Monday, June 2, 2014

Irish Buttered Eggs: To Prolong Organic, Raw, Heritage Eggs' Freshness

In order to prolong the freshness of organic, heritage, raw, chicken eggs (or quail eggs), use an old, Irish farm method of applying salted butter onto the freshly-laid, more porous-shelled eggs.

Here's a modified recipe for butter-sealing it after you get it with the children, freshly-laid, from the organic, heritage chicken farm.

First, soak and lightly scrub the eggs in a solution of 4 TBL chlorine bleach liquid, unscented, and 4 cups of cold water. It'll need ten minutes to soak before lightly scrubbing.

Scrub any feathers off with a reusable, dishwashing washcloth. Rinse with cold water, and then, gently pat the eggs dry.

Melt 50% salted, organic, pasteurized, goats' butter with 50% organic, food-grade, natural vitamin E oil. Dip the soaked, washed, freshly-laid, raw, organic, heritage eggs into that mixture, completely immersing it. The salted butter will also give the eggs a better flavor. You can store them in the fridge for a longer time this way.

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