Monday, January 19, 2015

To Minority, N.R.A. Members At Homeland Security : Michael Moore Targeting GLBT Servicemembers Within U.S. Military

The controversial remarks here seem taken out of context, since Michael Moore was hopefully referring to illegal snipers, or non-military/non-veteran psychopaths who go on shooting rampages at schools/movie theaters/churches. I also highly doubt the movie, "American Sniper," endorses black market weapons running. There are, admittedly, actual jihadists, and drug cartels with U.S. Special Forces insiders, training, and access to U.S. military bases.

I believe in Michael Moore's humanitarian perspective, but his civil rights are, and continue to be protected by the impoverished, minorities within our U.S. military. Some are also GLBT, battered, pregnant, and/or breastfeeding, minority mothers, and shouldn't be demonized by Caucasian, heterosexual, wealthy filmmakers, such as himself.

Michael Moore professes to protect women's rights, by taking away their rights to be promoted within legitimate, U.S. law enforcement, and military. I don't think the military or Michael Moore's liberals are allowed to abuse their powers. The constitutional right for Inuit-American women to bear arms, also allows them to safely go fishing in Alaska, where bears pose a legitimate risk. That's part of their Alaskan, Inuit, Native American, indigenous culture, salmon fishing.

***Many Caucasian, male, heterosexuals/metrosexuals are serial gang rapists, who disguise themselves as "feminist liberals," in order to prey upon and profit from oppressed, minority, GLBT, enlisted, military servicewomen and their children. Michael Moore, unfortunately, fits that same criminal profile. What next, hire more of his Princeton University, Caucasian, liberal, non-veteran types to rape more disabled, battered, female, minority, Christian homeschooling, Persian Gulf War veterans at the Denver VA Medical Center?***

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