Tuesday, May 5, 2015

To Wounded Warriors, A.C.L.U., N.A.A.C.P., Ms., & Lilith, Feminist Magazines:


I hope this can become a part of Colorado's 4-H projects for bankrupt farmers, to breed bird flu-resistant, ostriches, emus, wild turkeys in domesticated, contained environments. All the bankrupt small farmers will need to be combined together into a large corporation, and reorganized by the Wounded Warriors, to hire more homeless, disabled veterans, who are minorities, and former U.S. Special Forces. The Capitol keeps ignoring the high rate of that homeless category. Just look at how many are missing limbs, freezing to near-death in D.C. Metro alone. To do this, Colorado's Wounded Warriors will need a $50 million dollar grant, from this fund, each year for five years:


***Hopefully, the Wounded Warriors can receive 5 million dollars worth of brand new, Kenworth, commercial tractor trailer trucks for this avian flu prevention program also.***

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