Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What To Do In The Event Of A Plane Hijacking By ISIL:


According to the internet, if your plane is being hijacked, be extremely calm, cooperative and try to avoid political subjects during interrogation. Try to avoid escalating the risk of any weaponry or bombs going off, as the hijackers, however calm they could appear on the surface, are probably extremely agitated terrorists with desperate mindsets.

If radical Islamic terrorists are around you, demanding identification, give them your passport. If asked about your trip purpose, or occupation, be brief, keeping your hands visible to them, and try to make yourself as unimportant as possible. If you're military, then explain how you're just on a trip for sight-seeing, for instance, and try not to let them think it's for any other reasons.

If you're pointed at and instructed to go with them, comply, and try to get them as far from everyone else as possible. Many terrorists enjoy separating the men from the women and children. Then, they torture them with various techniques, e.g. sexually molesting body searches for valuables, including infants. Their preference is to do this in open view of both groups, to terrorize everyone further.

***If you're in need of assistance, try to get it from the crewmembers, instead of the hijackers. It may cause them more agitation and then they'll need to "show you whose in charge here." ***

If they ask about your political beliefs, e.g. how do you feel about Obama? Answer with a reply about how you were so pleased about his Kenyan, Muslim roots. Then, act distractable, and as illiterate as possible. Use small words.

Other questions the hijackers may ask you:

"Try to explain why you joined the U.S. military?"

Reply: I wanted to see more of the world.

If they want more information, let them know how much you admire their "organized state." Be vague, yet positive. Organized states of minds, and the true credibility of any pure Muslims' dedication to prayer, strict observations of the training, involved for being a "freedom fighter" is very impressive to you. You enjoy true discipline, and that runs in your own family tree actually.

They may try to figure out what your percentage of threat level to them is, by comparing your religious beliefs to what they perceive as an "infidel/kafir/heretic/non-believer." The lower you can score on their threat level assessment for any interrogation, the safer and calmer the situation will be for everyone. Religious questions may occur. Be prepared to confide in them regarding the people you know who are truly "infidels."

Bring up celebrities that you feel are traitors to the "pure state of Islam," in case this gets you a bathroom break. Turn them over as the Prophet Mohammed's enemies. Maybe you "know how they could feel." Use their vocabulary as much as possible. Perhaps it's best to act sympathetic to their loss of fighters.

Empathetic body language and matching vocabulary level are worth it. Try to come as close to their radical beliefs in jihad, apocalypse, or end-of-days as possible. They enjoy pretending that what they're doing is to protect the innocent women and children, even though they truly enslave and repeatedly molest them.

Be accepting and positive about their sharia reasoning, radical ideology, or propaganda, in front of them. The longer you can distract them by building rapport, the calmer the hijackers will feel. This will also help the other passengers who are children, or pregnant, the longer you can distract them with agreeable, supportive conversation.

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