Tuesday, March 24, 2015

To Ms. & Lillith Feminist Magazine Executive: Preventing Rape Slavery, Human Trafficking In Future JapaneseCasinos


If half the profits are used to fund comprehensive drug-testing, monthly, on all employers, casino workers and they have a 75% workforce of impoverished, single, battered mothers, each over age 21, I think it would be more acceptable. The issue goes beyond gambling addiction. Human trafficking, child molestation, poly-addictions, and a pervasive culture of violence against all women flourishes in Japan. The Yakuza and meth drug cartels run most of Japan.

The year-round, Head Start, food (WIC, EBT) programs for the poor and their extracurricular activities could be funded from the taxes. There should be a free/sliding, Planned Parenthood clinic on each side of every casino. A feminist police station with the equivalent number of law enforcement to casino employees could be located right behind the casino. They will hopefully make three (one hour) visits to each casino per day, as part of their rounds. Each casino will also need an organic farm, and dairy assigned for the impoverished casino workers.

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