Monday, March 23, 2015

South Vietnamese Nihonmachi & Japanese Silk Trade Routes Of Southeast Asia

The South Vietnamese nihonmachi that I love is the lab-created diamond, microprocessor chip (I.T.) industry. Where there are victims and illiterate, challenged slaves of the Fukushima Nuclear Plant meltdown, and cleanup, I hope for a Southeast Asia that will embrace those victims, and make appropriate plans to work with and for them.

The decision-making in South Vietnam must always be in their best interest only, for any Southeast Asian economic pacts with Japan. For pacts with the Chinese, it must be only with the best interests of the injured, Chinese coal miners,' their impoverished widows, extended, elderly family, and all their orphans.

The mindset of South Vietnam is to build alliances, on a level that may seem difficult for Westerners to comprehend. The lack of loyalty and ethics in Western culture continually rapes Southeast Asia, Including Southeast Asian-Americans. It's time for the women of Southeast Asia to distribute Maxine Hong Kingston's book, "Woman Warrior," and the translated song/mp3, "Power," by Snap.

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