Iced Boston Cream Pies, tuxedo cakes, chocolate chip cookies, Cinnabon, and all pies need to be made with stevia. This has contributed to an annual pattern of trying to eat healthier every single holiday season, some years better than most years.

Thankfully, I haven't had high blood sugar, but as an Asian-American, I know I better try to use stevia, and try to avoid high-fructose corn syrup, when making as much of my food/beverage choices. No one can possibly live on those raw veggie/crudite platters, nor is it healthy. On a budget, I recommend those Lean Cuisine meals, but with some rewards built in, like occasionally having Skinny Cow ice cream bars.

For snacks, a mug of hot, fat-free, chicken broth, organic and reduced-sodium with air-popped popcorn is filling. Also, raw veggies and fat-free raita dip is healthy. Using water, or salsa to cook/bake the inevitable boneless, skinless, chicken breasts helps cut the oil calories from meals. Adding seafood, that's mercury-free is healthy. On a budget, in Colorado, means local, fresh trout, and I love steelhead trout. It looks and tastes like salmon.

If you've decided to diet, and truly need to (your M.D./D.O. doctor recommended it and had a realistic weight range recommendation for you), why not try a reduced-fat/trimmed, buffalo/bison steak and a baked, sweet potato with fat-free sour cream cheese, once a month, instead of filling up on junk food/snacks? If you need to give up red meat, there are good Boca burgers, made from tofu also.

Dieting should be a pleasant experience, a way to care for oneself, to build healthy self-esteem, with definite, regular rewards built in, so it can be maintained throughout one's entire lifetime. If you're on a diet, why not have a fitness goal that's realistic for yourself? Walking up and down steep staircases, for an hour, every other day is free and more effective with ankle weights. Check with your doctor first, in case it could be medically risky.

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