Thursday, November 6, 2014

To F.B.I., N.C.I.S., D.E.A. S.O.D., A.C.L.U., Lillith & Ms. Magazine Executives: Jon & Stephanie Mandani's Children

The school-aged sons were in trouble with the Sandringham, Victoria, Australian school, but the daughter, at three years-old actually chanted, "Kill (my first name)!" to me, in person. Jon M. reserved a sugar cookie just for me once, at his house rental in Sandringham, and I felt roofie symptoms, right afterwards. His kids were there with Nathan H. His two sons handed me the cookie that he held out to me.

Stephanie also mentioned in her kitchen to me, personally, that her father, a Pastor, helped illegal immigrants. Also, that they had done missionary work in South American. Later on, they bought a "fishing boat." They kept chickens in their yard, and Stephanie caught a case of pneumonia, right before the Australian swine flu crisis. Their daughter suffered a broken leg at the next-door neighbor's trampoline, according to Steph. She had a leg cast on, and was potty training still.

Their pet chickens had somehow died, but not from human consumption purposes. There's wild possoms in the area, but I don't know why their two pet chickens (both hens) passed away. They were raised from chicks, inside the house rental, until they reached adolescence. Then, they lived in a backyard coop. Although they (the hens) went into the garage, they weren't allowed there. That made Steph angry at her kids for that.

Also, their boys weren't allowed to sit next to me on their sofa, according to Stephanie. She got angry and yelled at the younger son for that. Bedtime for the kids made Jon angry, and verbally abusive. It seemed as Steph was under thee influence of some drug and/or alcohol. She would act extremely hyper, then race/ride downtown Sandringham, on a toddler's tricycle. I hope Jon's family member that he (Jon) claimed was schizophrenic can be checked for ketamine poisoning. He (Jon) has a medical doctor family member(s).

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