Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Updated: To South Vietnamese Army Rangers:

Asian-style, latch-hook book mark kits should be custom-made with Facebook and MySpace profile names. PTAs should create both for every single HeadStart so everyone is aware of the poor, locals' fundraising efforts, to benefit a year-round HeadStart program for the suicidal, impoverished, African-American boys.

The program should include a Cub Scouts' art therapist, approved by N.A.A.C.P. Boys in this demographic desperately need corporate sponsorships from STEM corporations, hospitals, clinics, for safe, inclusive group art therapy, and group counseling.

Please make sure to bring them African-American, positive role models who are local firefighters. They could have a design booth to custom design their wheelchairs, bionic prosthetics, slip-on, velcro, glow-in-the-dark, light-up, Stride Rite shoes, Adidas, Puma kids' clothing and free, challenged-friendly, teaching cellphones.

If the firefighters help them feel included and give them a voice in the community, they'll trust the law enforcement better. They may be afraid that law enforcement want to take their therapy pets away from them (fear of the local animal control, law enforcement).

This is a common symptom of "Hood Disease." They need to get to dress up as their favorite cartoon characters, and ride with the civilian clothed, Animal Control, pregnant, females to get pet food donations for their neighborhood. This will be best, if paired with an arcade trip (e.g. Chuck E. Cheese) for a sugar-free, healthy version of mini, custom pizzas and custom-designed ice cream sundae party. If law enforcement appear as free ice cream, custom milkshakes vans, once per week in ghettos, barrios, this will improve community policing programs.

Every Monday morning, the law enforcement should show up in Chuck E. Cheese cotumes to deliver pizzas at all HeadStart programs. The female, pregnant, poor, African-American, teen mothers are the ones they want to see as law enforcement in the area. Deputize them to go there every week for this purpose. Also, they need autographed memorabilia of all African-American celebrities, athletes, etc.

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