Monday, November 24, 2014

To C.I.A., N.S.A., N.C.I.S., D.E.A. S.O.D., A.C.L.U., Ms., Lillith, Feminist Magazine Executives : Gonzales, Junior Sailor Of The Quarter, COMSUBPAC N1, YEOMAN

Nathan's roommate, Gonzales, an avid fan of WWF wrestling, narcissistic, steroidal bodybuilder, was close/partying with Chloe Brown, Steve Washington, Kevin Carter's many thugs, prostitutes, David Morillo, Kim Tran, Robin Provencher, Kimberly Fairchok, and Patricia Moreno Hernandez. I worry that he was involved in having the Mexican-American Chief's first-born son killed, and his second son sexually molested by Patricia Moreno Hernandez and other drug-dealers on the base.

I interacted with him at N1, on a trouble call that was caused by a virus. It affected MS Word's printing files. People were upset, because Seaman Chloe Brown, his friend from N65, came to "hang out," but didn't fix the problem for them. I removed the virus, then gave Gonzales a preventative solution. He was given an antiviral, boot-up disc to use everyday, as a morning procedure.

Seaman Brown, at that time, was acting physically abusive towards me, actually trying to wrestle something (a hard drive, I believe) out of my hands. I was supposed to find something for Lieutenant Mukanos in the storage room, and she decided to physically assault me there. She frequently partied with Chief Delmonte and LPO, Steve Washington, to include multiple partner orgies.

Chloe Brown and Steve Washington would sexually harass people, including myself, while attempting to recruit people for these orgies. Petty Officer Boehm was Chief Delmonte's sexual partner. He complained of her abusive behavior in the N65 office. RM1 Evans, the new LPO chosen for N65, turned out to be a DUI, convicted drunk-driver, who was a pet for Chief Griffith.

He would go to my N6 chain of command, Section Chiefs, in order to get their assistance in covering up his habits of drunk-driving and "dining and dashing." The latter meant dining at restaurants and leaving without paying the bill at all. He needed "mentoring" to make Chief. "Mentoring" meant getting people to hide his criminal records. After abusing me with Chief Desiree Delmonte, Chief Griffith got promoted to Warrant Officer, with Makalapa Medical Clinic's assistance.

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