Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Micmac's Pictographic Language & Porcupine Quill Art

After seeing a vase made from porcupine quills, I have fallen in love with Micmac (a French-allied, Native American tribe from Northern Maine, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Quebec, Canada) porcupine quill art. They also have their own pictographic language, unrelated to Egyptian hieroglyphics.

I hope that IKEA, Pier One Imports, World Market will hire the impoverished, battered, homeless Micmacs to redesign their end tables, coffee tables, lampshades, vases and other household accessories, with porcupine quills. Ferguson, and Rolla, Missouri would be excellent areas to host Micmac orphans, elderly, impoverished and the battered.

They need a fresh start and academic opportunities to become part of the "literocracy" (educated elite) in Missouri. There is such a wide disparity between the African-American, repeatedly battered, enslaved, illiterate, inner city poor and the posh, neoconservative, Catholic, Caucasian, college-degreed in St. Louis.

It would encourage racial diversity, compassion, cultural literacy and individuality. Let's remember during this flu season, that many Micmacs perished from European diseases which could have been a result of bioterrorism, not just lack of vaccinations. This is a tribe that has been continually oppressed and enslaved by the French and British settlers.

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